Home Remedies Pleeeeze: Hi everyone, I... - Lung Conditions C...

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Home Remedies Pleeeeze

17 Replies

Hi everyone, I still have the indigestion, was up for about 3 hours in the night, have had 2 pieces of toast for brekkie and its driving me crazy. I take Lanzoprazole and Gaviscon and when that doesn't works I use peppermint oil in hot water, but nothing is working today. I am sure there is lots of advice out there.


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17 Replies
darceynjo profile image

Hi Polly, sorry to hear your still suffering, I was really bad with it, have you had it checked with docs as they found out I had GERD which I am told goes hand in hand with COPD. Anyway I used to have half a teaspoon of bicarb in a small glass of cold water which helped abit, but I now take Lanszoprazole which I feel are crap, so I still have bicarb when I have it really bad. Hope you feel better soon Julia x

elian profile image

Peppermint cordial is also supposed to relieve it :)

You must be very uncomfortable polly and I hope it clears up soon.

Lots comes up under home remedies indigestion on web search. Try it you are bound to find something, but as is often said... "if symptoms persist, see your doctor"

Good luck and hope you are feeling better soon.

Lots of tips on this thread too:


jojam profile image

I find ginger tea helps :-)

That's interesting Gordon about the ginger, I eat a lot of fresh root ginger and also enjoy ginger beer and ginger wine, just love ginger root in syrup and always have that in during the winter months as it sure does help if a cold is threatening too.

I don't have indegestion or reflux since I stopped the asprin med. A while afterward I would have indications when I had gone beyond meal time. It did take a while to settle afterwar stopping the asprin but I used what the doc prescribed me which I found worked really well and I just took it as needed.

Love ginger - a great food medicine:


in reply to

Pity it's not possible to edit after posting, even though I read through I always miss stuff

Hello Polly,

I sometimes still suffer with that burning sensation, and a number of years back, well so many years back in fact that it sounds like it's about someone else before I was born, so let's say about 20 erhum, I had acid for about two and a half years, and it was awful.

I'd wake up sit up, and it'd only take a minute before it started up.

I don't know what your case is, specifically, is it only the acid or is the acid accompanied by pains in the abdominal region.

My case was supposedly, an inflammation of the peritoneum, or the lining o the stomach which is covered in mucous to stop the acids we make to digest from burning through the tissue.

If one has an inflammation, it means it is to a certain degree red, reddened (with me a long tube camera was fed down into my stomach, they could see the inflammation) and if one were to keep on eating or drinking whatever it is that antagonises that situation, it can burn through and then one has a stomach ulcer.

However, apart from avoiding anything harsh, like acidic substances, which are fizzy drinks, acidic material like vinegar, lemon,, chemically based food products and drinks, citric fruits, but actually also fatty products or anything that is difficult to digest, what you may feel is, God, I do not feel like eating I feel awful, but it is that you need to have something in there so the acids that are there can be used, absorbed by that basic product, such as plain rice, potatoes, plain pasta, bred nu butter, and with bread you need to look at what quality it is, for if you knew the ingredients, you might want to avoid it too, seeing as there may be a while long list of unhealthy things in it, stabilizer's, additives, flavour enhancers, colouring, preservatives. In that way, it might be better to get some proper bread without any of these bad things in it. Basically, flour, salt, water, yeast.

However, I would not eat too much bread, not as a meal, so eat some plain rice, plain mashed potatoes, no butter and no milk.

I say mashed because the minute you start to chew, you send a message down, saying hey boys, knock us out so me of that acid will ya, food on its way.. What did you say, oh what kind is i, Well, I don't know, get ready, it's coming.

Aaaah, orange juice... too late. What no meat, we sent out lots of acid to digest that stuff, where's it going to go to now????

What I mean is, you need to eat very lightly, small bits/portions but often, so you keep something in there.

But let me be honest, I really suffered with acid, and in the end, somehow, though it shouldn't have been possible, I quenched the blooming acid with beer, had a good time and without knowing, had relieved myself of the stress that had caused the internals to start functioning incorrectly, as the 'getting worked up about stuff' is a s bas any acidic breakfast.

Therefore, what is going on with you, are you worrying constantly about something, is there anything that is upsetting you.

If there is, I think it may be the trigger that is causing you to get too much acid release.

There is a kind of valve to release the acid.

I put up a deep relaxation technique here on the board, you might try to use it, to relax if the case is that you are NOT relaxed, I do not know, the condition may be purely medical.

You say toast, I wonder what bread you make it with, an whether you put things on it, because in your case the toast needs to be au naturel, with nothing on it.

The chamomile, as mentioned above, is the liquidous substance that you should be drinking, and not real tea, which is very much a stimulant, people do not know this but tea is just like coffee, it has something in it akin to caffeine. Chamomile is an antiseptic material.

