Christmas is coming - what are your to... - HealthUnlocked Blog

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Christmas is coming - what are your top health tips?

AlexaHU profile image
56 Replies

With Christmas just around the corner we want to know what your top tips for keeping healthy are over the festive period?

Post them here. The best one's will feature in a HealthUnlocked blog.

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AlexaHU profile image
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56 Replies
lonestray profile image

The whole of life is made up of positives and negatives. When you fight your way through the negatives you become the wiser and stronger. This morning it was cold and very frosty and I felt like turning over and going back to sleep. Instead in summoned up the courage to get out to do my morning run. Now I'm a little more confident I have a good chance to make it to age 86 without a stomach. It's enriching to discover what the human body is capable of. I've always lived life my way, had little option as I had no parents or home in my childhood years. Ever since I find life a voyage of discovery.

Sherry44 profile image
Sherry44 in reply to lonestray

I not only liked your replies to the above, but loved them. Good luck to you and keep well. I am 83 and not out, and know all about keeping warm, testing the air, good diet etc. and all the other boring things one has to remember. My very best wishes to you.

Pat184 profile image
Pat184 in reply to lonestray

Age is not the thing that makes you old it’s an attitude of mind, cant run anymore but out walking most days, a youthful 79 🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️😀😀

moreless profile image

Everything in moderation, except for fun. Have as much fun as possible! :)

blackbeauty99 profile image
blackbeauty99 in reply to moreless

I am so sorry if you just got a lot of likes from me @mor

blackbeauty99 profile image
blackbeauty99 in reply to blackbeauty99

I am so sorry if you got alot of likes from me moreless but it was not accepting the one like, kept coming up with a message that it was unable to do it, so i kept retrying, then they all went on, just my luck 😃 I hadn't finished the previous message and it accidently sent. Think i need to go to bed lol ☺

syltownsend profile image
syltownsend in reply to blackbeauty99

Maybe your connection to the internet was lost, then reconnected.

syltownsend profile image
syltownsend in reply to moreless

Moderation in all things, including moderation! Can't remember who said that...

moreless profile image
moreless in reply to syltownsend


Kathp profile image

Seize the day, and most of all have fun! Following diagnosis mid October, with its ups and downs, I am now feeling positive that I can face what lies ahead, as I enjoy each day and look for the positives, every cloud does indeed have a silver lining. Having the support of family and friends does indeed help, I consider myself very lucky. Enjoy, but make sure you listen to what your body tells you - rest when you need to, have quiet time when required - your family and friends will understand.

12stargate profile image

Have a wonderful Christmas Everyone!

Get your rest and go light on the sugar.

Warm hugs and much love from Eva Gabrielle :)

suryakaizen profile image

AlexaHu its so nice you reminded us all about Christmas. I came across Health Unlocked when I was looking for support after my daughter Aisha (37) was diagnosed with breast cancer and diabetes in July. Thanks to the LCHF diet advice we get on HU, she is steadily losing weight and also responding well to the chemo. As a mother, what other gift could I want for Christmas?

My top tip would be to enjoy everything - in moderation rather than feel blocked by the things you can't eat and can't do. Life is an opportunity, not an obligation. My second tip is to practice the act of giving - in various ways. There is nothing that boosts our immune system more than this, nothing that makes us feel more connected to this world of ours.

Merry Christmas to all of you, dear people.

JohnPepper profile image

Hi AlexaHU. The finest gift you can give your body is EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE! Don't start off like a madman, begin with 10 minutes of walking every second day and slowly increase it every second week by another 5 minutes. When you reach 1 hour then don't increase it any further, just try to walk faster. Not only will your body get much healthier but you will feel better and save yourself from many very serious health problems.

What could be better than that?

lonestray profile image
lonestray in reply to JohnPepper

My policy during my sporting life has been: "strain to train, don't train to strain".

Sapper21 profile image

Don't be bullied by well-meaning family and friends into doing anything you don't want to do . Don't go to the theatre/pantomime, where you will be subject to any virus going around; if they pile too much food on your plate, leave some (for the dog); go for your afternoon nap while they play their party games If you don't want to wear a paper hat, don't. don't suffer anything on the TV that the young ones enjoy, go into another room and read, or watch 'sensible stuff' on another TV. Wishing all other members a peaceful and healthy Christmas.

Aime profile image

Hi guys, I would like to wish everyone the healthiest Christmas they can have and a positive 2017. On a down day, I try to remember the good things I have in life - my family, children, grandchildren, friends and all of you on this forum who have supported me and others when they have been anxious or scared.

