Dear friends,
After several ‘phone calls over the past few days, we are hopefully starting to make some slow progress.
Thank you all, for your kind advice and suggestions, all of which are now stored in our armoury and some of which have been acted on.
The very helpful ladies at the ROS set about finding out if NHS England have changed the dosage period for Forsteo from 24 months to 18. ( This is what we were told by our local Rheumatology department) They )The ROS) could find no evidence of this but today, I spoke to a pharmacist who stated it is NICE that have approved funding for 18 months and any extension ( up to 24 months ) must be applied for. This applies nationwide and sounds more accurate. The Pharmacist stated that she could see clearly from Margaret’s Consultant’s letters that he has always intended that she should receive treatment for 24 months.
We are now awaiting a phone call which will hopefully confirm that the extension of a further 6 months treatment is being applied for. As yet, nobody is saying why that wasn’t already in the pipe line and who was responsible.
We will keep you informed as soon as we know.
Thank you again for all your support, from me and my dear wife Margaret.