I try.: Funny,thinking back,I havnt... - British Liver Trust

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I try.

cityman62 profile image
21 Replies

Funny,thinking back,I havnt really lived the perfect life.A young punk back in the 70's,lots of alcohol/speed,dabbles with acid,massive intakes of 'magic mushrooms',etc.I guess,I should look back with shame given what I now know,to be honest,I wouldn't change a damn thing,it was fun,I felt totally alive,and I would probably do it all again,I guess we are all doomed in some shape or form,a surprise at 52 to find you're dying quietly from hep c,but still,would I do it all again,oh yes-for sure.I'm a fairly philosophical bloke,,I struggle with this-you must eat lots of leafy veggies/pulses,horrible,ghastly rubbish food,that only a fascist green weirdo would eat,and let me say,some of them my age are long gone,I include classmates.I guess it comes down to 'lifestyle choices',pass the sick bag please,I'm trying to be good,but then again, I never really aspired to be the slightly forgetful 83 year old bloke,who smells of wee in the rest home and everyone loves.........

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cityman62 profile image
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21 Replies
liveronmymind profile image

"fascist green weirdo!" - " never really aspired to be the slightly forgetful 83 year old bloke who smells of wee! Great sense of humour in adversity but

i don't think you are dieing though as you are treating the hep C. I salute your poetic humour and wish you well.

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to liveronmymind

Cheers,sometimes I vow to be good,sometimes I'd rather be bad,sometimes the -(well meaning) advice up here makes me groan,I know better,but would rather be worse, forgive me,I'm not belittling anyone's woes,I'm hugely aware,I'm lucky-,compared to many here.But,I guess,sometimes,you have to take a long hard look at what you really want from life-83,in an old folks home,smelling of wee and wondering off occasionally.I'm taking more legitimate drugs now than in my whole life,every night at 7p.m.I gaily call out-'medication time,medication time'.My brother died of hep c 2 odd years ago, didn't tell me( which would have been nice),didn't tell my elder sister-straight as an arrow,,if you know what I mean

The 'sensible one',I say that with no irony,I decided to go the other way,not easy, honest with my partner-no other way?unfair to bewilder my sister again,she never understood why her brother suddenly died of massive liver disease.I guessed but said nothing then.Drew a deep breath and enlightened her gently that her younger brother had been a heroin user,and I too,had dabbled. So,I feel like I've been through fire and ice.So,I made my choices,now realise took my chances, no recriminations no regrets,no worries to be honest,nothing worse than beating yourself up about your life history-be honest,it was fun,as ,I say-I regret nowt.Look after yourself, but demand a decent quality of life too-or it ain't worth having,best,Andy.

dooley1 profile image

When I first started reading this I was a bit shocked but as I continued to read it made me laugh! 😂 It's a fair point I suppose.

RodeoJoe profile image

The brutal reality is that we're all dying. Some sooner than others, some suddenly but with liver disease it tends to be slowly. But its only then that you can really make your choice. Carry on drinking, drugs, crap food etc, or quit and try to fight for as many more years as you can get.

If like me you've got young kids its not just yourself your living for any more and a cavalier f@#k it attitude would just be incredibly selfish.

Live and and let live, or perhaps more correctly live and let die is my attitude, its your life.

But don't be surprised to find info about how to stay healthy on this forum, that's what it's all about.

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to RodeoJoe

Indeed,I heartily endorse your comment.


So true, we are all dying at the end of the day and really anyone over 30 can drop dead at any time really. what is the point in living your whole life watching everything you eat and drink and never getting high or having fun?

Luckily I never got into anything too serious, but I did dabble for short periods in speed and Es, I have never felt guilty about smoking weed, but drank a bit too much in my 30s. Most of us like getting wrecked in some form or other. Its only because im scared of needles that I didn't do something like that.

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to

It's an unfortunate truth that the whole history of mankind is marked and well-documented,as a relentless quest to get 'out of it'/change your reality/escape the horror of daily humdrum life.Whether its caffeine,alcohol, mind expanding substances,a spliff occasionally, its all the same relentless urge to escape/see over the next horizon/look for 'better' things,its a big part of what makes us Human and (occasionally), make progress.I believe the 2 biggest evils that now face western society are 1-gambling,you can only stick so much rubbish into your organism,then it falls over/goes into shock,but,gambling is almost a bottomless pit of depravity.2-the horror of the all pervading lusts created by consumerism-i shop-it makes me happy and feel complete-ughhh.The bottom line for me is-do everything-as a treat,unfortunately treats then often become habits,then the problems arise.Nothing wrong with smoking 3 cigarettes a day/chasing the dragon once a month/having a glass of sherry prior to beddybyes/.but we dont-do we!?

