Should there be any gap between successive radiations? What is the maximum gap, in days, allowable without affecting the effectiveness of RT?
Does taking radiation on a Cobalt mach... - Breast Cancer India
Does taking radiation on a Cobalt machine has some drawbacks as compared to Linear Accelerator machine?

Hello vyasang
Welcome on the forum.LINAC is more advance technique than Cobalt accelerator. Dr Sumeet may guide you in detail.
I had my radiotherapy on TRUE BEAM IGRT which is LINAC
I had 28 fractions of radiation. It is given for 5 days in a week.

Linear Accelerator is definitely better and much more advanced than Cobalt machine. It is preferable to take Radiation by a LINAC machine, if possible.
Why Cobalt machine should be avoided? Can you explain with reference to the effects this machine has on the patient.
It is not that Cobalt be avoided. If your city has facilities for LINAC, it is better to take with LINAC, which is the state of the art presently. In fact, almost all centres in Mumbai have only LINAC or better. Only one or two centres have Cobalt machine, and they use it sparingly in a few situations.
However, if LINAC facilities are not available in your city, then it's fine, you can go ahead with Cobalt based machine
There are members here, on this forum, who have traveled almost 150 km daily (to and fro), just to take a good radiation from a LINAC machine

From which place you are? My sister also had taken radiation with LINAC - she was asked 28 cycles but could take 25 only. It was given 5 days a week. Usually apart from this gap is not allowed. Regarding cost there is a vast difference but if you go to some hospitals run by Trusts - definitely the cost will be very much less.See for some Charitable hospitals having LINAC

Dear better to use LINAC, it is more beneficial in comparison to depends on circumstances....