I've just come across this new thread of news that was posted up some 11 hours ago over in America: newatlas.com/liver-cell-org...
Discovery of liver cell with stem cell... - British Liver Trust
Discovery of liver cell with stem cell-like properties could eliminate need for organ transplants
Richard, thanks for this! It completely validates the fact that we can and do regenerate new cells from stem cells. The stem cell activating product that my husband has been using for 4 months has just given him an excellent blood result and ultrasound scan. In fact the hepatologist called us with the results and said that the results are so good we don't need to see him for another 6 months. The ultrasound that had been showing "suggestive of cirrhosis" now shows mildly nodular! We are praying that this stem cell activating product is also helping with the varicies in his esophagus. No bleeds since February. We won't have proof of that without another endoscopy and would rather just wait for now and think positively.
Hi Ocala, what does the stem cell activating product do, besides the obvious haha does it help cirrhosis? I’m glad your husband got great blood results back ☺️
It uses phototherapy to activate a copper peptide that activates stem cells. Doesn't "cure" anything but helps just about everything. The body's own innate intelligence sends the activation to wherever it is needed the most. Thank God for my husband the liver is one place it helped. Like I said we are hoping for esophagus too! We are also hoping for improvement of his bone on bone ankles. I use it too and for me it has helped my IBS a lot, given me better sleep and more energy and I don't think I'm fooling myself into believing my skin is looking 100% better with dark spots and wrinkles fading! I know it sounds like snake oil but I believe in alternative medicine and holistic healing and in the power of the body to regenerate so it fits right in with my belief system. It isn't medication so doesn't interfere with any meds being taken. We have also removed my husband's amalgam fillings as heavy metals are part of his problem. That's really the only other thing we can attribute his good results to. He stopped taking all of the expensive supplements.
I’m scared of a lot of alternative medicines but I also believe in the power the body has to regenerate. Did your husbands doctor say it was safe to take with cirrhosis? I’m not questioning anything at all, I’m just curious about. Especially with the talk of the newly discovered stem cell-like properties that have been found. There’s a cure out there somewhere, it just has to be discovered. Gotta think positive!
Yes my husband's doctor said it is safe and is currently looking at the science part of the website (which is extensive) for all the proof that doctors like to see. It isn't something you "take" though as it isn't medicine, a drug or a supplement.
Is the phototherapy anything to do with this:

There are people who will start groups and call just about anything a scam or fake news without really looking at it so we each have to follow our own path and intuitive wisdom for our own body. I'm happy to provide anybody who is truly interested with the link to what it is backed by 10 years of scientific research and patents. Search for David Schmidt on You Tube and see for yourself what his invention is all about. Some of the world's biggest stem cell scientists are now working with him because they were so impressed. Current technology he is working on includes protection from 5G although this product does have that impact as well. Anytime you can make your own body healthy you are protecting it from outside toxins.
I would like to see the peer reviewed research into the patch treatment. Thank you

Here's a direct link to the science and research page for LifeWave. lifewave.com/abundanthealth... Keep in mind this is for all of their patch technology products and they have been in business since 2004. It was actually 10 years of research and testing that led to the X39 which is the stem cell activating patch. So everything on this page isn't about X39, some is about the earlier patches. This IS patented and approved and is available in over 100 countries. There are always people who will disapprove because it is sold through independent distributors. And people think they have to "sell" it just because they are signing up to buy it wholesale. And if they would rather just pay retail so be it but that is silly. Just buy it for yourself at wholesale if after reading this you think it is worth a try. If you have fabulous results like my husband did you will quite possibly want to share with others.
There are only two studies on the X39 and, while some improvements were shown, even the research says that a lot of results were not statistically significant and that, at best, it deserved more research. There is also no evidence that the studies were peer reviewed or accepted for journal publication. The fact that a patent is granted is not based on clinical research.

Indeed... You might find this interesting too scepticsbook.com/2009/03/14...
Thanks, that is interesting. I particularly like that their “light treatments” need no light!
Now that’s interesting Chris....

Ok, my intent here isn't to argue with anybody. I just wanted to tell everybody what is going on with my husband and we are thrilled! Lots of sceptics out there I'm well aware. My truth is my husband is getting better and at age 65 we don't have time to wait for peer reviewed studies etc. And big pharma doesn't want to cure us they just want customers. Just my honest opinion.
I wish you and your husband well with his X39 light patches.
You have truly spiked my attention!!! Thrilled hubby doing so well! I want to find this to try!??? Time is limited for.most of us on the site. I'm in the united states hoping for a chance to try!!!! Send more IU info and links! Prayers for all of us!
Hi Liver3. I sent you a private message. You may not have seen it. I'm in the US too. Here's the link that you can buy or join from to try it. "Join" gets you wholesale pricing and "buy" gets you retail. Makes sense to me to pay wholesale. lifewave.com/abundanthealth
I read about this the other day, gives you some hope! I just wonder how long it will take to figure out of it works and all that.
Hi Richard
Thank you for a very informative read, as usual you manage to give us hope when everything else doesn't seem to be helping. How are you and yours. Take care Lynne
Fine thanks Lynne, all good this end.
Good, glad to hear it. Take care Lynne
I think there needs to be some caution here. Although the stem cell research is looking promising and exciting. It should be remembered that this research is still very much ongoing. It may take another three years before any treatments are available here in the UK.
There are a lot of bogus "Stem Cell" clinics and treatments being offered over in America and also on the Internet. Care needs to be taken here. In the case of liver disease, these stem cells have to be programmed as liver cells. So, be weary of those adverts selling stem cell treatments as a new wonder cure. I find that this rather old BBC documentary explains what is required in stem cell treatments and is a lot more involved than just taking a tablet: youtube.com/watch?v=cEB8656...
Thank you for sharing Richard- makes for very interesting reading.
As if by magic. a new news story hits the web confirming my worst fears of unscrupulous clinic's and sellers in Canada and the USA of Stem Cell products: gizmodo.com/investigation-i...

Makes you realise the importance of the National Institution of Clinical Excellence.
In addition to massive fibrosis in cirrhosis, there is a change in microcirculation and shunting. I think that with micro shunting, stem cells will not help. In my opinion, 3D printing of the necessary organs has more prospects.