When my journey began in April of 2022 I was beholden to my oncologist for all treatments and information. Once treatments and pathology reports differed from what I trusted in the Onc as to how my BC journey would play out I began searching and researching other options that would help my chances. I found many sources that would enhance my traditional treatments and combined with many integrative/metabolic treatments. I have since switch ONCs from a strict conventional ONC to a conventional ONC that is very open to combining with integrative care.
For those of you that also combine integrative care with traditional care I wanted to pass along this link to a 4 or 5 day summit. I think the first 2 or 3 hours of video are free. If you want to continue I think there is a paid subscription that will probably allow for unlimited hours and rewatches if interested. I definitely would recommend Dr Li's presentation (about 45) minutes. A lot of his research is in gut health and how it effects cancer and progression. I am also interested in listening to Dr Antoun on how to enhance cancer treatments.
If interested here is the link - drtalks.com/cancer-breakthr...