I recently got results back from an EEG that there was an abnormality in my Beta Waves but the cardiologist told me that he wasn't clear on the significance of the abnormality and that it didn't help him understand the problem we were investigating.
I have had a problem losing consciousness and dropping to the ground often injuring myself without knowing when or why it happens since I was 29 years old - I will be 70 next July so I have been struggling with a deep bewilderment ever since it started. My last episode was Nov 17, 2023
My new cardiologist said that we would have to look at my heart and my brain as it is the brain that tells the heart to drop blood pressure. He wants to see me in a year and if in two years I haven't had another episode, I will be discharged and could be re-referred if I have another episode and go to hospital.
Any insight would be appreciate,