Mobile phones and my Brain: Hi.....well its Hot... - Brain health

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Mobile phones and my Brain

25 Replies

Hi.....well its Hot in the UK, more than normal, but thats for another post, I want to express my concerns over Mobile Phone Radiation, especially to those who have Brain Injuries.

About 4 years ago i had a very long conversation on the phone, say 3 hours, yes thats crazy indeed, whats more crazy is that i didn't use headphones.

After just 10 minutes the side of my head was boiling hot, my ear was boiling hot, my ear was red and the side of my face was boiling hot and red........

I began to get really dizzy and felt nauseous, my eye balls were spinning around their sockets and i was feeling very very ill....i had to lay down and i lay down for nearly 2 weeks! Anyway.........

So after 3 hours on the phone-you can imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you can't imagine then heres what happened, my head felt like it was cooking, or had been cooked, i vomited for nearly 2 weeks, my hair fell out and my eye sight was effected, i developed tinnitus, not to mention the excruciating pain in my head. i felt radiated.

Now it has been said that we shouldn't speak on the phone for long periods of time, that we should use headphones and so on........ its been said that we should not hold a mobile phone to our head-too keep them away from the head by a few inches.

On this day i failed to do all of that - i noticed the left side of my face becoming paralysed and i stopped using the phone altogether, eventually over time i began to use the phone, it took a few years to recover from this 3 hour phone call, but the truth be known-i never fully recovered, it effected my brain so badly that i often wonder, would i be in good health from my post concussive syndrome if i had not used this mobile phone for 3 hours???????

I wonder about this everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now i've done it again, after speaking to a friend who lives on the other side of the world, i spoke to him for over 2 hours and yes, its happened again, i've been sick in bed for over a week now, my face is slightly paralysed, the side of my head is still boiling hot, i'm dizzy and feel radiated, my eyes are so painful and im struggling to keep my eyes focused!!

Headaches are so bad that i have to sit with a cold flannel on my head, why on earth did i not use headphones, or use Skype, why did i sit again with the mobile phone pushed against the side of my head, especially knowing and suffering with an exhausting brain injury of Post Concussive syndrome - its suicide!!!!!!!

So, does mobile phones cause us brain damage, YES, they do!!!!! From someone who has experienced this, i cannot say they don't - I urge people to not use your mobile phones for any longer than 10 minutes, if so - please use headphones, especially those who already have brain injuries.

was i just unlucky....more stupid than unlucky, i think i'm done with mobile phones, i want to remove myself from this radiation, if its not bad enough that we are surrounded with microwaves, radar technology and 5G now making its arrival, i think im ready to ditch my phone (again) in a drawer and start living, because this phone is going to be the death of me...

25 Replies
NeuronerdDoaty profile image

🙋‍♀️. I’m here. I had a tumor removed from my right parietal lobe. Yes my phone use was all right-handed. That was 20 years ago. (Neuroscience is my career.)

I seriously don’t recommend sleeping near it. Take them away from kids. Stay away from those long discussions.

This is not because I had a tumor but because of the things I’ve seen at work. Maybe it’s Lithium? Maybe it’s an as yet unknown factor. I know I’ve done studies on myself and used data from patients and anxiety, headaches, nausea are worsened by increased cell phone use.

Thank you for your post.


in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

OMG im so sorry to hear that, im glad you are still alive darling.....please look after yourself........ive ditched my smartphone, but i feel theres no point in ditching anything, as ive got wifi in my home, and every person in every house also has it, we cannot escape it, and thats terrifying.......

my sleep has changed, i look ill and yes i feel ill, im ill!!!!!!!! and fear im going to end up with brain cancer, i can feel my brain changing for sure, my eyeballs rolling around my head, lost memory, and left side problems, ( i hold my phone left side) i cannot concentrate, i feel ill everyday. im also hypersensitive and can feel all the wifi around me, i went to see the man who hears wifi at a talk many years ago, i wanted to stand up in that talk and say i feel the :) but i spared myself the embarrassment and that of the people there doing the talk.........thank you for being honest xxxx