I try to take each day as it comes, if it starts off feeling like a bad day, I always change my mood and how I am feeling by looking at the lovely pictures of my children and grandchildren. I try and exercise as much as I can, drink plenty water, eat healthy but I don't forget treats when I deserve them! If I'm really feeling sorry for myself, I will turn on the TV and watch a children's hospital programme and that always brings me back down to earth again with a kick on my backside and asking myself why I think I have a bad time compared with these youngsters who are still smiling!

Kindest regards and every best wish and E hugs to those who need them. Aime xx😺😺

Annabelle_Bebbs profile image

Mine would be: be gentle on yourself, enjoy what you have at your fingertips and in your arms, if you can take time to relax, go out for a gentle walk so you can absorb the wonders of nature around you taking time to listen to the birds and look carefully at detail. There is so much hype about having plenty, giving plenty and living up to the advertising companies' perfect festive season that we often forget that the most precious things we have are time, the best health we can manage and the chance to make other people and ourselves happy in other ways than financial - I wish all on this fantastic forum a gentle, precious Christmas and a 2017 with good health and sufficient for our needs xxx

piggysticks profile image

I read comments every day, and this is my first post. I am sure there are many others that do the same. The comments make my battle with ascites, NRH ands cirrhosis easier and makes me feel like I am not alone. Hugs to you all. My Christmas (anytime) philosophy is.. Be positive, smile and enjoy. Take control of your life. When you need to retreat and be ill.... Do it privately with those you love. Oh! And keep off that salt! Love to you all..

Roger2Dodger profile image

I am 76 years old, and thankful to have lived this long. Lots of my friends have died in their 70's. However, having found out I have prostate cancer has increased my anxiety level and some depression. Having a positive attitude and being happy has become very difficult.

Carnival567 profile image
Carnival567 in reply to Roger2Dodger

My husband 74 has just finished radiotherapy for prostate cancer and is doing really well, so I hope your treatment goes as well. The support he has had, and is having, from the hospital is wonderful. Make the most of all the help you are offered and don't be afraid to tell people how you are feeling. Wishing you a quick recovery xxx

su-mo profile image
su-mo in reply to Carnival567

just remember most men die with prostate problems not because of them

lupie46 profile image

Eat well. Rest well. Do as much or as little as you feel you can. Try and avoid stress. Keep warm. Take your meds. Enjoy the love of family and friends as they are essential at Christmas and always.

Momjules profile image

Hi. I have heart disease, diabetes, and ms. I go for another heart procedure on Monday , December 5.

I no longer see any good. We are in extreme debt, bills are behind, I'm constantly in pain. My Hubby worries about money, bills, and me. I'm tired of being happy that my life is this way . Who cares if the sun comes up anymore.

To those who can, merry christmas!!

suryakaizen profile image
suryakaizen in reply to Momjules

Dear momjules I don't know what to say to you, which is possibly where many other groupies here are. So I just want to hold you in love and light and say the Buddhist prayer: May you be well, may you be happy, may you find peace, may you be free from suffering.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Momjules

i understand how your feeling and its okay to feel the way that you do. just because you feel like this doesnt mean there is anything wrong with you. i see many people get into serous debt buying gifts for each other and for their children. im sorry to hear about all the pain that your in constantly. pain does terrilbe things to our minds. christmas doesnt have the same meaning for everyone. some people see it as the birthday of jesus christ and celebrate that. each to their own. god bless you momjules. love grace xoxoxo

rossie1942 profile image
rossie1942 in reply to Momjules

Please don't battle alone with debt. If in uk make appointment with debt adviser at cab There are numerous charities that will help. There is help don't despair

Doralouise77 profile image

Ok, now don't a supply of those little gloves that sell for a couple of dollars (the dollar store usually has them) and wear them whenever out of the house....if it's really cold you can wear another pair overtop, as they're very thin, and take the outer pair off when idea is to keep your hands covered at all times...the gloves are thin enough to allow flexibility when handling money, credit cards,....can you imagine the germs on those shopping carts for example?...and shaking hands with someone? .....I have not had a cold or flu for years and swear it's because of my gloves and reduced contact with germs....😊.....I went to the hospital this week for a test and had to undress, but the gloves stayed on...not a pretty sight I assure you and a few strange looks but well worth it 😊 ....Healthy Christmas everyone!

miamia profile image

My first reaction was 'strange'....but then I thought about it for a while and all I can say is sensible.......makes sense......I note that so many people wear the glove when filling up with petrol!

