I am taking 30mgs of lansoprazole is it still OK to take it with zoledronic acid infusion along with my other supplements I take.
ppis and zoledronic acid infusion - Bone Health and O...
ppis and zoledronic acid infusion

I think you’ll need to discuss that with your doctor or pharmacist - pharmacists are very knowledgeable about drugs, or the people who are going to do the infusion or else contact the ROS helpline.
I’m thinking it can’t be all that long now until you have your infusion, be sure to drink loads of water before and after you have it and maybe even while it’s going in but I’m sure the nurse doing it will tell you about that on the day.
I will be having it on the 25th April. I have spoken to some one at ros and she said don't take any retinol or zinc that's a first.
Hi Radars,
Lansoprazole does not interact with Zoledronic acid infusion in anyway.
However I presume you are aware that prolonged use of Lansoprazole or any other PPI medication can contribute to your osteoporosis and increase your fracture risk.
You will have most probably been made aware of this when you have read the patient information leaflet that comes with Lansoprazole.
PI medication is extremely difficult to come off as I found out for myself.
I gave up and gave in several times when trying to come off it, I preserved though and found that stopping it was the best thing I could have done.
Now I have 10 spinal fractures and with the loss of height, intestines pushed forward, ribs on pelvis, and throw in Hyperinflated Lungs and Hiatus hernia.
All of this does create problems with acid reflux, usually it is managed well with Gaviscon Advance but I do not take anything other than this, at its worst I persevere until it settles.
I was worse on the Lansoprazole than I was off it.
All the best with your treatment you have given it much thought and you have absolutely nothing to lose giving it a go and there is a huge possibility for someone in your position of benefitting by it.
thanks, I have a hiatus hernia I have been taking ppis for years because I have a hiatus hernia you must be swigging a lot of gaviscon .
after swinging gaviscon when you have a drink or anything it spoils the effects ,you must be taking a lot I tried gaviscon but I was drinking too much.
I only take one 5 ml spoonful before bed it is on very few occasions I would take two.
Fortunately I have never been one for alcohol and never been a smoker, life has never been boring for me though☺️
No idea what I have done to have the problem with the bones though.
OH,Your hiatus hernia can't be bad then
On the contrary!!!
Having had 10 fractures and Horrific pain and disability with and from them.
Reflux and the rest is a walk in the park.
Hope you never have to find out.
I take Alendronic acid weekly, half an hour after I take my Lansoprazole.I have tried to come off Lansoprazole several times but find it very painful. Recently I read about IQORO, a device which is supposed to help with reflux and other things.It’s supposed to be available on prescription, I am planning to talk to my doctor about this.
Were you advised to take them that way round? I always understood that you need to take the alendronic acid first, as it must be taken on an empty stomach. I think if you take lansoprazole first it may reduce the effectiveness of the alendronic acid.
think it is best to take ppi first in case of stomach problems.
But if it stops the AA from working, there would be little point in taking the AA.
I would check with a doctor or pharmacist.
I take the Alendronic acid first on an empty stomach,and the ppi later.My Doctor suggested I leave half an hour between them. I am not keen on the idea of taking them , but my most recent Dexa scan shows an improvement.
It seems to me that these Big Pharma drugs are nothing less than poisons. All we ever hear about is trouble with them. It's exactly the same with the Covid "vaccines" which aren't vaccines at all, by the way. They are gene therapy and the FDA has just discontinued all "boosters" and follow-up jabs. The whole thing was a scam from the get-go. We knew this and we were never "vaccinated"... and we never got Covid, either. For God's sake, watch out for these Big Phama drugs. These people are not for real. Sorry to have to bring you this bad news but the media are entirely on the side of the drug companies so they won't help you.