Thrush using clenil modulite inhaler - Lung Conditions C...

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Thrush using clenil modulite inhaler

fenty profile image
31 Replies

Hi all,does anyone have problems using a brown inhaler(clenil modulite) at all,I’m using it as instructed yet keep getting problems,I’m rinsing out my mouth after every use and then using mouthwash with little success,I’ve spoke to my doctor and respiratory nurse and all i keep getting is to keep rinsing out my mouth after every use,I don’t smoke at all so it’s not as if that’s adding to this problem,I also always feel like I’ve got phlegm stuck in my throat that’s quite uncomfortable,I’m not sure if this is due to the brown steroid inhaler as my other inhaler and nebuliser gives me no problems at all,my local pharmacist advised me to either see my gp or respiratory consultant/nurse to tell them about this but don’t want to do this as im fed up of going to doctors/hospital waiting rooms,any help and advice would be greatly appreciated from anybody with copd that has been able to remedy this on their own initiative.thanks..,fenty.

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fenty profile image
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31 Replies

Try a spacer or request to change the inhaler

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to

Thanks I’ll take that on board.

in reply to fenty

Good luck with what you decide to do

Mandy6513 profile image

Perhaps you could try leaving out the mouthwash. I am probably wrong but the chemicals in the mouthwash and the inhaler could be interacting. Also get nystan just to treat it properly

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Mandy6513

I’m using alcohol free mouthwash as it was recommended by my respiratory nurse,nystan wasn’t mentioned though,I’ll have another word with pharmacist,is nystan prescription only or is it available over the counter,thankyou for the advice.

Mandy6513 profile image
Mandy6513 in reply to fenty

Nystan clears oral thrush it's possible you just haven't cleared it. I've just quickly looked and I think it's only available on prescription but if your getting it all the time I would ask for it on your repeat prescription . Nystan works quickly and there's probably something similar you could get otc but I don't know of anything. Ps..... Don't forget to rinse after using all your inhalers some people don't after using ventolin. Also brushing teeth after rinsing

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Mandy6513

I did ask pharmacist but they advised speaking to my gp etc,and couldn’t give anything,thanks I appreciate your help and advice.

jabber profile image

Hi fenty, I've been reading up on thrush today as I think that's my problem at the moment. Not sure what's causing it but I've been blaming the antibiotics I've just finished taking. Maybe I've also been getting lazy or too rushed with my gargling after my inhalers. I have Fostair with a spacer and also Spiriva Respimat.

One remedy of those suggested for mouth thrush was probiotic yogurt, which is an easy one for me as I love natural Greek yogurt. There were several other natural remedy suggestions in the piece I read. Have a look here (sorry, that wasn't the site I meant to send you to, though it's informative. See my next comment for natural remedies)

I hope you find something that suits you. Jan :)

jabber profile image
jabber in reply to jabber

Sorry, that's not where I found the Greek yoghurt. I put 'Natural Remedies for thrush' in the search engine and found this

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to jabber

I’ve just finished my rescue meds and didn’t think that may be what’s caused this thrush problem,not tried natural yoghurt so it’s worth exploring,i have to take fortisips long term and that being milk based could be something as to why I’ve got this thrush problem again,you’d think the doctor or respiratory dept would be able to tell you what might react to the medicines etc were given to help us with our lung/breathing problems,it’s only by reading your advice that things start clicking into place,I’m wondering if my fortisips are reacting with my inhalers etc and acting like a breeding ground for thrush bacteria with fortisips being milk based,i will try probiotic products though and see if it will hopefully help,I think I need to speak to my doctor and respiratory people to try get round this,I’m also on a fair bit of other meds as well so somewhere something isn’t helping,thanks your advice is much appreciated.

jabber profile image
jabber in reply to fenty

You're very welcome. I agree it would be a good idea to take all this to your doctor and respiratory team. Hopefully they will look at all your meds a little differently to see if any of them are clashing.

Another source of information re meds reacting against each other is a good pharmacist. If you're lucky you might find one who's interested enough to look into it.

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.

Collie4 profile image

Hi, i had this problem when i had brown inhaler. I went to ENT consultant and they found nothing wrong. My GP changed my brown inhaler and within days my throat/ mouth were fine. Try asking your GP for a different preventer inhaler. It’s your life and you should be comfortable with what you have to use. Hope all goes well.

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Collie4

Hi I’ve started using a spacer and gargling for a lot longer and the difference is more than noticeable,I’ve stopped using mouthwash which seems to have helped as well,my resp consultant has changed my ellipta device to a braltus device and he also instructed my gp surgery to issue me with my spacer which my wife collected for me from my pharmacy,i think the hardest part of being only this past few months being diagnosed with emphysema,is finding just what is correct and effective in treating us with these forms of copd,and along with getting our help from our doctors/consultants etc,speaking to people like yourself who suffer with copd in its forms is to me just as important as speaking to our doctors/consultants etc,so thankyou so much for taking time to advise and help and answer the questions I’ve asked,any other help/advice you could give me would be immensely appreciated...fenty.

