As an ex medical Technician, I tend to research items that worry me. I have one of the IBS diagnosis, Diverticulitis. I also have GERD. I have been on Omeprazole for a number of years, approved in a full medical checkup (including a full body scan). I have been on annual infusions of Zelendronic Acid for just over a year after blood, DEXA scan and multiple X-Rays etc. I have been researching the use of raking with PPI’s and osteoporosis drugs and most of the research comes up with the same conclusions. “No interactions between bisphosphonates and PPIs are documented, but the increased risk of fractures with concomitant administration should be considered and managed.” gpNotehook source. So we are being scared about something that no one has proven there is a problem! I take the minimum dose and most worries are about very high dosage. Also one research paper stated that Asian’s were the only group who should get advice. The overall view is muddled and you need to go with your medical team. As someone who was put on Prolia for a year and taken off for no reason I am careful and am sure the decline of my situation was caused by Prolia with no adjunct drugs. Do get advice and research if you can. I am sticking with the PPI as I know my life would be impossible without it.
Osteoporosis drugs and PPI’s for gast... - Bone Health and O...
Osteoporosis drugs and PPI’s for gastric reflux and digestive side effects.

Thanks for that. I tend to think they'd never prescribe something that was going to cause more problems than it solves!!The overall cost if they really did cause more fractures would be so high what would be the point ?
I'm annoyed that I don't seem to be able to find the article in the Telegraph, I'll email them and see if they can send it to me, I know Bath University and a USA university were involved, they said that new studies showed that there wasn't a link.
It seems rather unfair to us, already with the uncertainty of an Osteoporosis diagnosis to have to worry that we are taking something that could make fractures!
In my mind it doesn't add up
love42france thanks for sharing the informations above. One doubt has occured to me( sorry if it is a silly question) but is there any relation between your diagnose of diverticulits with the osteo drugs?
I have a hiatus hernia and have had issues with acid reflux. As I try to avoid medication if I can, my research eventually led me to the IQoro, which is a very simple, but effective exercise device. It is approved by NICE, so I was able to get it prescribed for me by my doctor in the UK, although he had not heard of it before. It can also be purchased privately. The research results are impressive, and it has certainly helped me, so it’s well worth checking out this alternative to PPIs.