Andyt36 profile image

Hi Guys, I am in my mid 40s. Reading your messages really puts things in perspective. Doesn't Matter what religion you follow or not. I love the message of Christmas and not the consumerist one, a) yes do something good b) don't judge others embrace them c) welcome the unwelcome guest (easier said then done but goes some way to softening reactions) d) smile at everyone you see, a smile opens up a world of opportunity e) if you can hug someone, thing, f) if you can tell someone something that you love them g) watch an old black and white movie like it's a wonderful life......I could go on.....and send positive love out to all

Wishing you all well

Nell profile image

Carpe Diem

Live, laugh and love

God Bless you all

tony85 profile image

What with all the Christmas and New Year parties I have to keep my weight down. As I posted before, since I lost a lot of weight I've had no more AF. My resolution is wine instead of beer in limited quantities. No Christmas pudding, mince pies or Christmas cake. I will fill myself up with plain Turkey so I don't feel hungry

NooNoo14 profile image

Christmas is only 2/3 days so relax, enjoy being with friends and family. Eat well and healthily but allow yourself a few treats. Try to go for a walk. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas / Happy holidays to everyone. Wishing everyone a very healthy 2017.


piping profile image

Keep happy.Sometimes Christmas is not the happiest of times ,but it all sort of ends up making sense if the more you give your heart,not presents,and yee shall receive in boundless ways.Always think how blessed we are and one small gesture to someone can make all the difference in their life....

stbernhard profile image

Live, laugh, don't forget a little exercise and if you have a few too many of anything, forgive yourself. This is not just for Christmas.

Roset16 profile image

A time to be enjoyed whether quietly or with riotous company. But the three things that come mind are

* Plan to have healthy food in the house, easier to resist the extra snacks.

*Keep up the exercise as far as possible- whatever you feel you can fit into the day.

*"Don't be a Christmas martyr" says Kirstie Allsop. Been there and done it!! It does no one any good. Least of all yourself. So pace yourself, ask for help, keep things simple when you can, rest when you need to.

Enjoy the season of peace and goodwill.

survivor8 profile image

Be sure to rest when you need well but allow yourself some treats, when having your breakfast, think of 2-3 things you are grateful for ie. I'm doing the best I can every day, look out the window; we are all part of the whole including nature and stay connected in person or telephone...even facebook ut be sure to skip anything negative....a positive outlook does wonders.

Matt2584 profile image

Stop eating foods with sugar in is my top tip for staying healthy through the festive season.

When I was younger I had a typical junk food diet, a lot of sugar leading to an acidic body (look at the PH system of the body). In an acidic environment/body is where illnesses/viruses/diseases can thrive.

In 1996 I was diagnosed with a brain tumour and in 98 I was diagnosed with another tumour.

Through my late teens is when I started to lessen the sugar consumption. One massive step was ditching soda/pop. Goodbye diet coke, goodbye aspartame. Aspartame is a killer ingredient and added to most diet drinks. Why?

Anyhow, a few years ago is when I really ditched the sugar. I still have sugar now but definitely not as much as I did. I have a Nutribullet now and I make myself fruit/vegetable smoothies. Nature is the REAL food.

Over the holiday period, I will be consuming more sugar, I know I will, but I will also be consuming more natural foods to go with it to stay reasonably healthy.

Thinking back to when I was a kid with an awful sugary diet, I and my family would see me as a healthy kid but like I say, when you read about the PH system of the body, you realise how unhealthy you really were/are.

Findingme profile image

Let go of your idea of what constitutes a perfect Christmas, and enjoy the one you actually have. If you do not have a big family, enjoy the peace and quiet of the morning, listen to the radio, go to a good Christmas morning service etc. If you have to work, take heart in knowing that many people would give their right arm not to have to spend Christmas with their mother in law. If you are a parent, even if you do not feel like Christmas, give your kids the best present you can by not over-stressing and getting upset. Just do what you can and keep it simple. The best present you can give anyone is a big smile, a hug and a resounding 'Merry Christmas', or whatever greeting floats your boat.

bavery207 profile image

This is only my 2nd Christmas since my diagnosis, and last Christmas I was recovering from Deep Brain Stimulation surgery so I am not the voice of experience and wisdom, but I would say be sure to get plenty of rest, take care of yourself, show moderation in most things, and most of all ENJOY! Things don't have to be perfect and neither do you!

Rhwright12 profile image

Do your part in staying healthy this Christmas season. This is my first Christmas post diagnosis.

Find family members that support your health situation. I did a 5k with a sister in law on Thanksgiving. And provide some of your own deserts at the parties made with stevia.

Pray hard and exercise a lot. It's going to be a great Christmas!

-God bless


Rest, And say no to some stuff. Keep stress low. Take some down time when you need it.

