Hi all,
New here and just looking for some feedback/advice. I understand a doctor will still need to be seen which I have requested an appointment but in the meantime just looking for some advice.
The past couple weeks I’ve been waking up to an achy pain on the right side of my breast near my armpit area. The pain is not constant or severe. It started the last couple days of my period. I feel the pain more so when pulling my self out of bed or using strength in that arm. I’ve felt around my breast and have felt no changes or lumps.. The only thing I see is what looks like to be a lump towards the bottom of my armpit. Pushing on it, it doesn’t feel hard or much of anything but not sure if it’s even considered a lump or just armpit fat. what concerns me is that I don’t have this lump on the other arm. Based of the Photo is there anything you guys can see do you think it something I should be concerned about? Just looking for some feedback.
Thanks again.