To the days when not feeling like you... - My Breast Cancer ...

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To the days when not feeling like yourself!

Sami01 profile image
19 Replies

Today is 1of those days...

Feeling annoyed cause being back on chemo, can't really do much! Feel like I'm missing out on life..

But the upside I'm writing a list of things I wanna do once I've finished my treatment.

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Sami01 profile image
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19 Replies
Lainey66 profile image

I can sympathise a million percent. When you feel like you do right now, giving yourself a task such as making your list of what you want to do post chemo will refocus your mind. I also had books close at hand where I would lose myself in a good story, there was only one major issue here, chemo messed up my concentration and I often dozed off mid page... yep max two pages read and I was out for the count. Same with films, so, I would snuggle down on the sofa with my special blanket that my sister crocheted for me, and I would slip into the land of nod. Your body heals faster during sleep and the long days of feeling yucky pass quicker. I took up painting and ... wait for it... solving the rubik cube ... and yes ... I mastered it 😂😂 I needed to keep my mind busy, on the days I found that difficult, I slept. I hope this helps you. It is not that you are losing out in life, it is just that you are having to take a detour for a little while. You will catch up after you have got to the otherside of this 'detour'. Your life will have changed, your outlook will differ from those you used to agree with. You may even find that friendships change a bit. I feel that after treatment and once I regained strength, I seemed to be stronger and less tollerant of people who thrive on drama or are very negative. I tend to speak my mind more too (oh Lordy, I thought I was bad before 😂), I feel more determined than before, I have taken up new hobbies and I enjoy life. I hope that sharing this helps you. I wish you all the best through this tough treatment regime. Chin up. You can do this. Love Lainey66 xxx

Sami01 profile image
Sami01 in reply to Lainey66

Thanks for your reply Lainey66 😊

Been feeling tired a few times now and each time I nap. I watch films during my treatment which help pass the time.

I look forward to day I can start work again, save money and go back to NZ. Perhaps visit a few places in between.


PerformancePoet profile image
PerformancePoet in reply to Lainey66

You have a lovely way with words Laine ❤️

Lainey66 profile image
Lainey66 in reply to PerformancePoet

Thank you, my hubby would not always agree 😂😂😂 xx

Happyrache2 profile image
Happyrache2 in reply to PerformancePoet

Yes such good advice and really well worded!

Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to Lainey66

Such a great reply. I enjoyed reading it. And you mastered the rubik's cube....I have yet to do that!

Lainey66 profile image
Lainey66 in reply to Have-faith

Now you have the time, and I learned that there are so many different cubes to solve, my sister challenged me with the 7x7 cube, now I have not even messed that one up as the 5x5 is still my nemesis, yet once I have that done it is the 6 x 6 and only then will I try the 7x7 cube ... I went a little bit cube crazy, but it kept and still does keep my mind busy 😂😂

Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to Lainey66

This great. I am glad you enjoy the cubes!

Ttjj profile image

Please God you will be back to yourself soon and enjoy life and yes cancer treatment sucks but you can do it x

Jennymary profile image

When I went back to work after my cancer treatment it was really difficult for me and on the first anniversary of my surgery it was important to me that they had a first birthday party which got frowned upon where I worked, I also had other things happen which made life difficult but one of my gym instructors made the comment that I should get a t shirt made with JNQ on it, we looked at him, JNQ stands for Jenny Never Quits, hang in there and picture yourself wearing a t shirt saying SNQ whilst drinking a nice cold drink, good luck xxxxx

PerformancePoet profile image

What a great attitude! Find some nice ones that you can to do now to add to the top of the list as well ❤️

Birthday2018 profile image

Hi Sami I remember those times not so long ago myself. Lainey gives such good advice and support as I found myself. She is right in that this is a detour at the moment and you will be back to doing all those things on your list before you know it. I have recently returned to work and am finding it difficult. I'm struggling abit with tiredness and tbh my job is not fulfilling to me. I want so much more from my life now, cherish every day, do things which make me happy, give something back to all those who helped me through treatment and surgery. I studied complimentary therapies some years ago and am looking into doing another college course and then volunteering and looking for a job perhaps in that field. I'm sure I will feel more appreciated and rewarded at the end of each day. Always sleep if you are tired as it does help your body to recover and keeps your strength up. Lose yourself in a book as Lainey said as that is helpful and find things which make you feel calm and positive. I got into the colouring therapy which I found relaxing and good for my mind and concentration. Good luck with everything and keep in touch with how things are going. Take care xx

Sami01 profile image
Sami01 in reply to Birthday2018

Thanks for your reply Birthday 2019.

Do let us know how your studies for complimentary therapies go? I hope u also find a job in that field too.

Sami 😊

Birthday2018 profile image
Birthday2018 in reply to Sami01

Hi Sami01 you are welcome of course and I will let you know how things go. I am definitely going to look into finding a job which satisfies me and lets me help others. I feel my outlook is very different now and life is too short to do things which don't make you happy........fingers crossed something will come up x take care and stay positive xx

Sami01 profile image
Sami01 in reply to Birthday2018

My diagnosis has encouraged me to what to travel more.

And to try once again looking for a job in photography or similar.

Take care Birthday 2018 😎😊

Sami01 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to read this message and all for your replies 💛 will definitely take on everything that has been said, looking into new hobbies, declutter old clothes for donations, certainly keeps my mind busy.

Once my treatment finishes look to a new beginning, definitely a new outlook of life, new hair do, when my hair grows back might keep it short for a bit. As it was long since I was young. Hopefully the above makes sense?

Thanks again


Have-faith profile image
Have-faith in reply to Sami01

Sami... we are sending you positive vibes and great energy. Focusing on what you want to do when you are done with treatment is a great idea. Hang in there. You can do it!


Happyrache2 profile image

Thinking of you Sami, and know exactly how you feel. I was lucky enough not to need chemo, but I did have a lumpectomy, then radiotherapy for 3 weeks and a single mastectomy and reconstruction from my back. Be kind to yourself. Try to eat healthily, but have some chocolate if you want it, or whatever you want (up to a point!). Sleep when you can. Watch nice films, read. Get a colouring book (an adult one), I absolutely loved mine. It will change your outlook. I lost two friends when I was going through it as they simply ignored me as if I didn't exist, then when I was better, expected to go back to normal! So they are ex friends now. You don't need negative people in your life. Try to have a few visitors to cheer you up, but don't wear yourself out.

Take it easy, and hope you have a full recovery.

Rachel x

Sami01 profile image
Sami01 in reply to Happyrache2

Thank you Rachel for your kind words and your advice 😊

I'm sorry you lost 2 friends in the process, at least now u know what their idea of friendship was to you.

I decided from the beginning to only tell a select few friends about my diagnosis, I'm lucky my friends have been very supportive and texting me to pop around for a visit.

Sami 😊

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