so docs have said constipation can be caused by pain medication and by the nerves of the vertebra, what's your experience, thanks
any pain medication comments welcomed, i think.
a dr friend of mine has used patches.
so docs have said constipation can be caused by pain medication and by the nerves of the vertebra, what's your experience, thanks
any pain medication comments welcomed, i think.
a dr friend of mine has used patches.
i'm just asking questions cause i don't really know what else to do, just helpless and bit depressed, but i thank you all
Hello MGBY, thought you might be interested to know there is a Yoga pose (moving one called the Locust, you perfect Half-Locust first) that is said to affect those nerves and relieve constipation. It's done lying on your tummy and if you can't find a good teacher I could teach you online, but in person is much better so definitely worth seeking someone local. I am very sorry to hear you feel helpless and a bit depressed, it's awful, and I hope you start to feel better soon.
Hello, codeine can cause constipation. I am on this pain medication, but also have movicol which I dilute in water and it prevents the constipation. Talk to your doctor, or phramcist, they should be able to prescribe you something suitable
I've had chronic pain for over 20 years. I was on opiates which can cause constipation. I ended up with a perforated bowel. I should have been on a stool softener with the opiates but no Dr mentioned it to me.