Does anyone have SANT- Schlerosing Angiomatid Nodular Transformation of the spleen.
Lynda: Does anyone have SANT... - British Liver Trust

Hello Lynda,
My husband has always had an enlarged spleen - there has never been a mention of any medical terms... Does this condition make you very ill?
Not really- mine is enlarged because of a "lesion" in it they found on scans. It is like a tangle of capillaries and nodules and they think it is benign. It seems to affect my blood count and red cells are smaller than normal so it means that I can get tired or out of breath if I exert myself a lot. Does your husband know why his spleen is enlarged?
Gosh it sounds so complicated - can it affect any of the other organs?
A few years ago - previous hospital - they doc there wanted to remove it as he said it was very enlarged - I didn't know much but went on logic and asked - if the spleen has something to do with platelets - then what will do its job if its removed?? The doc didn't mention it again - we found out at the current hospital - that he did right NOT to have it removed - it actually helps the liver...
That's what we were told...
Ha - yes complicated and SANT is very rare- nothing about it on web except medical journals. Only 40 cases in the world. So far only treatment has been removal of spleen- preventative in case it" ruptures" . Surgeon wants to take it out but I have asked to keep monitoring to see if it gets bigger . Like you and your husband I am loathe to lose an organ which helps the immune system ( and liver) especially as so little is known about condition. Consultants have never heard of it. I don't think it affects other organs but as I said no one seems to know anything about it. How long has your husband had an enlarged spleen?
Goodness me... You probably know more about it than the docs...
It's been more that 6 years... Doesn't actually cause any problems but is definitely helping the liver out...