I had a Dexa scan 18 months after stopping Forsteo and my hips had gone down by 8% my spine by 14%.
A further Dexa 18 months later and the hips had gone down by14% and the spine a further 6%.
In 3 years I had lost a total of 22% from my hips, and a total of 20% from my spine.
This was 3/4 of my total bone loss from first being diagnosed!!!
I have always kept my records and this only came to both mine and my husbands attention recently after having 3 more spinal fractures last year.
My records also show for me, that on having a drug holiday from Bisphosponates, the loss of bone density is slower than when compared to stopping the Forsteo. (It is well known that the Bisphosponates stay in the bones for some time after stopping treatment)
I can see now the great importance of following on with treatments.
After 16 years though I can not help but wonder how things would actually be now for me had I not had any treatment.