So hubby reached his first Liverversary on Sunday. He has had a remarkable year of recovery with very little issues. As always massive thank you to the donor's family, we will always be eternally grateful for the precious gift that you gave. Our thoughts are with you always.
1 year Liverversary : So hubby reached... - British Liver Trust
1 year Liverversary

Congratulations on your hubby's Liverversary!! May you both enjoy many, many more. very best wishes. Alf
Well done, and many congratulations. This is always a time of reflection, but also a time of celebrations. This is your time too. After all, you've both been on this journey together.
You should be very proud of yourself, after all, where would we be without those special carers who stood by and supported us through these worrying, emotional times. You are the real heroes.

Awww thanks Richard, the 3 years he was ill would have been a completely different story for me if I hadn't found this group, it's a hard disease to get your head around & always has that taboo label /assumption of well must have been an alcoholic
That’s lovely, congratulations to your hubby and you also 🌻
Congratulations on Hubbies 1st Liverversary 👍 It's always good to get good news on here😁
So pleased for you both and continue to enjoy life together. Also thoughts with the donor's family. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Congratulations, I've just had my second liverversary 💚💚
Great News, I am up to 15 months now.
Only ever done with great support by our carers
Thanks all
He is currently at the hospital waiting for his first MRI since the transplant so fingers crossed everything is fitting back in place as it should after all that poking & moving around, had his first ultrasound last week since transplant and that looked good
Congratulations x