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

Im sick of being told that im a conspiracy head........ i understand about misinformation and disinformation, but i started to feel this in the 80s......... i felt something all around me, i developed hypertension and hypersensitivity, i was told it was my epilepsy which i got after a car crash and a severe impact to my head, so ive always just believed it, but my body was telling me that separate to the epilepsy that there was an unseen force all around me, it was only 10 years ago that i started to type into the computer all my issues and it brought me to wifi, mobile phones computers and so on.......when microwave ovens first came out i had a severe reaction to them, lol, that feeling was around me again, ive never used the microwave oven and refuse to eat anything thats been prepared in a microwave oven, i feel now we are all in a microwave oven!!!!!!!!!!

ive spoke to my neurologist, my gp and anyone who will listen and no-one addresses it, they give me a blank stare followed by....."theres not enough radiation in the ether to hurt you" I BEG TO DIFFER on that one.......AS i feel it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive also spoken to those who give you EEG, or is it ECG, the machine that you go into to scan your brain, the first time i had this done, i couldn't even walk straight!!!!!!! with no word of a lie - when they took me out of this machine my first words were "what the hell have you done to me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive had 3 of these scans in my lifetime, each time i felt the same as i did the first time.

i felt as though this machine had changed my i went to research it and told them i had discovered this technology was connected to DAARPA and HAARP, they laughed it off, and told me that there is no damage to having these scans, then as i sat outside the waiting room, i saw the poster for the scans and it had HAARP on small writing right at the bottom of the poster, i think i still have the photograph somewhere-maybe not, but i read it and thats what it said!!!!!

i have felt my whole life change, my nervous system has changed, my brain has changed, my ability to learn, my ability to concentrate, the way i write, the way i read, and so much more, that i would need 30 pages to explain it all.

I can easily separate my epilepsy and my post concussive disorder to that of everything else, like i said this started for me in the 80s, then again in the 90s and so on and so on.......

Im not trying to fear monger or cause alarm to anyone-its just my opinion, and every time i try to express this opinion im told what i think and feel is not happening!!!!

so i try to keep quiet in fear i.ll be classed as mad and put into a mental institution.... lol :)

DRAMATIC me!!!!!!!

NeuronerdDoaty profile image

I used to do EEGs.

There are large groups of people and even towns where the ambient electrical waves effect the entire population. You may be one of those ppl highly sensitive to the ambient electricity. I’ve had patients like that as well. I’ll try to find the information.

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

yes, as soon as i walked up to the large van that has them sitting in, i could feel it, and i thought, is there someone in there having this scan, and yes there was, even sitting on the seat waiting for my turn to go in, i started to feel my whole nervous system changing, i started shaking in time with the machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

if you want to take my info for your records then thats fine, im happy to answer any of your questions to add to your research.

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

Also i wanted to ask you, how are you now, after you had the operation, have you felt yourself again?????

Do you suffer with any health problems today - have you felt a change within you since the operation, like somethings not quite right???

what did they do in the form of the operation, and what did they find from the sample taken out??? did they test the tumour removed????

also if you done those EEGs as a nurse/dr - do you have any side effects from this, as i expect you sat there for many hours, daily, weekly, monthly ????

i know the nurses and drs are usually outside behind the glass when in hospitals, or on the other side of the big metal doors when its placed in the vans, i often wonder are the people doing the tests also effected eventually!!!!!!!!!!!!

NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to

I am odd in that I have never lived with expectations. I change all the time. But I will say I tell all my patients to say hi to the new you. I’ve had people hate all the clothes they always wore to changing all the food they eat. I now have an autoimmune attributed to the multiple strokes and brain surgeries as well as other head injuries in childhood. I can’t smell most things. I have migraines and epilepsy. Fatigue is always an issue as well as clinical depression. I’ve only stopped working three times. It keeps me focused and I think other people like us need me.

