Has anyone had dental problems 6 mont... - Bone Health and O...

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Has anyone had dental problems 6 months after Prolia treatment ceased?

ImmunePoison profile image
21 Replies

Has anyone who took a Prolia shot had dental work after the 6 mos and had a bad reaction? I had bad reaction to the Prolia shot, severe diarrhea, weight loss and uptick in all allergies. Now I have 8 teeth in my upper right jaw that ache all the time. During the past 5 years all have had root canals, one about 6 months after the Prolia shot. The facial MRI showed my jaw bone to be fine and intact. Now go between the Dr. and Dentist trying to find out why all these teeth are aching. Has anyone else had dental problems or increase in allergies?

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21 Replies

I developed Osteonecrosis after having a tooth extracted. The extraction occurred 2 months after my 3rd Prolia injection. (the oral surgeon downplayed any risk associated with tooth extraction and bone enhancing drugs, adding if you have a problem we'll take take of you - What a lie!) My condition, also known as ONJ is nasty, and might be forever, nobody seems to know. It is stable now, after having had the area dug out and stitched 3 times to get rid of infection and dead bone tissue, but I fear if I ever need further tooth extraction it will begin again. In addition, I am now faced with a Rebound effect of high bone turnover from stopping Prolia, but that is another subject of woe.

Now about your teeth hurting: I also had my upper teeth start hurting and x rays showed that past implants had pushed into my sinuses causing pressure, particularly during allergy season. I temporarily used Simply Saline, and now every morning I use Fluticasone nasal spray. Some peoples sinuses come very close to the roots of your teeth. I suspect your recent root canals have activated the problem. Incidentally, it was a root canal that necessitated having the tooth extraction. I had a crown over the tooth and when they drilled through the crown it loosened and bacteria grew underneath, weakening the tooth. - it cracked while eating salmon, of all things!

Good luck

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toangryandfrustrated

Hi, Thank you for the helpful information. I am sorry that you have had to go through all that. My current dentist (the daughter in 3 dentist family) is up on her computer skills and knew about reading about Prolia that an extraction was what we had to avoid at all costs. I just returned from a 3D dental scan a relatively new addition to additional dentistry. It was not covered by insurance but the $400 may be worth it if it identifies the problem. I will know hopefully by the end of the week, if that holds any answers to my problem. Yours and my problem sound very similar and I would hope to avoid the dental surgery that you had to go through. I am glad you found something that helps and I will keep that in mind. I know itis inflamed because now on short course of cortisone is at least helping with the teeth pain. I am still somewhat dizzy and the back of my neck also seems to be somewhat inflamed. Take care and thanks for responding.

Sunseaandsand profile image

Hi I have had one Prolia injection, into my 5 month I started with terrible shooting pain in my teeth cheek and right side of face.

This continued and a few days before coming away all my upper teeth ached, I take strong painkillers for my back, and they never touched the pain in my teeth or face.

This continued for the first week of being away and has now cleared thank God.

I have put it down to a sinus infection, yet another side effect I have had to suffer as a result of having one injection of Prolia.

I hope like myself your pain goes away, I so wish I had not been persuaded to have Prolia, on top of the pain and problems that I have to contend with because of my fractures,I now feel I should not have had to put up with all the side effects of Prolia.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply toSunseaandsand

So sorry you have suffered and very wise not to go for a second Prolia injection. I have been told that having only one injection does not make you prone to rebound fractures, thankfully.

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toSunseaandsand

You are wise to have stopped when you did. I also have had severe back problems over the past 11 years resulting in 7 surgeries. I am now fused to T1 at the base of the neck. What the Drs don't tell you about Prolia is that there are two very important contraindications: 1) any bowel surgery - no prolia; 2) severe allergies - no prolia. I qualify under both those contraindications. I spoke with Amgen, the manufacturer, twice. They have since moved up the identifications of these two issues. I also filed a complaint with the FDA and will file another one, if I suspect Prolia is involved -- which I do. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I hope the teeth stay quiet, but the Dr. told me to watch for sinus infections, which I have never had so far, because they can affect the teeth. Oh I wish I had never heard of the drug, Prolia. It is a menace and should be taken off the market immediately.

elaine2447 profile image

Oh dear, I dont know what country you are in but you should never have left off the Prolia. FDA gave out a warning in January 2017 about this being a lifetime commitment because of the rebound fractures that can follow. Already two people on the facebook group in the UK where a lot of the endos and gps are so totally ignorant, have had multiple fractures since leaving it off. In answer to your actual question gov.uk/drug-safety-update/d...