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to fenty

You’ve stopped using mouthwash? At the risk of asking a silly question, how does that help? I’ve recently started using mouthwash (Corsodyl) because I thought it might help things. At one time I was making a mouthwash from pink salt, maybe that’s better than the stuff in a bottle. I’m so lazy, it’s just a lot easier to buy a bottle of ready made stuff. Maybe I should revert to making the salt mouth wash.

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to HungryHufflepuff

On the advice of one of the other posters as they thought mouthwash could be irritating and/or reacting with the powder in my clenil inhaler,it’s all very trial and error for me at the moment so I’m up to try anything that stays the thrush i was getting,although since using a spacer and not using mouthwash immediately after using my inhaler and using a weak salt water mouthwash instead things have improved no end,I’m still using mouthwash after brushing my teeth as i have done for a long time but not after using my inhalers,the mouthwash I’m now using contain no alcohol whereas previously it did,so it may be that the alcohol in the mouthwash wasn’t helping,I’m gargling for longer as well after using my inhalers so it may even be that i wasn’t gargling for long enough,but what i can say is that the aero chamber plus device I’m using has made everything so much easier and better for me,I really do wish I’d have used this from the start,I think we’ve all got to find the balance that suits us all individually on what suits us best and what doesn’t,I must admit though I’m not thrilled using a self made salt water mouthwash the oraldene mouthwash tasted much better even though it had a very strong taste to it but if by using a salt water mouthwash it reduces the chance getting thrush then I’ll definately stick to that,I’ve been using some natural yoghurt as well so it could be that that is helping,whatever it is,things have really settled down and I’m willing to take any advice to keep thrush at bay...fenty.

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to fenty

Thanks for your reply. I too use a spacer (aero chamber plus) which is a fairly recent thing, I’d never heard of them and had no idea such a thing exists. It’s much better for all kinds of reasons using the spacer. I think the Corsodyl mouthwash doesn’t contain alcohol. I must get back to making the salt water mouthwash, it’s just laziness really, because it doesn’t take long to make. I used to make a large quantity and then just use as needed, so I really ought to make the effort. Thanks for all the tips. I’m glad things are somewhat improved for you 👍

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to HungryHufflepuff

I just use lukewarm water with half teaspoon of ordinary table salt,then gargle for around 5 mins,the spacer is so much easier and I think more hygienic too,like you i didn’t know about them,the pro biotic yoghurt may be helping but I’m pretty sure the spacer and salt mouthwash have done the job for me and anything else that may help is a bonus,anything that keeps thrush away I’m all for,I do take a lot of other oral meds so i need to keep thrush at bay so i can take all my other meds properly and comfortably,this sudden warm weather where i am is a little uncomfortable,under normal circumstances for people that don’t have any form of copd it’s lovely,but its not ideal for us people who suffer with copd in its forms,I’ve got my big fan on at the moment and it sounds like I’m ready for lift off,i don’t think people who don’t have copd realise that hot or cold weather can be detrimental to how it affects our breathing,it’s a good job we have all this medical help and in my case a great respiratory consultant and nurse to help make our lives easier for us living each day with copd,thankyou for replying,any help/advice you may have will be greatly wishes...fenty.

Bronchi1 profile image

Dont just rinse, gargle 3 times. I use that and if I do t gargle I get thrush. I presume you are using a volumatic if not get one, that helps.

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Bronchi1

Hi I’ve started gargling longer,stopped using mouthwash,I’m now using a spacer that I find much easier and has made a lot of difference,not sure what you mean by using a volumatic,if that’s a spacer then apologies for not knowing this,thanks for the advice,any other help/advice would be immensely appreciated...fenty.

Bronchi1 profile image
Bronchi1 in reply to fenty

Yes spacer is another name for volumatic. Thrush loves sweet stuff so reduce your sugar intake. It hates vinegar and live yoghurt. I used to eat pickled beetroot !

Daktarin oral gel is very good to get rid of thrush. Im not sure if u can buy over the counter .

Oshgosh profile image

I know it’s a pain,but couldn’t you ask the respiratory nurse to give you a ring. The resp nurse at the GP surgery is only there every two weeks,but if I leave a message ,she will ring me when she can.

I know what you mean about hanging about in GP and hospital waiting rooms.

Every time I attend hospital,I wonder who I will see and if they will be empathic. Or not!,.

