Hi all I've just been diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol I've been put on 10mg of amlodipine a day I'm also trying to lose weight I'm 51 X
New to HBP: Hi all I've just been... - High Blood Pressu...
New to HBP

Thank you ted my last BP reading was 148/76 so nearly back to normal I've still got to take the tablets and to see the doc in 3 months time
My high BP and cholesterol came on after I had autoimmune thyroid problems that took a year or so to be correctly diagnosed and then inadequately treated. Both BP and cholesterol reduced significantly after being correctly treated with thyroxine medication.
Reading your previous posts on Thyroid UK, I notice this is something you've you've already considered.
I found the little book, "Understanding Thyroid Disorders", by Dr Anthony Toft, published in association with the BMA very helpful - it might be a good idea to give one to your GP, in the hope of having your thyroid symptoms taken more seriously.
Thank you polaris yes I do think it is my thyroid I'm still having symptoms I will get the book you recommend thanks again for your reply
I ama 72yr old female and I have had essential hypertension for at least 25 years and was treated with indapamide 2.5mg once a day. This controlled it well until last year when I was diagnosed with irregular heartbeat (AdFib) My blood pressure is around 170/102. My doctors have tried me with calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitor, also variation on the same theme. I am at the moment been given Candesartan cilexetil, and a beta blocker metaprolol. The only one that suits me is the Indapamide all the others tried(and there have been other too numerous to list have horrendous side effects that I cannot tolerate. I have to see my GP and I shall tell her that I would sooner have the high blood pressure than take these other tablets as my life turns into a living death, so no quality at all. I do understand the risks but quality of life is important without that I have no life. Is there anyone out there in the same situation?
Hello Cali. How refreshing to find someone in the same 'boat' as it were! I'm 77, female and have consistently high BP - typically around 170/80 but my pulse is around 55. I seem to have tried all the pills under the sun and all have intolerable side effects so that I'm getting stressed and depressed over the whole business which has lasted 15 years.
My biggest problem is a dry irritating cough that wakes me up 3 or 4 times a night - and I'm a poor sleeper anyway. My husband has moved into the spare room so he can get some rest.
I've been doing a little experiment over the last 3 months, the first month I cut out the lostartan potassium one with no noticeable results.
The second month I cut out the bisoprolol but reintroduced the losartan - the same, no change.
The cough stayed the same.
I would love to know how you are getting on.
Hi cali, I too have A-Fib for the last 6 years. It took a lot of playing around with meds and dosages that were fit for me. My doctor found a good combination. What works for one doesn't for another. Hopefully your doctor will try something that doesn't give you ill effects. Good Luck.... Don't give up.