I cannot remember what site to look on... - British Liver Trust
I cannot remember what site to look on for the child score A B & C & need to know High Low etc. Can you help plz.

I don't know whether its the best page for that purpose but it seems simple enough providing you have the details of your blood tests etc. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child...
Hope that helps Ruby, all the best,
There is a calculator here gihep.com/calculators/hepat... where you put in your own figures, but you need your INR clotting rate and to know whether you have mild or severe ascites and HE. Also as Ayrshire says you need your latest reading for albumin and bilirubin. Grade A is the less severe with Grade C being the most severe/worst prognosis.
Thank you to both of you. I read A & C long time back. 4 weeks ago I was still C but saw my consultant yesterday and she said I was doing so well, and bloods were fine, that now I am a B the only one I'm not sure on. She did slip up as I was asking her so much & quick that she said "well we will see what happens over the next 5 years," and I think It did say you can survive up to 5 years. As you no C lot less, Nov last yr She told me 6 mths maybe a year at most. I am so very happy, you would think I was going to live till I was 90, you never know they may find a cure in that time.But It's only due to giveing up drink. (now 9 mths) Hope this will give others hope x
Thank you Jo Jo Can never say I don't want a drink any more, because I feel like one now & then, but It is having the willpower to not do It, and some days that Is so hard, but I keep away from pubs (where my husband go's) On days I want one. Hope you can keep It up to, When I was told I had 6mths now with hard work upto 5yrs, It's a really good feeling.My very good friend had the same as me, told 6mths, and she said what's 6mths I may as well go happy, no matter what I said to her she drunk & died March this yr. same age as me friends for 33yrs waste shame. I have to say I keep busy with hobbies, I have 6 on the go now lol but it works, stops you thinking about it 24/7 good luck keep well x