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toelaine2447

Unfortunately I cannot take Prolia and never should have been given the drug in the first place because I have both Contraindications stated (buried in the paperwork) by the manufacturer, Amgen. 1) the drug should never be given to someone who has had bowel surgery, which I have had. 2) the drug should never be given to someone who has bad allergies, which I also have. This has been a rough 2 years since the shot in January 2017. I have had no fractures so far, and hope not too. But I will never again go through the stomach and colon agony, also now dental. Never Again!

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply toImmunePoison

So very sorry, damned disgusting and your doctor should be sued for not reading the contradications. I had a similar thing with so called osteoporosis expert endo in London. I've got allergies, also auto immune disorder. Didnt intend taking it anyway and in any case 2 months later fda gave out warning which surprisingly for my UK rheumatologist he knew about. So many in the UK still not informed.

I hope you recover and one injection won't cause rebound fractures. Take care x

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toelaine2447

So far no rebound fractures, just a total uptick in all allergic reactions. I have just been through 8 weeks of the worst case of hives ever from head to toe. There is not much to do for it except take antihistimines and make sure skin doesn't get over dry. I found a brand "Aveno" handcream for skin conditions including dry and itchy skin. It worked very well for me. A friend's sister gets hives too, and she swears by coconut oil. Since I didn't want to ruin clothes and still had to move about in decent clothing, I opted for the cream. Saved my life, along with cortisone cream to get the very itchy spots. What caused the hives? Anyone's guess. However it followed a course of cortisone which was prescribed to stop the inflammation of my teeth. Guess what, it worked for the teeth! But I got hives which is not an unusual reaction after cortisone because it is an immune suppressant allowing the other part of the immune system which "controls" allergies to push forward (that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it). So if you have tooth pain, it often can be inflammation. If you can take anti-inflammatories, I would try those first. Unfortunately, I cannot. All I can take is cortisone and now, maybe not even that if it causes hives. So all my allergies are worse and have been going that way since the prolia shot in January 2017. I swear the Prolia "base" never leaves the system or it alters it in some way. I have no proof of that, all I can say is that is what I have experienced. Take care,

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply toImmunePoison

Sorry you have suffered like this. I am told and I think it has been reported that one injection of Prolia will not cause rebound fractures. As for the cortisone cream dont overdo it, afterall, some people have actually got ostoeporosis because of being on steroids. As time goes on it will be out of your system and you will be okay. x

Maverick2 profile image

Severe diarrhea, weight loss indicates that your prolia activated some latent infection. now your immune system works overtime to keep that infection under check. It may be a long shot but my hunch is that a therapy directed toward the reactivated pathogen may bring relief. your immune system needs some help from you.

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toMaverick2

P.S. I also thought of infection, however, my white blood count is a little low. If I had an infection, my hematologist felt that the white blood count would be higher.

Maverick2 profile image
Maverick2 in reply toImmunePoison

An active infection requires neutrophils (wbc). but to keep it latent you need T cell. for example loss of T-cells in HIV cannot able to contain normal infections despite having high neutrophils. One approach is to take antibiotics but you got to know what is the pathogen? for example, a latent TB treatment reduces the TB specific T cell load. for any future infection i urge you to do a culture for bacteria and PCR for viral. you can look for such information in your hospital records.

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toMaverick2

One thing I do know is that I probably have very low T-Cell (killer cell) count. One immunologist about ten years into "treatment" for Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (Myalgic Encephamylitis) did a complete panel and said that I had the lowest T-Cell, Killer Cell, count he had ever seen. So you are saying that because of this I would have latent infections? Or are you saying that because of this, the infection would have shown itself long before now because I cannot fight it?) The problems too is, you have to find the infection first. Where is it? There was no indication of it in an MRI with and without contrast to showing infection in my jawbone. I had a CT Sinus and there is no sinus infection. Why do all the teeth in my upper right side hurt like one giant toothache? I am waiting for a 3D teeth/jaw x-ray this week. If there is any sign of infection, I will have them do a culture. I am not sure what a PCR is but I assume you are looking for a viral load? I will see if Dr. can do that too. But, if there is no site of infection are you saying that a general blood test is cultured for bacteria and tested for viral load? I hope you can clear my thoughts on this. I am "at sea" here, because my teeth and therefore my head hurts, or vice versa. The Dr. and the Dentist do not seem to cover the area in between, and I am having to be a bit of my own Doctor. Thanks for responding. Hope you have more ideas for me.

Maverick2 profile image
Maverick2 in reply toImmunePoison

I have sinus problem which occasionally pains my teeth. the pain is due to asymmetrical force on your bones. yours is not due to sinus but due to prolia rebound. you try to relax the force by treating the opposite side (top to bottom). have you tried hot water on the opposite side of the cheek near the teeth? it may increase or decrease the pain. you have to choose an appropriate location by trial and error to relive the stress. By the way, Hot water is an immune system activator which i believe will reduce the prolia rebound. I hardly suspect Dr know body mechanics, i guess you are on your own.