Hermes123 profile image

sapper21. I whole heartily agree with your comments! well done, it's OK for people with a fit and healthy body to say do a few exercises as if we have never been apart of the fit brigade, as a one long distance cross country runner! I mean 21.miles a road racing cyclist, a light welter weight boxer, weight lifter so on and so fourth I don't people to tell to get out and exercise as I know the value of it. But a lot of people who have been through the mill have to listen to their body, that will instruct you as to what one can do or not, push it to far can do more damage than to treat it with respect. Just because of my comment I don't mean not getting out and about not sitting in an armchair all day, a lot of these fitness fanatics will end up in the same situation as me, so never say never. enjoy life to the full within the boundary's of you own body. Happy Christmas one and all. Hermes123.

bhanjois72 profile image

Alexa HU

it will be a best gift if health unlocked reinstates all those members ,who have been there for 3 years,now banned/restricted by Diabetic india forum of Healthunlocked for petty indiscretions (of annoying administrator /etc., while replying to fellow bloggers) in the true tradition of christian spirit of forgiveness and pardon. All these will remember the gift of active blogging facility.of HU

Beth1949 profile image

1. Wash hands often and stay away from sick people.

2. Make sure you keep taking your meds and treatments.

3. Make a list of priorities that you would like to get done.

4. Start at the top of your piority list and do what you can.

5. If you don't get to the bottom of the list (several years, I wasn't feeling up to writing out and sending cards), then at least you have the most important items done.

6. Take care of yourself and your health, ask for help, if possible.


syltownsend profile image

When attending a potluck or party, fill up on healthy foods first: lean protein, veggies, fruits without sugar, nuts and seeds. Then you won't have much room for the less healthy desserts.

butterflyEi profile image

When going out try not to touch where others have touched. I live in a cold climate so I wear gloves. I also wash my hands as soon as I get home not everyone is careful about spreading their germs. Rest and relaxation and not forgetting my medication - easily done in the whirl of Christmas. Enjoying my younger family and maybe a glass or two of wine. x

Ricefam profile image

I am so sorry that you and your husband are having such a rough time. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

Ricefam profile image

Enjoy family and friends. Take time to laugh, make memories and celebrate our Lord's birth. The one Christmas that has always held a special place in my heart was the year my husband was laid off and we didn't have much money, so my husband, our children and I strung popcorn and cranberry garland for the tree. It was nice as we took the time together and the tree looked beautiful. A Merry Christmas and a healthy 2017 is wished for each one of you.

Lynn_B profile image

Eat hearty,drink smart and laugh often.Be active and stay positive........2017 will be a good year for us all!


( laugh out loud,lots of love,life of lessons, live our lives)

Merry Christmas to all.Lynn😆👍💙🎄⛄

snorre profile image

Check out your B12.

Mine was down to 93

snorre profile image

One more

How to get 100% freedom about taking your medicine.

How to not think about it at all.

Select the "count down "on the clock-symbol on your smartphone

Adjust the time value between the medicine (this you only doe once)

Myself I use 2,50 and this give an alarm when almost 3 hours has passed.

This gives eksaktly the same time between the medication.

The only thing you have to due to make it work is to have your smartphone near you so you hear the alarm and take the medicine and start a new time period.

This must have 1 priority otherwise it won't work.

It doesn't mater when you start in the morning.

joust take your medicine and start the countdown on your phone and don't think about it anymore.

It doesn't mater if you have 3 ore ten times taking the medicine during the day.

No more calculations when the next medicine is to be taken....freedom :)

One more , if you react bad on the first medicine in the morning , try to take 2/3 before breakfast and 1/3 after eating.

Works for me.

This forum is like coming home and the people have a great hart.

Thank you for your kindness and for helping me up when i was deep down in the darkness.

Happy Christmas to all of you.

You are the light

p-p- profile image

Share your love and thoughts to everyone.Attend a service of your religion of choice. Your spirits will be uplifted !! Volunteer if you can for those in need. BE POSITIVE AND GRATEFUL,for indeed in spite of our illness there is a lot to be thankful for. Make calls to your friends and relatives. If someone you know is alone, invite them to your home. Remember this is the time to rejoice. Make amends to any person you may have directly or indirectly hurt. Take care,the best is yet to come ! There is always HOPE ! Happy Holidays everyone ! with love, Pam

JVR1 profile image

My husband finds that Almond milk helps with those gastric acid reflux attacks due to it being an Alkaline drink it helps balance out the acid

girliegirl2012 profile image

I do not get out during the winter months no more than necessary. I can't afford to catch pneumonia and there are so many people sick and out and about...I order as much as I can online. Everything from Christmas gifts to having groceries ready for pick up at Walmart. It's true. .I try to send someone else to the grocery store for me as much as possible. I do my best not to schedule any doctor appointments if I can help it either. So many sick people at the doctor's. Stay in, Stay warm and Stay Well.

eileen_alberti profile image

Health tip for holidays: make a list of things to do. Pick the top 3 as your target. If you get those done, and still have time and energy, pick 2 more. Still have time and energy, pick one more. that's enough. These 5 will no doubt make a great holiday.

Fedup5 profile image

Well done like it hope others see this all the best to help you keep going I know it's not easy but you can and have done and will do it good luck and more I wish for you

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