Hello All,27th appointment came and went, my consultant informed me my body and liver although infected with HepC, is fighting back strongly,treatment wise, non can be offered at present as my depression will react, a new treatment should be forth coming this year, a, lass I shall not hold my breath as it should have been ready last year, according to N.I.C.E. statistics.I am to see a dietitian may 12th, see if I can get better advise for aprotein rich diet, try and gain a bit more weight, at the very least it will help me feel better about myself !
Thankyou all for your words of advise, you have been so very reassuring to me at a time when I have never felt lower, dispite my loving wifes care and attention, and the joy my children now give me.My blood family basically gave me over to child services at the age of 12, so until my wife came along 15 years ago, Ive been alone.Im ex military, and spent quite some time incarcerated in Newyork department of corrections,(16)years, I turned my life around, and would hate for my sons to repeat history, I shall work until my death to support, nuture, love, raise, and direct, my children in life, and thanks to positive websites like this, we might just stand a chance in this country of ours to be better people.Respect people !!!