. my doctor advised to do again usg on 6th june. and today's report shows endometrical layer thickness 20mm and left ovary simple cyst of 3.8 cm and now right ovary normal. it shows bulky uterus with endometrial hyperplasia. what should i do now ? i have given blood for CA125 tumor marker test. please guide me regarding this matter.
Hello Dr.Summit , i had done sonograph... - Breast Cancer India
Hello Dr.Summit , i had done sonography on 21st may in that endometrical layer thickness is 16mm and right ovary cyst 4.7cm .

I suggest you meet your Gynecologist. Either they will prescribe some hormonal tablets (Progesterone based) and repeat to see the endometrial thickness. Or they may ask to undergo a curettage. In any case, this hyperplasia is fairly common. We can easily treat it.
As for ovarian cyst, it's a 'simple' cyst, and its nothing to worry about. Ideally, you do not even need to do CA 125 test. I am sure it will come out normal for you.
thank u Dr. Summit. i am eagerly waiting for your reply . today i met Gynecologist. she said to wait for 3 or 4 days for monthly cycle as bleeding is stopped now. then D&C should be done. thank u once again.
Sir , you explain very well all the things and CA125 report is also normal 4u/ml .
once again thanks a lot.
Hello Dr.Summit, on 8th june , my menstrual cycle is started , is there need to do D &C ?

No, I do not think. We can wait for the next cycle. However, consult your gynec and see what she says. She would be the right person to guide you in this.
thank u sir once again.
Hello Dr. summit, again i do usg-abdomen , in that endometrical layer thickness is 17mm. gynec dr. suggests d&C .
should i go for that ? even she says that if it would happen recurrently then go for hysterectomy. plz guide in this matter.

Yes, you should go ahead with a dilatation and curettage (D & C). See the report that comes. If need be, then hysterectomy may be needed. But not necessarily always.
After D & C, let me know what your report says, and I shall be able to guide you better.
thank u sir. i want to meet personally for followup. sir, can give u appointment in month of july during eid vacation ?
sir i also want hospital address and if possible mobile no and email. thank u once again.

Manishjee - Doctors e mail ID & contact no you can find on the website.
thank u kontk. but i am not manishjee . i am veena - member vkg13

Sorry sorry - Manish name is also similar vkg - I am mistaken. Take care
no, kontak. it's okay. keep in touch.
. this is because Manish is an active member and so very popular.
hello dr. summit, my endometrical histo-pathology report comes. in repor t microscopy shows endometrial tissue admixed with blood cots. the endometrial glands are round and regular lined by tall columnar epithelium . the glands have punched out lumen. the stroma is compact. there is no evidence of atypia or malignacy in present section.
impression - proliferaytive phase
so sir guide me in this matter. is really hysterectomy needed ?

Your report is good and very much in your favour. I am sure you are relieved of all tension now. As for hysterectomy, your gynecologist would be the best person to advise. You can talk to your gynec, understand the options (I do not think hysterectomy is needed, unless there are symptoms or this persists). Sometimes, progesterone tablets are given to prevent further 'proliferation'
Let me know if you have nay doubt, after you talk to her / him.
thank u sir. i will come in eid vacation for followup ,then we will discuss in detail. thanks a lot once again.