I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and would like specialist advice, who should I ask to be referred to please. I’m in the UK and willing to pay for an initial private consultation.
referral advice please: I have been... - Bone Health and O...
referral advice please

You need to see a Rheumatologist
or an endocrinologist or gerontologist. There are no osteoporosis specialists as such
Dr David Reid on Harley St is best in uk if you can pay.
Hi I was referred by my GP to endocrinology Metabolic Bone Clinic.
I have paid to see a rheumatologist. I was on alendronic acid for years. Subsequently, once I had agreed the next course of action/treatment with him, he gave me my first Denosumab injection. This was at great expense and so I asked him to refer me back to my GP to continue with my 6 monthly injections on the NHS. The NHS consultant agreed with this treatment plan.
thank you, I was initially referred to care of the elderly who wanted me to have the infusion it said I would think about it but wasn’t keen..I will find a rheumatologist for a second opinion. Thank you
Dr Nick Birch is an orthopaedic consultant specialising in osteoporosis. He's based in Northamptonshire, where he runs Osteoscan UK Ltd, with clinics held there as well as around the country. Consultations usually include a REMS bone scan, although it may be possible to have one without the scan (you would need to ask him about that). REMS is modern technology that's more fully automated than DEXA and less open to error, so many of us would recommend it, particularly if there's a big difference between any two of your t-scores. See osteoscanuk.com.