Has anyone had a rib fracture without an accident or impact? If so, how was it diagnosed?
Possible rib fracture: Has anyone had a... - Bone Health and O...
Possible rib fracture

Not a rib fracture, but you may have seen my recent posts about my lower back and hip pain, did e consult with GP who sent me for X Rays and that's how we found out I've got a compression wedge fracture in my back, no accident, impact etc
I just laid on my side on a Pilates roller in an exercise class and felt something in my rib cage give way. It was quite painful for a few weeks but more or less eased. I foolishly lifted something fairly heavy and from the day after have had worse pains in rib cage. In phone consultation in view of previous fractures GP thought I’d cracked ribs. She didn’t want me to be exposed to unnecessary radiation of X Ray and it should ease in a month. Hasn’t yet but I suppose it’s improving. Best wishes Ruth
Hi, yes I had a rib fracture last year from carrying heavy shopping which was banging against my side. I had alot of pain and thought it was a pulled muscle. When it didn't heal up after a few weeks, I saw the doctor who said it was a cracked rib and since it was unusual, and I had an early menopause, she sent me for a DXA scan which revealed the start of Osteoporosis. I am now taking the Alendronic Acid once a week and a Calcium and Vitamin D supplement. Good luck.