I don’t know if Health care professionals realise how the first 30 seconds of the consultation influence how it will all go

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Oshgosh

It seems all they want to do is get you in and out as soon as possible leaving no time to get answers to the questions,if i ask my gp about anything related to my emphysema the only response is “better to ask your respiratory consultant” as they’re the experts,the only thing they really do is change any medications as instructed by my respiratory consultant to be added to my repeat list,it’s better to ask people like yourself on this forum who actually live day to day and try to cope as best possible than have to wait until who knows when,to get a response to any issues I may have regarding managing copd every day,it’s a wealth of information everyone has and i think without this forum we’d all be a lot worse off without all of this information everyone is willing to share,a big thankyou to you for taking time to reply to me...fenty.

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Oshgosh

Hi,took your advice,rang respiratory nurse who got my respiratory consultant mr hodgson to ring me back,he did he got my gp surgery to give me a spacer,he changed my device from ellipta to braltus told me to gargle with water for longer,told me not to use mouthwash so braltus is on repeats instead of ellipta,he got my results of pet scan also,the nodules in my right lung have grown got to have another pet scan in 4 weeks so I’m quite worried about that,but on thrush issues,things seem to be settling down now and my throat seems quite smooth now and voice sound near normal again,big thanks to you for advice/help,any other help/advice you may have would be more than appreciated...fenty.

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to fenty

Glad it worked out for you

Balloo profile image

Hia I get oral thrush all inhalers I use tea tree oil in water. & rinse bicarbonate soda : not use floride tooth paste: and don’t laugh fresh pineapple juice : also have teeth cleaned every 6 months :

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Balloo

I was thinking maybe salt water but I’m up for trying anything whatever it may be to at least reduce the frequency of reccuring thrush,I do clean my inhalers after each use but it sounds like a familiar problem a lot of people get especially with steroid inhalers etc,although I’ve suffered a long time with these chest/lung breathing problems I’m only a few months diagnosed even though from the start i was told it was more than likely some form of copd,so im up for any suggestions from anyone to try and make things a little easier for myself on a day to day basis,im really not sure what to expect on living with copd and the information/advice from yourself and anyone else is willing to give will be more than gladly appreciated,thankyou for taking time to reply to my request,it means a lot and is sincerely welcome...fenty.

Balloo profile image
Balloo in reply to fenty

Hia let’s just say this I difficult I have ended up cateracts. Steroids just gotton one fixed but still till get some reading gasses can’t see to write so well this took 8 months I not lived back this country long . Always paid private med had fab docs here one place rubbish here. So eat well lots oily fish .take vit d asked your doc pulmonary rehab . I had Tb as child & in Africa lungs f... so to speak . .

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to Balloo

I’m sorry to hear you’ve got quite a lot going on,i do take vitamin d as i also have other health issues to put up with my recent diagnosis of emphysema is just another illness on top of my others,I’m trying to get as much help and advice as i can to help me live and cope alongside this form of copd,I’ve actually started to gargle for longer after using my brown steroid inhaler that’s seems to be effective,I’ve rang and spoke to my respiratory nurse who in turn got my respiratory consultant to ring me back and talk to me,he was very reassuring and he’s changing one of my nebulisers for me as he thinks the one I’m using alongside my other devices isn’t really effective and might be contributing to the thrush,he’s notified my gp surgery for this new device to be added to my repeat prescriptions list,i think him speaking to me was very reassuring and he told me not to delay in contacting my nurse or his department should any problems arise or any questions need answering,any other help or advice you may have would be greatly appreciated,thankyou..fenty.

I gargle my throat twice and spit it out after . I also use a spacer, which helps and I take the spacer apart each week and sterilise in Milton baby bottle steriliser solution. Let the pieces dry naturally before use.

fenty profile image
fenty in reply to

I’ve picked up a spacer,i rang my respiratory dept and spoke to my consultants secretary,dr hodgson my respiratory consultant then rang me back,I told him of my problem and he said gargle for longer and he contacted my gp surgery to instruct them to give me a spacer to try to alleviate this thrush,I got a call from my gp surgery to inform me a prescription electronically was sent to my regular pharmacy for my wife to pick up,I’m now using the spacer and it’s made a world of difference for me,it’s so much easier,he’s also changed my ellipta nebuliser for a braltus device to hopefully make things better,his words were “ we need to find what’s most effective in treating your copd for you” don’t be afraid to ask or report any problems,thankyou for you’re help and advice mariekathleen,I’m more than grateful to you,any other help/advice you may be able to give to me would be immensely helpful to wishes to you...fenty.

Great news, fenty, so glad it's helping. It's good for me as I use a steroid inhaler as well as my preventer and it can often give thrush so I'm happy if it's helped x

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