Hi, early last year due to a lot of personal problems I started daily drinking between 10-12 pints of lager a day starting about mid February 2017. I had an ultrasound done in May 2017 which showed a fatty liver, so I stopped drinking at the end of July and started eating right and exercising. I got a fibroscan done on the 26th of October 2017 by a Hepatologist and the reading was 3.9 Kpa and he said no damage, but Within the last 2 months I have had a couple of major traumas, which has sent me on a 8 week binge of 10-12 lagers a day (very irresponsible I know). Could this have caused me to develop cirrhosis in this time? I have stopped now. Thanks in advance for any help.
Relapse and more worries: Hi, early last... - British Liver Trust
Relapse and more worries

Well done on stopping, can only help. Probably not at that level, im not a doctor but thats not excessively heavy. You should probably address why you turn to booze in a crisis first if you are worried enough to post about and have tests for possible cirrhosis though. Also a question if its ok? How did you get referred so quickly to hepatologist and for fibroscan?? Ive got nafld,diagnosed well over a year ago,still under gp, no hepatologist appointment/ fibroscan or help offered. Im in uk. Did you go private or am i missing something somewhere??? Any help appreciated, cheers. X
Thanks for your kind reply Stacie33, you're right I need to find a new way to cope, just always turned to booze in a crisis. I live in Belfast so the drinking culture is rife here. I went for a private consultation with a hepatologist cost £150 and he put me on a waiting list for a fibrosis. Thanks again for your kind reply I really appreciate it.
I think you'll be fine, if youre still worried ask for some more bloods after youve been abstinent with the booze for a few months. The drinking culture seems to be rife everywhere lately, it can cause so many problems for people physical and psychological, makes you wonder why any of us bother with it. I understand its a social thing for a lot and i understand it can be a crutch to lean on in tough times, ive seen that with family but it just ends up causing more problems down the line. Thanks for info regarding appointment and fibroscan, i will see what my next set of bloods say and maybe go down that route. Good luck with everything, i wish you all the best. X
I don't know the time frame for developing cirrhosis, but as Stacie33 said you really need to come up with a new coping method. It is very easy to go back to what worked - it might help to keep in the front of your thoughts that the next bout of drinking could send you in to liver failure. Do you have family that you value?
Best wishes to you in the future.
New coping method, I agree. Cirrhosis normally takes 8-10 years with high amounts of drinking. Highly unlikely to go from a 3.9 fibroscan to cirrhosis in 8 weeks. If anything it would result into acute liver failure within that time frame. I had a drug induced liver injury, at the time my fibroscan was a 4.8. my liver was so inflamed portal pressure caused my umbilicus to tear. I think you're OK. You do have a history of fatty liver, your liver is more likely to sustain damage from alcohol with this history.
Thanks for the kind replies guys, I really need to find a new coping method, but also have a history of depression and panic disorder, which also don't help in the situation. The hepatolagist said I had more chance of having a heart attack with my cholesterol at 7.8 than chirrosis.
Your doctor is right, you need to focus on diet an exercise. I too have very bad panic and anxiety disorder. I was on medication, but liver labs started trending higher than what I wanted. Coffee speeds up heart rate, so not the best. I use it as a clutch. It helped me when getting off all the Painkillers. It also has beneficial properties when it comes to liver health. You need to find hobbies that you enjoy. Keep your mind engaged with the mission. Whether that be starting a business, finishing a project, even video games.
Thanks guys for all your kind replies and care and great information. I really do appreciate you all taking the time to offer me advice and support. Thanks again.