A diagnosis : Not sure how to contact... - British Liver Trust

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A diagnosis

justdontgoogle profile image
15 Replies

Not sure how to contact the lovely, helpful lady I spoke to on the helpline today before somehow my phone cut off.

The doctor came and spoke to my dad this afternoon. It’s cirrhosis.

I’m pretty devastated by this diagnosis and just trying to take it in.

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justdontgoogle profile image
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15 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

British Liver Trust helpline details are:-


The British Liver Trust Helpline is a lifeline for anyone affected by a liver condition. Call 0800 652 7330 between 10am and 3pm Monday to Friday (not bank holidays) or email helpline@britishlivertrust.org.uk (emails can be sent at any time and are answered during helpline hours).

Sorry to hear of your Dad's diagnosis, no doubt a massive shock with him being so fit and active but sadly not uncommon for it not to be discovered until it is advanced. My t-total hubby, then a super fit long distance walker, carrying no additional weight and outwardly very well didn't discover he had any health issue until he was throwing up blood due to burst varices.

The BLT page on cirrhosis is at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/li... I found it very helpful to get my head round it when hubby was first diagnosed in April 2012.


justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you. Dad too is in shock - he felt so well. He was out running the week before last - aged 74! I just want to be able to help him now in any way possible. It broke my heart to see him so upset when we visited tonight. I’m devastated too, but need to gather all my strength and find out all I can to make sure dad gets the best care.

I hope your husband is doing well now.

CarpeDiem11 profile image

Very sorry to hear your news. I hope the doctor you have is one you can feel confident in. Glad that the helpline was so good. Your dad is lucky to have you. All the very best for the future.

justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to CarpeDiem11

Thank you. I still don’t really understand what it means for dad. He’s still saying he feels good, which is a plus. Although he’d been crying when we visited.

They’ve drained his ascites today, hopefully that will give him some relief.

I just want to do something; anything. I love him so, so much - he’s the most fantastic dad anyone could ask for. I need to be strong and find out all that I can, but I don’t know what I’m dealing with really. It was my brother and mum who was with dad when the doctors were with him and apparently they said that dad is treatable but not curable but that there’s no reason why he can’t live a normal life with treatment (and no alcohol). Is that true? I

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to justdontgoogle

Oh gosh, it's so hard to know your dad has been crying. I really feel for you. It must have been a huge shock for your dad as well as all of you. You are already doing so much for him by being there with him and finding out things for him. The fact you are asking questions for him will be helping him more than you realise. Also, being there to comfort him and listen to him will also mean more than you know. Many people live with cirrhosis for many years, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about it if it has been brought on by alcohol, since my liver has been damaged by autoimmune disease. However, if the doctors are telling you that, I see no reason for them to lie or mislead you. I have had cirrhosis for a while and most of the time, life is normal, although fatigue is an issue sometimes.

Cirrhosis comes with its own set of problems, so make sure you ask the doctors what they expect for your dad. Once whatever was damaging the liver is removed, further damage should stop. Hopefully someone with more relevant experience than me will be able to offer you some help.

In the meantime, just know that you really are helping him. I really wish you all the very best.

justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to CarpeDiem11

Thank you so much, your kind words mean a lot. It’s so hard to know if dad’s cirrhosis has been caused by alcohol. He admits to drinking up to 17 units of alcohol a week, from grilling him (poor dad) I think it’s more like 12. Most people would perceive that as moderate (I think?) but the doctor told him it was too much. He is resigned to not touching another drop - he wants a long and healthy life. Perhaps he’s unlucky, maybe alcohol has aggravated his underlying liver problem. They seem to be suggesting a fatty liver but no doubt I’ll find out more after the weekend.

I’m so sorry that you are suffering with liver disease. I hope your symptoms are manageable and that you are not feeling too poorly. I’d never even particularly heard of liver disease until Dad fell ill. Now I’m shocked at how widespread it is, and how it can strike anyone, no matter how fit and strong.

