The concept of peak bone mass has been oversimplified.” Peak bone mass can vary as much as 100% in women of the same age from different cultures. And peak bone mass seems to have minimal effect on fracture risk: for instance, Asian women have a lower bone mass than Western women, but a lower fracture rate. Differences in ethnicity, diet, exercise, onset of puberty, and lifestyle make peak bone mass a very individual characteristic, hard to quantify—and not a good measure of bone health.
Nevertheless, once considered a rare disease associated with old ladies with a “dowagers hump,” osteoporosis has now become an epidemic with “experts” warning that half of all post-menopausal women are at risk.
How did osteoporosis go from a rare but serious disease to an epidemic that strikes fear into every middle-aged woman in America? One word: Merck.”
Take a look at the article ladies. There needs to be a shot of circumspection in the midst of all of this scaremongering. We deserve better than this railroading. It is our lives and our health.
The article: