Update on post transplant weight
So summer happens a bit earlier here but despite the dictum I am going for it in March, not April or May, sandals & all. After all, we never know how long summer will last!
So here I am in Paris , strictly speaking in the spring, so I decide as it is sunny I will dress appropriately. Here I am going to criticise the French. They are afraid of the cold! My hubby always tells me to dress up warmly, and excuse me but since my transplant who has had the most colds?
The temperature was probably 15 or 16 but very sunny. I was going to help at the food bank and decided to wear one of my summer dresses bought last year, post op but not at my thinnest. So I tried one. Last year the bust was fine but this time I could nearly not breathe. So then I tried a dress bought mainly for the summer months but just before Christmas. It was ok but less roomy than at Christmas, certainly. I have eaten reasonably today. Plan to do 5:2 and will keep you posted.
Any one else feel like joining me on a diet?
Isabelle xx