PCBnPBC profile image

Been there, done that, never injected, drank too much in various phases of my life, enjoyed most parts of life, went veggie, came to my senses (like some meat) now veering back to beggie, loosing my senses? (H.E.!) Shocked when I discovered I had PBC, supposedly not a self inflicted autoimmune disease, but now some suggestion smoking may be a trigger? mind you caffine is also being tested as a help for liver disease! (and I did loads of caffine!) for all you health freaks remember not to eat Lard in 1960 - 2014 but restart eating lard in 2015 as it is much better for you than the weird spreads and refined rape seed oil , also no eggs when Edwina Curry was with Major, but they are OK now, you get the drift, life is for enjoying, responsibility as parents is important, we also have a responsibility to our society not to become a burden for selfish reasons, so being obese should be frowned upon, education is key here, burning out you liver on booze is selfish if you are going to require liver transplant, smoking ciggys is selfish if you are going to draw upon medical expertise and expensive drugs, but guess what we are all selfish to some extent (apart from St Francis or who ever it was.) I guess if you follow (and generally agree with this so far) then old age, 83, old folks care home with no mind, and smelling of wee is a drag on society, but somehow we allow that without thinking it bad..........so the person who blows out his body in a life of wild sex, drugs and rock'nRoll is not as bad as at first seen? Oh I dunno, each to their own I guess!

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to PCBnPBC

I fear you sound as much of a silly billy as meself-cue Loud Denis Heally ho ho ho;-),chatted with my consultant t'uther day,rather grandly informed him I had slashed my alcohol intake by 70% a week,he's OK,but rather brusque, said 'well done',then said,'but you realise,you must have been alcohol free for 10 years before I could authorise a liver transplant,don't tie my hands here'.Couldn't help thinking what percentage of the general population could hold their hands up and say 'honest guv not a drop has passed my lips for ten years',including medical professionals-he ponders darkly,best to you,a born again health freak ;-)

RodeoJoe profile image
RodeoJoe in reply to cityman62

I agree but when push comes to shove, when you're backed into a corner, no choice but to accept you'll die without a transplant you might kick yourself for not trying a bit harder.

Anyway it's not 10 years to my knowledge its 6 month's, but I think they have ways of checking by biopsy for at least a couple of months.

My advice to you would be to lie to the consultant but time it carefully so you give up and can put your cards on the table when you need to and don't get caught out. It's a dangerous game to play, and I played it myself, and won.

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to RodeoJoe

I don't think I would do that-I hope..6 months/a year that's totally fair-and eminantly do-able,but 10 years strikes me as Frankly ludicrous-and unfair too.If someone told me I couldn't have a cup of tea for ten years,I'd feel like knocking them out.......

in reply to cityman62

Ooh ooh 😂😂 proud wife moment 👏👏👏👏

Rob has not had any alcohol since around 1990 😄😄😄 he is crap at everything else but I totally admire his strength as far as alcohol is concerned !!!! I am the opposite 😆😆 and drink wine smoke fags and eat crap - no I am not happy but I wouldn't be happy without those things either - with what we have been through we take each day as it comes - life's not fair and there isn't any 'rhyme or reason' - people who live 'perfect healthy' lives get ill - nasty people who abuse everything don't ????? Such is life - think I need a coffee and a fag 😘😘😘😘

dizzime profile image

Hi there--like you had a great tme --late 70s into most things and , yes wouldnt change a thing. hep c due I think to tattoo done in some bedsit while working down Bournmouth in one of many hotels. didnt know I had Hep C untill 2011 even though the Consultant at one of my local hospitals did along with cirrosis in 2007 and didnt bother to tell me !!!!!! Got that sorted out now-full admission and all. Any way also drank far too much for a 'lady' loved pints of bitter. Even though as soon as I found out what was up with me I stopped the drink and now have been tea total since 2011. If you have read any of my posts things still went worse--had liver transplant 2013, some rejection but ok now and this year got rid of the Hep C. As for my past--No wouldnt change it, it made me the person I am today. Had good jobs since 1980, had a good life got a wonderful husband who has been my anchor all through the bad times. I am now on the better side and looking forward to the future. So cityman, keep strong, dont dwell on the past and get yourself better, you can and will do it. please stay strong and make sure you make it to be the 83 year old bloke etc. stay positive and keep smiling you have a wonderful sense of humour x :) I'm going to get back on my motor bike next year defo will be 56 then ! x

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to dizzime

That's totally cool,I havnt read your posts-but will.As with so many of us,a rollercoaster story-inspiring too.I trust you can't smell the wee from there,happy days,have fun,but DONT fall off the bike,or it could be regarded as self inflicted ;-). X

PCBnPBC profile image
PCBnPBC in reply to cityman62

City man you up north, mid or south wales ? (I am in North wales)

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to PCBnPBC

Half way between aberwristwatch and makkynellith!

I have only one thing to say to you me old lover. I HOPE I DIE BEFORE I GET OLD.

cityman62 profile image

Absa-fooking-lutely!best to you from a slightly smelly gardener in Wales.

art4949 profile image

Without a doubt the world back then was much simpler but wild and oh, so much fun! It was a great time,...for me it was the music, freedom of living in my own flat with loads of friends, no religious constraints, and staying up all night talking, partying with friends and people from all over. These days everything seems so contrived compared to then.

However, CityMan62 if you eat well (with or without rabbit food) and clear this darn virus you could live into your 80's without nappies or the nursing home. Personally, I don't care when I die anymore, only that I am having a good time, sharing time with family and friends while eating cake...

cityman62 profile image
cityman62 in reply to art4949

Cake,CAKE-you evil irresponsible swine...... :-)

Anya74 profile image

Life kills everyone in time.

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