I am a 50's, Gay man, atempting to live a life around and to include my cirrhosis!
Life with Cirrhosis: I am a 50's, Gay... - British Liver Trust
Life with Cirrhosis

Was there something you wanted to find out about the cirrhosis? Any advice you needed?
Hi m8 is there anything you want to know about living with Cirrhosis. I know it can be quite daunting but plz feel free to ask or give advice. I have Cirrhosis and I'm currently having anti-viral treatment for Hep.C.This site works for me, some truly inspirational people and stories.
All the best.
If you are on FAceBook there is a group called "living with cirrhosis" where people chat and put supportive and sometimes entertaining and silly posts, if you like that sort of thing. facebook.com/groups/3932852...
hi there topsmart and welcome
Do you have a partner and a family for support? hope so..either way..hope your feeling good today!
cheering you on!
I am one of the admins with Living with Cirrhosis. We welcome all people connected to cirrhosis in any way. They can be the person suffering from this disease, carers , those with general liver concerns, and those who have sadly lost someone. We employ a philosophy of non discrimination , in any way. We are a very close supportive community as Bolly stated , and do like to have fun posts, laughing helps keep us sane in the bumpy ride cirrhosis can bring. We share our ups and downs, and most of all we bear the philosophy that we are all normal people , just with a dodgy bit. We do not see ourselves as the diagnosis, and many people have indeed had some wonderful success stories, some through transplantation and some through othe means. So as Bolly says if you like that sort of thing .....?.... Sharing and caring, laughing, and to be treated as an individual in your own right not a diagnosis, to get advice and share your good tips you are welcome. Find us on Facebook.
There are so many people living , and now my with some illness, why to be a rare exeption. Sickness makes our life little more conscious, and as for me it stopped me running through the life. I try to enjoy every good moment to it's depth. Now my granddaughter helpes me in this, now I have to leave her, I'll enjoy my daughter's presence and my work. Some new hobbies helped me too, eg. now I'm 'collecting visits' to medieval churches, and watching birds with the little girl. To overcome the bad days it helps me too, that I learn more and more about my illness, so I understand the new complains, and than they don't bother, or at least scare me so strongly. I'm feeling better as in this way I don't take it too seriously. ANyway I try to laugh as much as possible. If nothing else, even a stupid comedy on youtube Be better, I wish YOu all the best! G
It's so great to read YOu are still rather fine with your diet, take care. Many thanks for sharing Your experience with us, it's great. It's not that easy to eat japanese kitchen, as my country has no sea, and hard to find even frozen fishes anywhere, not speaking about other sea grown tasty things I love so much. About dairy I didn't know, many thanks for Your advices. Be better, and take care. Friendly hugs!