2 markers in and 2 biopsies done and a mammogram this morning. Chemotherapy this afternoon! It’s been a long day 💤
First chemotherapy : 2 markers in and... - My Breast Cancer ...
First chemotherapy

Hello Shihtzumom
You’ve certainly had a busy day! How do you feel after they Chemo? Hope it’s all gone well 💐
Kind Regards

I feel fine today thanks, I’ve got a great family who are constantly looking after me, saw the surgeon yesterday I’m going to need a full mastectomy after chemotherapy so it was a lot to take in xx
I’m so pleased you’re feeling OK but remember it’s a toxic drug(s) & can make you feel awful, so drink lots of water to get it through your system & take it easy.
I had a Mastectomy before Chemo & did very well, just take it one step at a time & you'll do OK 💐 dont forget there’s always someone in here to support you.
Best Wishes
MrsN x

Thanks xx
All the best with your treatment, be kind to yourself as it will be hard sometimes. I too had chemotherapy before a single mastectomy and am now just on preventative herceptin intravenous and anastrazole. I've just gone back to work, on phased return, so am feeling like I am getting back to life again. It was a long 8 months but am sure you will be fine and if you have family to help and care for you it should all be okay. Good luck and if you need to talk just message on here and someone is always around to talk to xx
They have been very quick with your treatment ,you will probably feel rough in a couple of days and then pick up again for your next one good luck with it hope it all goes well xxx