HELLO.: Just came on for a quick look... - Lung Conditions C...

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poeticlady profile image
20 Replies

Just came on for a quick look,and its seems from a few posts,that there has yet again been unkind comments posted ,(although i,ve not seen any,can't be bothered too look )

I would like to say ,when i first came to this site in August,i really did want to be a part of it,(although a bit shy in posts),because i was scared to death about copd,didn't understand it,and thought i'd been given a death sentence,even though all my adult live i've coped with severe asthma,then i was re-assured by a lot of kind people,that this was not the case. thank-you to the people who took time out to answer my questions.

Since then i have not come on so often as it was getting quite taxing to hear, read some comments,and i thought "well i,m in a happier place now,so don't get dragged down" BUT i realize how important this forum is for everyone of us,so please can we go back to the nice ,helpful,kind,honest site that i thought it was,and NOT let the few destroy it for the MANY that need it .:)

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poeticlady profile image
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20 Replies
scotts35 profile image

Same thing J Newton has asked for a better place if the help can happen without any negative input

blackbird profile image

I agree poeticlady Love.Laugh.Live BBxx

marytaz profile image

I just ignore any remark I find offensive or abusive as the idiots who post them just want us genuine people to 'bite'. Obviously they are not in our situation(s)!! Just sad people who get a kick out of upsetting genuine members. Don't let them get to you, as Jo said A brilliant site, all keep up the postings, helps us all x

fishtail profile image

well said poeticlady,love,life and be happy.

Lynne1955 profile image

Completely right :)

Although I have never seen them, I am aware that gordon has now gone which is a great shame, those people with nasty natures and comments should be named and shamed this might at least stop these idiots and morons from unsettling genuine people on this site who are either willing to help or looking for answers. Dont let the B........ds grind you down.

I am really surprised, I have never seen a nasty comment on here, the bloggers on this site are extremely helpful, and give lovely comments. If this is the case the people who are being nasty should be named and shamed and taken to task by the website owners.

Put a Red mark by their name then we can skip over their comments.

To everyone else on this website I hope you are all as well as you can be and as 'berwick' says, Don't let the B......ds grind you down, they are not worth it.

You will find that any kind of site you go on to leave comments on something or other will automatically receive nasty negatiive feedback and I honestly think that it is sometimes people who have nothing better to do are loggingon trying to be funny.

maureenjjj profile image
maureenjjj in reply to

I like you sweetthing have not seen a nasty comment. My husaband and i came from different backgrounds, he being an only child and taught children should be seen and not heard and I being one of seven who remembers many a lively discussions at the dinner table from an early age. I mention this because over the years my husband has taken comments to be hurtfull and unkind on occasion yet i saw them as only difference of opinion. Just a thought to ponder. Maureen usa

maureenjjj profile image
maureenjjj in reply to maureenjjj

Oh 1 more thing , I love this site and for all you lovely people who stick it out regardless of all the bull----. TY Maureen usa

boodles4 profile image

well said poetic lady,

serenityfrank profile image

Hi folks. Thanks to poeticlady for saying what needed to be said - I support her in every way. This site has been immensely helpful to me, and if Gordon hes left because of bullying we have lost a valuable resource as well as a caring human being.

I've personally not seen any offensive correspondence but (and this is probably perverse) I think I should welcome anything aimed at me. You see, I'm terribly angry with this disease sometimes - feeling a sense of injustice since I gave up smoking almost 27 years ago; a sense of "why me?; frustration that my retirement is being cut short and made miserable; angry that my wife has to take on another burden.

And I have no legitimate target on which to take out this anger. I was told that unexpressed anger turns to depression & self pity, and that seems to be true in my case. If some bully (troll is just a weasel word for cowardly bully) started on me I would love to take out my fury on him/her.

And I'd feel better about myself.

So to bullies everywhere - come on if you think you're hard enough!


libby7827 profile image
libby7827 in reply to serenityfrank

Hi Frank (and everyone else!) I haven't been using this forum for long but already it has helped me. Frank, your comment could have been written by me, except I don't have a husband, who would otherwise no doubt bear the brunt of my frustrations! I haven't so far seen any bullying/nasty comments but if I do, like you, I am ready, willing and able to give it to them full throttle!!!

poeticlady profile image
poeticlady in reply to serenityfrank

:) thats made me laugh,at least you would get free theapy lol

spot on - let's ignore the baddies and enjoy the goodness of the goodies. I have aked BLF if they can take better care of this site for us. x

lavender1 profile image

Hi Poetic Lady and Jasper. The voice of sanity. Keep well

poeticlady profile image
poeticlady in reply to lavender1

As well as we can be :) and Jasper is just as cute as ever

maureenjjj profile image

Yes 4 brothers 2 sisters mother father and nana along with all their different opinions always at the dinner table . Their were a few bullies and a couple of wimps aT that dinner table but loved them regardless, being family and all. . Now as a grown up i can handle any conversation without anyone changing my ways or bruising my ego lol

thatcham1939 profile image

i am sorry about Gordon, is there anyway we can get him back on this wonderful site, i have beenon this site for a 4mths, and it is very informative, if Gordon is watching the site please come back

poeticlady profile image

Well the majority rule,and I say we should all carry on,as we are,and ignore any negative comments,because although everyone of us will have a difference of opinion now and again,its called freedom of speech/ personality/ we are all fighting this battle to-gether .thank-you too everyone who has posted,sanity prevails :).keep well folks,only 5 weeks till you get your pressie,s (if you've been good that is ha ha ) sleep well x

Charlie248 profile image

Also when told you have copd do you get medicine?? Or is only in worse cases?? I know I sound clueless but generally do not have any insight to this.. Any help advice I would be so pleased I'm at a loss and so worried. X

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