Before taking levothyroxine I was active and felt well. Since taking levothyrixine I have felt ill in many ways..dizzy, cfs; low bloid pressure, no interests, no motivation, mega lack of concentration, generally unwell! Irecall in 2010/2011 feeling ok. Moving on since taking levo 2011...2017 1st spine fracture, osteoporosis in spine, osteopenia in cervical and lumbar, December 2019 2nd Spine fracture, February 2020 3rd Spine fracture??
Does anyone think taking levothyroxin... - Bone Health and O...
Does anyone think taking levothyroxine can cause Osteoporosis...I need to know please

You could check with the Royal Osteoporosis Society. I have found them accurate and very informative, but know that often doctors haven't a clue; I was told by my Oncologist at The Royal Marsden "there's nothing you need to do!, when he told me my Dexa scan showed I had Osteoporosis!
Wow! And have you done nothing?
See elsewhere for my reply - as I did a lot. But had to go to Europe to get full info. See more on my website
I have been taking thyroxine since I was 16 years old after a nodular goitre was removed. I am now in my 70th year. I have it checked once a year. I do not get the symptoms you are listing. I have heard that taking too much thyroxine may be harmful to bones, hence a once a year blood test.
I have been takin* Liothyronine since my late teens, I was diagnosed with osteoporosis when I was just 65 yrs, I had been over prescribed thyroid medication for years, despite regular blood test. This has hugely contributed to my bone loss. I am still taking Liothyronine but in a much much smaller dosage. I am now 75 yrs. I managed my osteoporosis with supplements, diet and exercise for 9 yrs and no bone meds. However after being in a car accident when I fractured my sternum and two spinal vertebrae, I conceded and just over a year ago started to take Raloxifene (with no side effects). This has helped me maintain bone density .. with just a slight gain, I still take supplements, watch my diet and continue with exercise.
Thank you for your very informative information. I can't do any exercises as I'm told if I bend/twist/move 'awkwardly' that I will have another spine fracture. The last one happened in Feb when I only squatted and reached for a cup at the top of dishwasher! I can't t take Alendronic Acid (very allergic to it). I won't take Prolia (denusab) because, after reading up on it there's a strong possibility of having a Major reaction as reacting with other Meds I take!!
An orthopaedic consultant specialising in spines told our osteoporosis support group that even those who've had spinal fractures can do heel drops, which are a form of impact exercise that won't cause a fracture. He recommended 50 a day! I wouldn't attempt them with fresh fractures, but once healed, it might be something worth looking into, but of course with advice from a professional as we're all different.
Actually I went abroad to Italy to find out what I should do - and found out about targeted exercise and drugs. Armed with this, I came back to London and TOLD my NHS GP what I needed - and he caved in like a lamb. I then transferred myself to King's College, and they gave me proper care. But I wonder how many others are told what I was? And yes, since the diagnosis I've had 14 fractures! But am still surviving.
2nd reply - I've written some stuff about Osteoporosis on
Hi I have just come back to this forum. I have had 10 compression fractures in spine last had dexa about 6 yrs ago so likely had more. I had huge operation on my neck where vertabrae taken out replaced with titanium and screws to hold in place. That was 1 yr ago this was extremely painful. They say going by MRI that op was success but I beg to differ. On paper it might be but in reality not. I am in lot of pain not got good balance,do not go out this op was supposed to slow down osteoporosis but do not think it has. My neck is stiff my ribs feel tight like I was in a vice. I do exercises by myself to try help myself. I am on thyroid medication as well and did not know there was a connection. If this is wrong place to post then I am sorry for doing so. I never took any of the medication except went against advuce took strontium until they took it of the market thanks Aprillass
Look up Lara Pizzorno, I've just watched a very interesting webinar by her regarding osteoporosis and treatment. She recommends checking TSH, Free T3 and 4 as having too much medication can increase osteoporosis as can being hypothyroid,
Apologies if you've posted about this before, but is there a study on which you base the recommendation of 600-900 mg calcium/day?
Hi Thyb i have never stopped thyroid medication. I might have if I had known therecwas a connection, i do not mind u asking at all.
Informative...I just watched it thank youwbiC. Do you follow Diet or take Meds
Have you seen an endocrinologist to do follow-up studies on your thyroid levels? It could be that your dosage is wrong, throwing your endocrine system out of balance, which could be consistent with your symptoms. You might also consider whether you should ask for the name brand rather than taking a generic. When generics became popular many years ago, and my doctor switched me, my thyroid levels were affected negatively. Since then, I insist on the name brand and have had no problems.
When you see the endocrinologist, you can ask if there are any pure brands available to you.
My appointment with Endo and others have been cancelled due to Covid. The only Pure one I came across was Tirosint but GP/Endo won't fund it. I got my pharmacist to order me Tirosint from IBSA Lugano Switzerland....50 x 25mcg £150...I only took 2 about a year ago as they made my Heart palpitate into my throat and pulse soared...resting pulse 130-140bpm....very Scary
If I had your symptoms, I would risk the appt with endo -- or perhaps a phone consult to discuss labs and possible dose changes if labs are not in normal range. It could be that the drug you're taking is fine, and that it's just a dose change that is necessary. I recently had labs done at a local lab where I could zip in and out and not have to ride in an elevator, and had a phone consult with my oncologist.
Yes, according to what I’ve read. I went from having extremely strong bones and after taking Levo in strengths up to 150mcg for Around 10 years, I had become osteopathic/osteopaenic.
Levo didn’t make me better
Either. Needed t3 for that!
oh yes, thank you for posting this. Very informative. Must re-listen.
Thanks, just watched this.
What foods do you mainly eat...or even better a couple of your daily menus.....Am to pm?
I am NOT medically qualified, so don't think I can give advice about every treatment that might be prescribed. When I started my website I tried to make it clear that I was a cancer PATIENT who had not always received very good advice, so here was what had worked for ME. I got my information approved by a friendly impartial consultant, and hope it can help others. But as I haven't taken Fosamax, I would even write about it - it is for your doctor to tell you what to do.
If you could let me know which article you are worried about, I will gladly consult my friendly doctor and ask what should be changed. If you just send me the internet address I can take it from there,
It’s not prescribed as not seen as needed by NICE.
Why are you taking thyroxine? Osteoporosis is known to be associated with having an overactive thyroid which mine was for some time before being treated. (I’d also had periods when it was underactive and undiagnosed too). So too much thyroxine whether natural or over treatment may cause osteoporosis. However let’s face it we get older and wear down - no escaping old age. Genetics as well plays a part older sister has it - had new knees but no thyroid problems. My aunt too - no thyroid probs but osteo v bad. My doc thinks I’m overtreated now but if I drop dosage of Levo I start feeling hypo! No simple answers it seems.
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia in November 2018, but am also a sufferer of epilepsy. I have been on Levothyroxine for several years and find I am also lethargic, lose concentration and generally don't feel well some days. My levels according to 6 monthly tests are okay according to the doctor. I'm currently on 75mcg. I take Risedronate Sodium for the osteoporosis but I still struggle with back and neck pain. I put my osteoporosis down to being on hormonal replacement therapy for many years after a hysterectomy, and also from Phenytoin which is an anti-epileptic drug.