Is Corona Virus more of a risk for people with osteoporosis? Is it considered an underlying health condition that could increase risk?
Corona Virus and Osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
Corona Virus and Osteoporosis

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Jump to repliesCOVID19/Corona is a virus which affects the airways so, if you have a lung condition - asthma or COPD, say - then you are a high risk group. Also conditions which could weaken your immune system - e.g. diabetes, HIV
Apologies for the link to The Sun - normally, I never read it but I was looking for an extensive list for you and with explanations as to why that condition would make someone more vulnerable and The Sun was actually the only one:
So, a bone condition would not - and I am not a doctor - weaken your immune system itself. But I do not know if you are taking medication which might compromise your immune system or affect your airways so please do talk to your pharmacist or doctor - I am certainly no expert.
Only in that we may not be exercising so much now, due to having asthma i am now stuck in so no zumba or tai chi classes for me. Currently trying to find online ones but its not the same as it was also a social thing for me and mum. Went for a walk yesterday and loads had the same idea so we were all doing the pavement hop to try to avoid each other 🤣
For me at the moment I am able to continue my exercising which I do at home and I continue going out walking every day so for now nothing has changed for me........... yet
I have read that COVID19 is not very transmittable outdoors. So that may be the best place to be. (of course you should stay inside if you have the virus)
The pavement hop. Funny. Yes same here in my neighborhood. :).
I must say these kind of online communities are becoming more and more meaningful and comforting these days.
Oh, yes! The pavement hop! I experienced that today on my daily walk.
We did support our fav cafe today and ordered a coffee each and sat outside.
Whilst out for a walk today I also popped into two shops for a couple of items, I had two itches (at separate times) on my face, that I really wanted to touch but kept strong and eventually they went! Since being home I have boiled my hands.
When outside try to maintain six feet or two metres between yourself and other human beings, even someone you know well and with whom you may be sitting and having a coffee. Sorry. That's what "social distancing" requires of us.
That is correct but unfortunately it is not always possible to do this when out and about. Pavements are not that wide, hence the pavement hop, someone having to walk in the road which could of course be dangerous. More people appear to be out and about in couples or families now that people are working from home or not required to be at work for whatever reason and schools/nurseries/playgroups/colleges shut.
I live in an area where I can avoid busy sidewalks, but there are still idiots who seem determined to walk into you!
The National Trust is opening up all their stunning gardens, parklands and grounds for free so that we are able to enjoy a walk outside in nature with extra space so as to minimise the risks of overcrowding in parks.