Causing problems.
Losarton : Causing problems. - High Blood Pressu...

HiCant help much but Losartan and that group seem to be causing probs for lots of people..i take a related med but docs just dismiss the side effects as ...not possible...Im hoping to find advise to help me to change my meds as suffer terribly with side effects
Ensued. I know the feeling well. I would to come off bp meds or at least find something that doesn't make me feel like poo. I get to the stage where I wonder if it us just me and my imagination and some side effects are so random. I have unwelcome side effects from more medication but tried to live with them, to my detriment. I was prescribed Losartan after Ramipril side effects.
Hi. Shihtz6 Can you tell me what problems you had/are having with Losartan and whether you have solved these problems? I was started on a low dose around a month ago (already on a low dose of Atenolol) and right away my anxiety levels rose and I felt all shaky. I was hoping this medication would have fewer side effects than some other meds I have taken. I am now hoping this feeling will wear off and, in the meanwhile look into natural ways to deal with bp. I
Thank you for your response Shihtz6. From what I gather many BP meds have a tendency to cause tiredness. I take it your husband was on meds before his operation. It has been three months since your initial post, and I wonder if the tiredness has become less, or whether he has been prescribed another medication. I wish him well. It is a lot for you both to go through.