its been a while how have you all been ....with everbody's support my sister finished her all 4 cycles of AC yesterday it went off quite well except for 1 episode of phlebitis now she has to begin her taxanes the oncologist is decided on giving paclitaxel /taxol every 2 weeks did any of you recieve it and please share your experience any precaution etc to be observed
chemo: its been a while how have you all... - Breast Cancer India

Hi dm nice to hear your sister didn't have any problems. Take care and give her all the moral support and the best we can do for her. Regarding paclitaxel /taxol - lets see what our members have to say. My sister had FEC -90 - 6 cycles
nice to hear it, i know how she must be feeling at the end of chemo, i also had my last one on monday, she must be feeling good.

Second half of chemotherapy with taxol is fairly standard now and I believe, many in the forum have received taxols. If you can't manage to search for details here, you can visit and see the questions section there. You taxol chemo related questions will be there.
Let us know if you wish to know anything specific.
thanks a lot and take care
i would really appreciate if someone who has taken taxol shares the experience
Hi dm! I had weekly taxol with no side effects. The side effects are said to be less in the weekly regimen. I have read that when taxol is taken every 21 days people experience bone pain and numbness/tingling. I am not sure about the dosage for biweekly regimen and its effects.
All the best to your sister.