I had an oligodendroglioma. This is usually a malignant tumor but for some reason mine encapsulated and was benign. The problem was it incorporated an artery which blew out in three total hemorrhages.

My husband and I have been married 4 years. While house hunting he looks at high tension wires. It’s a well known fact there are leukemia clusters at the least.

I won’t say I’m at as high of a voltage as you but there are communities that live without on purpose. I’ve had patients. There’s one in North Carolina USA. I’m quite healthier in less electrically active places.

Every day is a new one. It’s been a journey.

Oh I started liking tomatoes.

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

wow........thats amazing - im inspired for sure, i love your outlook on life, its a pain to hear it as a patient, it drives you insane, but when you actually start to live in a different way-you then accept the new you for sure.....

and yes, it took myself a longtime to say hi to the new me, like a reincarnation over and over and over again!!!!

Try to build your own house, use straw, hemp and look into the eco lifestyle.

have you tried CBD oil, are you in America???? as its legal over there to have cannibas, have you looked into herbs and homeopathy ???

start cooking with the herb/plant, try yoga, try floatation tanks but not for long periods of time, just a few hours a day or week or a month.

try salt therapy - like sitting in salt rooms, theres a place in Poland europe, that have health doctors onsite working with people who are ill, they treat you with hydrotherapy, salt rooms and an array of all other help.........if you have something similar there then give it all a go.....


NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to

You are so right. I had hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Cool stuff. I’d love to do some more. It’s past the time insurance will pay for it and it’s quite expensive but worth it.

I can’t use the oil as long as I’m in the medical field. I’m in the USA.

Frankly I barely eat or take anything. I eat terrible. Protein and carbs.

I looooove yoga. I’m not sure my body would move without it. I just started my breathing exercises again. I noticed I was breathing too shallow, again.

Our insurance doesn’t cover salt therapy but when I can there are artisan wells in the mountains close by. I’ll spend a weekend there and alternate with the salt bath. I have lupus now from the tbis so I have to watch my skin.

Thank you for caring. It’s so nice to have someone to share this with.


in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

have you heard of this stuff, is there any info over there about this, they're saying here in the uk that its rubbish, and they're trying to ban it as its not been trusted or tested, it may be nonsense but ive just come across this in the last week.......


in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

oh my god, so many health problems, how do you keep it together, try almond oil for your skin, and take salt baths with infamatory herbal oils, clean out your system with know i read something about lupus and a cure for it, ive got so much on my hard drive that it would take a year or more to read it all, but i remember saving it thinking wow, is it that simple to cure.

i know 1 person who has lupus and she really does struggle. you must start eating your greens, your veg and going vegan for a little bit..........just to see the change in your system.....

if you get the biodome - you can grow your own food, clean your water and so on. taking mud baths rich in all the soil nutrients can help with skin you know.... it sounds crazy but ive had a few mud baths in my time to help with eczema and psoriasis and i was shocked at the results, along with salt baths it went away over time, i stopped taking everything that had sugar too, and what a change i saw in my skin and body functions as a whole...... we must clean out our bodies of all candida, metals etc, do kidney flushes and liver cleanses then we really see the results, its overwhelming.......

ahh ok, you can't do cannibas, but CBD oil doesn't have any psytropic chemicals within it, so your not going to be high at work, even if you just use it on your skin.....and head, rub it into the bottom of your feet at night.....

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

i mean buy the himalayan salt from a herbalist if you can't get it on insurance, we get it cheap here in the uk, i use epsom, magnesium, himalayan and another one that i can't remember at the moment, put them all in a bath with lavender and tea tree oil, along with olive oil or almond oil............and sit in the bathroom with the hot steam from the bath until the bath is then cool enough to sit in.........also, have you tried castor oil on the skin, onions on the feet and ears, potatoes on the legs......the old school stuff!!!!!!!!!!

theres an australian woman who does talks on you tube....wait, i.ll find her.....

oh yes, barbara o.neill............sometimes the old stuff is the best stuff, many a time my grandma would be sticking leaves, soap, salt to my body as a child, for bee stings and splinters, or being poorly, ive gone back to those old therapies, because at this stage in my life, i.ll try anything and everything........

NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to

Thank you!

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

your lucky to be alive, ive just re-read your story, thank you for sharing this, its often difficult to expose ourselves and struggles, we want to be perfect without pain, to not be seen as weak, struggling or should i say thats how i feel anyway, but yes, you are very lucky but sadly unlucky, i understand the epilepsy, fatigue, depression.

and wow you managed to keep working - your heart kept you going, bless you and your family, you are blessed to have all those grandchildren - you enjoy them and live your life.

your husband sounds like a gentleman, looking out for those wires, yes, those wires!!!!!!!!!!!

we have similar problems and im glad found each other, its great just to exchange, its an off load from the mind, whilst we still have them!!!!!!!!!

you love tomatoes....hahahahaahaaaahhah ive always loved tomatoes...

i now love mustard-disgusting stuff, but i now love it, mustard and tomatoes yummy....

im in the UK, just so you know!!!!!!!

also have you tried acupuncture, or something that can clean the meridian lines in the body....

NeuronerdDoaty profile image

Oh the house......

I want a biodome. We’re discussing. My youngest daughter is helping with the live green effort. My generation is not known for this of course. You need to find a 20-something!😀

NeuronerdDoaty profile image

I love the mud baths.

A person will occasionally test positive on CBD oil. I don’t really need it anyway. I have to watch cleansing my kidneys as lupus effects the kidneys.

Mustard.....ewh! Lol

Again acupuncture is not covered by insurance but my sister-in-law does acupressure on me.

I actually pay very little attention to myself. I take care of others. I’m terrible about myself. I could do better.

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty too, i can hear me saying practice what i preach....... im always running around making herbal drinks for those who are sick, but rarely do it for myself... we are messengers and healers i think neuronerd...hahahhahahahah

ahhhh i see, you get tested ok....fair enough, CBD isn't for everyone....

oh ok, im going to look a bit further into lupus, but i do have mass amounts of info on it, time to get out that hard drive.......

yes, i must research the kidneys, but again ive got extensive info on the hard drive, im very interested in herbs, plants and weeds for curing the body.......i remember as a child running through my grans garden, eating dandelions and all sorts, the same when i went walking in the fields, i would randomly pick up weeds and eat them.

now i may sound like a conspiracy nut here, but i do believe that the chemical sprays used to kill those weeds were not invented just for keen gardeners, i feel it was a way of getting rid of those weeds, as most of them are actually cures for the body and thats why they grow.....some weeds kill, most weeds cure.........

ive always believed that and i think my body was naturally connected to them, as a child i had no knowledge of this, i naturally would eat what my body told me too....

its as though the plants/weeds pulled me to them...weird i know, but i find myself now later in life going back to the days of my childhood!!!!!

as a child and mostly through my adult hood, my body has rejected meat, as a child i found myself throwing my meat into the bin and telling my parents, gran that i had already eaten it, i just didn't connect with meats at all!!!!!!!!

ive gone way off topic of the brain and mobile phones, but as i always say, its all connected somewhere down the line....

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

is tapping acupressure?????......also, everything on the feet is connected to the body, try walking bare foot as much as you can!!!!!!!!!!!

i do gong baths, sound therapy....and i want to try to do the tuning forks.....

speak to you again neuronerd....peace and love and healing energy to you and all your family.

NeuronerdDoaty profile image
NeuronerdDoaty in reply to

I love being barefoot.

It depends on what kind of tapping you’re talking about. I enjoyed the conversation.

in reply toNeuronerdDoaty

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