So food in the evening means

Plain boiled or steamed rice

Plain poached fish

or non-acidic-like vegetables,

so no paprika,

no tomatoes,

no cucumber,

no radish,

no onions or garlic,

no vinegar,

no tomato sauce,

no daddies sauce,

blanched vegetables not fried, so blanched cauli, brocolli, courgette (which absorb a lot).

You will need to be eating more of the rice or potatoes in term of ratio, than you eat of the other stuff, so see the extras, on top of the rice as a few decorations, it is not easy.

When you get into this you will be shocked to see just how much of our food is acidic.

All in all though, if it is not really a bacteria causing it, then I think most often stress may be the cause.

Hope the info helps somehow

I think the person supplying the last-named remedy Gordon was trying to give people a stomach ulcer, that would be the very last thing to take, I get acid just hearing those words.

Hi Polly, it may be the toast that is the problem. I also take the Lanszoprazole but still had problems. A dietician friend advised that toast is not always good, being spread with butter/marge/something inbetween. She suggested I try porridge oats for breakfast - kind to the stomach and slow release energy which helps guard against snacking mid-morning.

Try to leave out anyting acidic or fatty, including some fruits and veg (I can't eat oranges, peppers or tomatoes) and leave out pastry or anything containing fats. A limited, boring diet is not brilliant, but better than acid reflux.

Mmike110 profile image

Hi Polly, I've shared this before but I had terrible acid for years, I'd wake up then spend hours bring up green acid and it washed me out. I had to have a fundoplication operation which worked a treat. Only trouble is I now can't eat solid food at all as my wrap is so tight. Some days I yearn for decent food and think oh just bring ack the acid and other days I'm thankful I've no acid! It's a major operation with loads of side effects they don't tell you about.

My advice would be to go back to your GP and ask to see a consultant as I'm thinking you may well have a hernia, if not that's great but the consultant can at least offer you something to cure the problem or at least stabilise it.

I wish you well, I've been there and it's not nice!


An important move to make Polly, is to insist that you be tested for the helicobcter bacteria, if it is that then antibiotics will cure it.

sassy59 profile image

Are you taking 30mg Lansoprazole Polly? or a lower dose? I like ginger and lemon infusion or peppermint but maybe you should consider going back to your GP and say that nothing is working so could he/she help you please. Keep smiling. xxx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I had helicobacter pylori myself once and a week on SB's cured it. I used to get a lot of acid/bile when I use to drink a few years back. I found bicarb was the best cure and instant too. I haven't had any problems or a few years now though.

Right Puff,

That's interesting to hear from you first-hand,

I was into it (finding out stuff) as I really couldn't get rid of the acid,

In the end got rid of it without antibiotics and when I mentioned the term helicobacter to my doctor he gave me a vacant look as he knew nothing and was most unhelpful.

Sometimes I can still get it,

and I noticed, a tiny bit, that it is in combination with getting getting worked up if tangled up in any kind of argument,

what with the getting out of breath that argumentation causes,

I find that this sets the acid off,

like more easily than anything,

otherwise I was okay,

but I know when I get a bit of acid to watch what I eat,

so even if I wanted salad,

with vinegar of course

n a dressing or just sprinkled on,

as does go with a salad,

I leave all of it out and eat something else for a few days, no salad.

mactherion profile image

Have you tried magnesium trisilicate mixture? It's available from pharmacies but is a pharmacy medicine so you may be asked why you need it. It's under £2 a bottle and is a handy addition to any medicine cabinet if you suffer from indigestion and reflux. It may help your condition but I know from experience that when bad indigestion strikes, it's the devil to shift. Prevention is the answer but that's easy to say with hindsight.

Hope you find something to alleviate your pain. People don't realise how distressing this condition can be.

tanyamarie profile image

Hiya, just a few ideas that may help;

Motilium is excellent for stomach upsets. You can buy it over the counter or get a prescription for it. It is tablet form and although not cheap, it is good.

Ranitidine tabs or syrup is great for acid reflux. As it is more expensive, docs don't usually prescribe it before patient trying lansoprazole or omeprazole. Babies are always put on this when they have the reflux severely.

Omeprazole for reflux. Can be bought over the counter of prescribed. Mostly advised to take in the morning but I personally take before bed and rarely have a problem now. Is it connected? Who knows. In the same family as lansoprazole.

Gaviscon. I take the advance one and use it at night if I do get it bad. Great for immediate relief.

Peptac, similar to gaviscon.

I have gall stones, hence the acid reflux. Waiting to hve them removed. I have noticed a big improvement since cutting out pastry. My mum has it really bad and quite often and sometimes nothing helps. She has altered her diet big time, cutting out this and that so I think treat each case individually and find what works for you.

Clamdigger profile image

I have the same problem I put blocks under my bed legs to raise the end part of my bed.. what are you eating is it medications. that are causes it.. I stop eating after supper .. Apple cider vinegar with water.. I have suffer many years with it .. Asthma medication will cause it also so look into the drugs your taking.. Hope your feeling better soon...

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