Has anybody on here aquired the Amazon Echo yet? My husband Gerry purchased one for me for Christmas. I am a bit of a techy at heart albeit that I am a 'Silver Surfer'! The artificial intellingent voice of Alexa can follow a plethora of instructions. "Alexa... Play Eastcoast FM"... and Alexa plays Eastcoast FM. "Alexa ..... Play music from spotify" ... And Alexa plays the music! "Alexa, play my current book on Audible!" ... Alexa plays the book. She also tells you the weather outside if you can't be bothered to look out of the window, tells the time, increases and decreases volume etc... etc... etc...! This morning,
Me: "Alexa tell me a joke!"
Alexa" "What is brown and sticky?"...
..."A Stick!"
Corny - hell yeah, but it put a smile on my face and my repeating of it got me a severe eyeball roll off my boys... So, I thought I would share it will you all...
... ok... I will get my coat Have a great day folks xxx