I'm not talking about local infection near the teeth. prolia rebound depends on pathogens simulation from whole body other location like gut. To minimize (slow) prolia rebound I would suggest you use antibiotic with vitamin c if you do not have IBD.

the only thing I know for sure is Nobody knows how the immune system works.

ImmunePoison profile image

I agree with your assessment. Unfortunately my immune system has been "out ofcontrol" with severe food and mold allergies since I was 30 years old and I am 71 now. I have tried everything to help the immune system, but after an incident with septic shock at age 35, it altered the immune system even further. Believe me I have tried every therapy known. The infection it may have reactivated is Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome. It is not known what causes that problem or how to fight it. I was infected with that at age 40, probably due to my already struggling immune system. I am also a Hypogammaglobulinemia patient who takes an IV once a month to put bacteria fighting antigens that I am very low on, back into my system. Without it, I would come down with every infection known to man. So you see, it is not simple for me. And please don't suggest Probiotics. They give me violent migraines. Again, I seem to by stymied at almost every turn. If you have any other suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Maverick2 profile image
Maverick2 in reply toImmunePoison

I empathize for such an ordeal. But I assure you medicine is still exploring the shore. if they learn to navigate the ocean the cure will be around the corner.

After already having immune system issue, I wonder why you chose to take prolia which is powerful immunosuppressant?

ImmunePoison profile image
ImmunePoison in reply toMaverick2

I took the shot of Prolia because the Internist/Rheumatologist that I have been going to and trust, for 20+ years recommended it. Unfortunately for me, at that time, it was a sample and when I asked later for the slip in the box, they don't come with them. My Dr. said that he looked Prolia up on his Phone App, and both the contraindications of previous bowel surgery, or immune system problems, was not even mentioned. Yes, that is sloppy medicine. But, I should have said, I will go home and look it up on the computer and get back to you about taking the shot. However, when I started looking hard at Prolia after I started having severe GI side effects, I found a 30 page document on Amgen's (the manufacturer) Site. Somewhere between page 13 and 14 was buried the two Contraindications, both of which I have had for quite some time. Nowhere in any of the information I saw from Amgen was any indication it was an immunosuppressant. And with every single one of my allergies getting worse, I would have thought that at least one part of my immune system was too "highly energized" by Prolia causing inflammation. Now whether it suppressed another part of the immune system, nobody seems to care enough at this point to want to find out. Immunologists here in the States are very hard to find in my area. How do you know Prolia is a powerful immunosuppressant? And what part of the immune system is it suppressing? The immune system is suprisingly complex, I have gathered that in the 30 years since mine took a dive.

Maverick2 profile image
Maverick2 in reply toImmunePoison

I just backtracked why the drug works for osteoporosis. Osteoblast cells generate bones whereas Osteoclast is the cells which destroy bones. prolia work by stoping Osteoclast process, by inhibiting their generation using RANKL receptor. the RANKL receptor also involved in T cell-mediated immunity. thus prolia reduces T-cell mediated immunity. it is more powerful than anti-TNFand anti IL-6 inhibitors (which also increases the risk of infection) and act for a long time thus rebound after a long time of cessation of drugs.

An allergy means your immune system is working but couldn't able to do it. if you suppress the immune system your allergy will increase.

Drugs cannot outdo the immune system which is perfected by million years of evolution. drugs simply convert one problem to another, especially biologics. Just read Wikipedia how the drug work and related side effects before taking any drug.

Sunseaandsand profile image
Sunseaandsand in reply toImmunePoison

I was told only last month by an osteoporosis specialist that Prolia does compromise the immune system.

Also that other bone meds also do the same thing.

I had specifically asked if it compromised the immune system as I had oral thrush which had become invasive, this whilst in my 4th and 5th month of my first and only injection of Prolia.

I have suffered horrible side effects from these bone meds and now it looks like I will have to go back on ibandronate as I have no other option.

I now have 5 vertebral fractures that I know of.

Did not have any before I was put on the treatments for Osteoporosis.

I often wonder how I would have been without them.

Prolia for me has been a nightmare it caused so many problems and some I am still suffering from.

The most maddening thing is when the doctors have the nerve to say, Oh no it is not the Prolia that is causing your problems!!!

Well I would like to know what the he'll is then because I certainly did not have them before I had the injection.

My body weight dropped to 5 stone 11.

Laurelr3 profile image

I started to feel aching on the top right section of teeth. I went to Endodontist and he attempted a root canal.I now have a permanent filling but am still experiencing the same aching /pain

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