Raising bone mineral density with yoga:
For those of us with osteoporosis,thi... - Bone Health and O...
For those of us with osteoporosis,this study on yoga may be welcoming.

I can also recommend this book by Margaret Martin for anyone who has osteoporosis and does yoga.
oh happy day! I suspected & hoped. Thank you!
Fabulous.I'm a yogi! Thanks for posting.
very helpful thank you
Hi. I was recommended yoga by an excellent physiotherapist when she learned that I had PMR so was taking steroids. I've done a weekly class ever since and spend quite some time on one leg during every day 😀
Well that's marvellous, I've been teaching for years that certain Yoga poses help bones, and more poses, to benefit more bones than those explored in the study. Weren't those ancient yogis brilliant!!
Thanks, thats encouraging!
I too have improved bone density and do pilates twice a week with exercises as per that yoga exercise sheet. My pilates teacher pitches her class for seniors and gives lots of alternatives. I feel so good after a class!
Mine does too and there’s no way anyone in my little group of older and fragile ladies would be allowed to make a ‘bridge’ as high as shown in photo 7. We only ever go as high as the base of our ribcage.
Also I think it is important to remember that the poses shown are being modelled by young very fit people.
Some people - especially older people - may not be able to get their legs as straight as the models shown are doing -(me!) some may have dodgy shoulders, hips and other body parts and I say that as someone who has been doing Pilates for over 20 years with an excellent teacher who is also a physiotherapist.
Those exercises might be something to aspire to but a lot of people just won’t be able to do what is shown and could very well damage themselves in the process - or even just put themselves off exercising because they can’t do them.
I’d say if you want to do any exercise at least start off with a good experienced teacher like Siamang and I are fortunate to have and if your teacher doesn’t show understanding of your condition and know how to adapt exercises to suit you then find one who does.