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to justdontgoogle

Thank-you for your concern, it's really very kind of you when you have so much to worry about yourself. Liver disease is not on many people's radar but is becoming more common and there are so many diseases that can damage the liver. More awareness needs to be made of how alcohol and diet can damage the liver. But also people need to be aware that there are many other reasons the liver can become damaged and as you say, it can happen to anyone. Apart from my liver, the rest of me is healthy!!

Whatever the reason for your dad's, let's hope that the doctors help you your family and your dad deal with it as successfully as possible.

mncold profile image

Hi justdontgoogle,

Sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis.

You have gotten some excellent advice below and I gather the people who man the helpline are really wonderful, so anyone you get would be a help.

I would wonder if his doctor berating him hasn't caused him a lot of unneeded distress and wonder/hope that she will not be his doctor going forward.

My husband was diagnosed with alcohol caused cirrhosis - mainly by going into liver & kidney failure Nov 2015 just before he turned 68. He had ascites at that time and HE to point he thought I was one of his sisters. As he improved his spirits did also. He hasn't had a drink since being in the hospital, although his liver doctor did ok non-alcoholic beer & wines after a while. We live in the US, where some things may be different and doctors have different outlooks no matter where you live. Because hubby went into liver failure and the tests [ultrasound] show his liver is scarred his liver's ability to improve is somewhat limited and yes can't be cured in his case but it can be improved and treated and hubby's doctor said he can look forward to a regular and long life as long as he takes care. Hubby's blood work improves a bit at each 6 month visit. The liver doctor we have is the head of the transplant department also, and he is enjoyable to see - answers questions from both of us and is willing to refer hubby on if something else is bothering him.

It is good that your Dad is in good physical shape and feels well otherwise, I think that will be a help. My husband has some other health issues - high blood pressure and had surgery on his neck for a bad disc which was interfering in his ability to walk and balance.

Just as an example to your Dad that may not be so bad hubby has since fallen and broken his foot twice, fallen and broken his hands - all mended and mended well and in good time, had a hernia surgically repaired - all since his liver failure. The main thing we make sure to do is to remind all his doctors of his liver disease, which mostly needs doing with a new doctor.

I do know hubby has apologized to me for not paying attention when I asked him to quit or cut back on his drinking and thanking me for staying with him. Well, I love him and the past can't be changed and he has stuck with me too LOL.

Wishing you, your Dad, and the family the best,


p.s. if he still has that doctor that berated him can you change doctors - I think a good recovery is well aided by a supportive doctor! Especially since your Dad has a supportive family.

justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to mncold

I’m not sure why my reply to you isn’t showing here?! I did write one but can’t seem to see it.

It was really good to read what you wrote about your husband’s experience. I think my dad is finding it hard to take that he could be so ill. He feels great!

Thank you again for your reply and if there is a reply from me already and only I can’t see it then apologies for this second one 😆

I hope your husband continues to do well x

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to justdontgoogle


I only see the one reply so we are set - I've also lost some here with no clue how, and 2 of the same would have been fine, also.

I do hope your Dad is doing better, and that he has a better doctor.

Take care of yourself & feel free to message me if you would like.

Best wishes,



I can't think of anything else to pay but I would just like to say the support from you , your brother and Mum will be of tremendous help. See if you can also get a supportive Dr. Sending lots of love to you all Lynne xxxx

justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to

Thank you. The only good thing about this is that dad appears to feel well. He still maintains that he feels like he could embark on one of his 10k runs! I’m 30 years younger, without ascites and Edema and I don’t feel like I could do that right now 🙈

So knowing dad feels good (if not a little scared by his diagnosis) is a good thing xx

Hi justdontgoogle

Thanks for calling the helpline again. Hopefully our conversation helpled a little.

Take care

Warm wishes

Trust1 ( Rebecca)

justdontgoogle profile image
justdontgoogle in reply to

Thank you Rebecca.

Your help and advice is absolutely wonderful and very much appreciated.

Caroline x

in reply to justdontgoogle

You are very welcome :)

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