Don’t like this uncertainty - British Liver Trust

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Don’t like this uncertainty

Clearasred57 profile image
5 Replies

Hi new to this site just looking about for any information on the liver

Had blood taken two weeks ago and the doctors said all was ok with liver and kidneys Then last Thursday went for a ultrasound the chap doing it said he had detected a nodule last and some one will be in touch within ten days

Well blow me Friday afternoon my doctor phoned me to say they found something and are red flagging it as urgent Not a good week end all spent worrying

The hospital has now been in touch to say next Tuesday I have an appointment with the consultant Iam at a loss to try and understand what it all means

Any advice would be good thanks

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Clearasred57 profile image
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5 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

I know it is really easy to say but do try not to panic. I probably know what you are fearing BUT doctors are on the case and are going to get to the bottom of this 'nodule'. There are many types of benign lumps and bumps that can occur within the liver along with obviously the less benign and more worrying types which are probably at the forefront of your mind. At this stage you don't know what it is but it sounds like you've got a very 'on the ball' medical team pulling out all the stops for you to establish what is going on and doing so quickly.

None of us are qualified to say what the lump might be, your doctors are best placed for that and no doubt next Tuesday you will find out more information. Until then do try to keep calm - remember you had this bump before you even knew about it and the only thing that's changed is you do now know about it. Keep calm and get to next Tuesday when doctors should advice on next steps.

Best wishes, Katie

Clearasred57 profile image
Clearasred57 in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks very much for your reply ,it’s just nice to learn I am not alone in what ever road lies ahead Ian

jojokarak profile image

It's a waste of energy worrying...

Ask yourself what are going to achieve? Can you do anything about it at the moment? What you don't know can't hurt you ... Just enjoy your weekend and if there is something to worry about it will come next week and even then you may not be able to do much

It's why doctors and consultants get paid to worry about our treatment 😊

And I am only saying through experience I also got given some worrying news a couple of weeks ago I spent one day shitting myself and I haven't really thought about it since but I have changed things I know will make a difference .... Keep smiling 😁😘

HumtpyDumpty43 profile image

It is the most awful feeling having to wait for results as your mind has time to think up all sorts of dreadful outcomes. I'm afraid you just have to wait for the appointment/results as although it's so frustrating not knowing, nobody can tell you anything over the phone. I found that if they could at least give you a clue as to what they have found then it might alleviate all the worry, but on the other hand it could make you feel even worse.

I wish you all the best for a good outcome. Please let us know how you get on.

All the best

Humpty xxx

Hello Ian,

It's hard not to worry and be concerned. It's the thought of not knowing, and sadly the wheels of the health service don't always turn as fast as we'd like them to. Katie is quite right when she says that it's easy to say "Don't Panic". But, I can assure you that now it's been found and waiting for it to be identified, you will be in great hands.

I'm really beginning to think that LFT blood test is becoming rather dangerous as it seems to be lulling some people into a false sense of security with their livers. We are hearing time and time again on here that some people are being given a clean bill of health and then going on to have serious liver problems. This is of particular concern when someone the an alcohol problem is given good LFT readings, they will see this as an excuse to carry on with their life style.

As the liver becomes damaged, it is possible to develope tumours. I've had five of these little blighters in the past which all turned out to be benign. These were then dealt with using liver ablation surgery (RFA). Here tumours are burnt off using Radiofrequency. This treatment is often very successful.

I think it would be totally wrong of me to go on speaking at this stage, as more information about this nodule is required. I should also pointout that while ultrasound technician's are qualifed in the taking of imagery, they may not be qualified in the interpretation of the image, and normally won't make any comments. It is therefore best to wait for a consultant or specialist to make a prognosis definition. They may even share these images with a fellow consultant at one of the specialist liver centres. So, nothing is going to happen straight away. But please be assured that you are in good hands.

Best Wishes


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