Hi I am 18 months post menopausal and had been on HRT for 6 months to protect my bones, heart, homronal issues. Last week I went for a bone density scan and was told that I had osteoporosis (I found out by reading the print out - noone would spend time discussing it with me). I was ready to come off the HRT (had a bleed, felt horrible and my mum died of a rare womb cancer so was struggling with it all) but now I am not sure what to do. My GP has ordered some blood tests as she is looking at secondary causes of the osteoporosis (she does not believe it is the menopause). I am not sure what my next steps should be, what are my options - feel scared xx. Can it be stopped, reduced? 46 seems so young and I am going to be on any medication for a long time.Any advice would be much appreciated. xx
Menopause and Osteoporosis at 46 - Bone Health and O...
Menopause and Osteoporosis at 46

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There can be a number of causes. For example, some one has posted on here about problems with the parathyroid glands. Once those were sorted out her OP began to reverse itself. It is good your doctor is taking time to check causes before putting you on any new medications. Please let us know how you get on.
If you are in the UK you may find this link helpful in seeing why you may have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. nhs.uk/conditions/osteoporo...
You are entitled to a copy of your dexa scan report. Ask a receptionist at your surgery to print it out for you.
You can always call the NOS helpline and read out your dexa report to them if you wish to have certain things explained to you.Also ask them any questions/fears that you may have. Free telephone line service to the helpline: 0808 800 0035
I was just diagnosed at 54 two weeks ago and have been lifting weights and eating healthy for the last 15 years which was when my last bone scan was done and it was perfect. The dr did a bone scan because I had a hysterectomy and was on HRT. When my Dr diagnosed me her reply was " just don't fall on your hip". She told me to take 5,000 units of Vitamin D daily, that's it. I sought out an endocrinologist on my own but can't get in until March 5. Very frustrating! Good luck. Advocate for yourself. 46 is very young .
I was diagnosed Coeliac 2 years ago at 58 and was advised to have a Dexa Scan. Results showed I had osteoporosis in my Spine, T score -2.5. I took Calcium and Vitamins D for the past 2 years and had repeat scan which showed spine had deteriorated to -2.7.
I imagine i was coeliac for a good few years without major symptoms. I was only tested because I was anaemic and the nurse offered to check for coeliac disease with my routine bloods.
It might be worth getting yourself checked as the intestines can't absorb minerals and vitamins if you have this problem.
I've opted to take Alendronic Acid 70mg because I don't want my spine to get any worse. I'm 60 this year but fit and healthy otherwise.
Best of luck
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