Has anyone tried new injections Evenity and if so how have they got on
Mary M: Has anyone tried new injections... - Bone Health and O...
Mary M
Didn't do anything for me. Very disappointed.
Hi rwlmartin1. I have just read your post on the eventy injection. I was advised to start them this year but have decided not to go ahead with them..can I ask why you are disappointed and how long you were on these for.
Hi I am having eventity Injections since September, i won't know results til September 25, everyone is at a different stage when they start ,but for me it is worth trying if it means it improves my bone density. The science is good,I was assessed suitable from a panel of multi disciplinary team who looked at my suitability. I have had no side affects apart from a little discomfort at injection site for a couple of days. I would rather trust the information given just for me. There are very negative comments about this but also very possitive , but for me it's worth trying .,Hope you get good advice for your situation .
Hello Fredof. I started Evenity in August. I was not on any treatment before, apart from pain relief. As Evenity is a bone building and maintenance drug my Vit D and calcium levels were tested prior to starting. The plan for me following this 12 month course is to have at least 3 years of a yearly infusion. I was quite anxious prior to starting this treatment but so far I have been doing ok. I do the injections myself. It is too early for me to know whether there has been increased bone density but after hearing there have been improvements for others on this drug I am hopeful. Wishing you all the best on your journey
I have just finished. Once I have the results of my Dexa scan I will share. Message me.
Hi Doormouse100 - I am about to start and would very much appreciate it if you could sahre your DEXA results with me too?
Thank you!
I have just finished the year on Evenity, had no problems doing it or side effects, my dexa scan showed a 10% improvement,I didn’t think that was very much but consultant was very pleased as other scans all showed deterioration,now going on domosemah hope improvement continues, good luck.
Thank you - I get confused with the percentages - can you say what difference there was in the scores? eg did it go from 2.5 to2.2?
on it for a year, no side effects, big improvement in bone density
Thats really encouraging thankyou,especially to those of us on the eventity year of injections . So glad for you too ,it must be quite a relief to have improvedyour bone density. 😊