Has anyone been diagnosed with having a liver Adenoma ? I believe it's rare and associated with taking the oral combined pill &/or HRT what treatment do you get ? Is it curable ? What should I expect by way of care ? Please help I'm in so much pain & am rarely leaving the house at the moment x
Liver Adenoma: Has anyone been diagnosed... - British Liver Trust
Liver Adenoma

The British Liver Trust have a publication called 'Benign tumours and cystic disease of the liver' that does have some information on liver Adenoma's. See here for link;
Have you been referred to a liver specialist? It is important that they monitor you.
If you are experiencing pain, it is VERY important that you see your doctors as soon as possible so they can examine you and make sure the adenoma is not rupturing or bleeding. If you are in pain and cannot leave the house, you could call for an ambulance to take you to your nearest accident and emergency department.
Wishing you well,
Kind Regards,

Thank you Rebecca
I took myself to A&E on Good Friday as I was in alot of pain and the Dr s surgery was closed I have been treated for stomach infection since I had an Endoscopy last October I take Omeprozole. The pain was excruciating and I knew something bad was going on. I was admitted onto the admissions ward & saw a Gastroenterologist who requested an ultrasound, CT and an MRI scans. When I saw him in clinic a few weeks later he told me the scans showed a tumour on my liver prob a benign adenoma. I have had another Endoscopy & MRI scan last week just waiting for the results.
I have been off work for 3 weeks resting I'm still being sick most days high temperature and pain relieved for a short time with Tramadol. I'm in limbo at the moment waiting to hear what will happen next.
Kind Regards
Hi Helen,
Has your sickness and high temperature been investigated by your GP? Could they could do a home visit and see you today?
Warm wishes,
Hi Rebecca
I have managed to get an appointment with the best GP we have at surgery on weds morning. I will ask him if it's ok to take anti sickness tablets its the nausea & vomiting which stops me living normally. I have tramadol for the pain but it wears off too quickly. It's been 6 weeks since my sort of diagnosis I'm researching every day for symptoms of an adenoma rupture & have had to call in sick again this morning, getting very fed up with it all.
Thank you for your msgs it is good to have s'one to chat to xx
Hi Helen, I just experienced the same diagnosis as yourself. Was wondering how you got on. I've got multiple tumours, all benign. I've stopped taking the pill and have another MRI in February. They are hoping the tumours will have shrunk by then so I don't have to have them removed.