Bile reflux again!: Good morning good... - Lung Conditions C...

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Bile reflux again!

Jollj profile image
19 Replies

Good morning good people,

I posted a few weeks ago regarding bile reflux and a long wait to see my reluctant GP.

I eventually managed to see him and squeeze 28 lanzaparazole tablets out of him after which he assured me my problem would be solved, lo and behold exactly one week after finishing the tablets at 6 30am this morning I managed to wake half the neighbourhood after yet another reflux.

2 hours later I am still coughing up the remnants of the action despite sipping my way through copious amounts of water so I am considering re mortgaging the house in order to visit the supermarket and purchase some nexium tablets to see me through until round two with my GP.

Anyone got any suggestions how I can rid myself of this horrible bile liquid that I am continuing to cough up 2 hours later,any help will be appreciated.

Many thanks.

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Jollj profile image
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19 Replies

What is the matter with these GPs! I have had dispersable lanzaprozole on repeat for the last seven years. Regularly reviewed by my GP. It is well known that reflux exacerbates our chest problems. Change your GP to one who knows what they are dealing with.

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to

Thanks littlepom i have been thinking for a while to change,however one of the local practices has recently been given a poor rating and another always seems to be bulging at the seams whenever I drive past,the wait at my own is bad enough,so I am thinking better the devil you know etc

Magpuss profile image

PPI's work on acid reflux but are no good at suppressing bile, if they worked for you then your doc should be prescribing them on repeat. But - I believe they're trying to cut back on prescribing them 'as a matter of course' because they can cause joints and bones to become painful, and mask other more serious problems with the oesophagus. Gaviscon Advance works on both acid and bile reflux and can be given on prescription. I have it for bile and it is good. Quick tip - try taking Sainsbury's Heartburn and indigestion liquid at bedtime until you can see your doc. It's half the price of Gaviscon and is virtually the same - I used it when I went to stay at my daughters and forgot to take the Gaviscon with me. Bile reflux is awful, hope you soon get it sorted out.

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to Magpuss

Thanks for the swift and informative response. I will try the sainsburys liquid.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Magpuss

Hi Magpuss - I can see that Gaviscon would work since it's a barrier medication. But you say bile reflux is awful but what exactly are the symptoms? Is that when you regurgitate? Hope you're doing ok now :)

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to O2Trees

Hi 02trees hope you don't mind me replying,my experience is just like acid reflux, I was awoken by a choking sensation caused by bile getting stuck in my throat,almost like being sick,after the initial reaction i then suffer repeated small eruption like happenings until the bile has been cleared,I am not sure of the science but I believe it's a build up in the stomach that somehow passed back through the esophagus and up into the throat with a slight burning sensation etc etc.

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to Jollj

Hi jollj, is it a yellow liquid that you retch up from your stomach rather than mucus from your lungs?

I know if I start coughing up mucus I can sometimes be sick on an empty stomach and retch up yellow stuff.

Sorry for the graphic description!

No gall bladder pain or problems? daughters partner is suffering at the moment.

Have you been tested for helicobacter in your father had that bacteria .

I was prescribed Gaviscon, but now it's been changed to a cheaper generic I buy Peptac now, which is still cheaper.

I hope you find some relief soon.

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to knitter

Hi knitter,you are spot on with the description yellow liquid ,however I don't wretch it up,I know what you mean,one minute i am fast asleep,next minute I am awoken,almost choking and gasping for breath as the justifiably " appears " in my throat,I then have an horrendous coughing session that like I say awakes anyone in the neighbourhood and struggle to clear the fluid for some time after,no test for bacteria yet but will mention it to my sceptical GP.

Thanks for the advice.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Jollj

That sounds so dreadful Jollj - I so hope you get some resolution to it. Now I think of it I remember always thinking of that yellow stuff that knitter mentions as bile. Not had it in recent years thankfully but now I understand what you are talking about.

Magpuss profile image
Magpuss in reply to O2Trees

It's regurgitated food, but it's partially digested food after it's mixed with the stomach acids. It really burns and as it's a mix of acids and food it has a different consistency to acid alone, making it harder to cough up or swallow. It's a bit like having mucus stuck in the throat, you know it's there but no amount of coughing gets rid of it the only difference is, bile burns. It's horrible, and can damage the oesophagus - and if its accidently breathed in, the lungs as well.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to Magpuss

Doesn't the acid burn too Magpuss?

Magpuss profile image
Magpuss in reply to O2Trees

Three times I've answered your post O2Trees - and lost it😫😤, heaven only knows how.

However I'll have another go.....

Yes, acid does burn but it's 'sootheable' with the use of antacids, they won't cure the cause of it but they do provide short term relief. With bile, (as far as I know), nothing soothes the burning sensation. The bile has to be got rid of first, after that cold drinks will help to soothe it but the burning can continue for several hours afterwards.

Alfiebax2 profile image

I have been on Omaprazole for years ,I have it on repeat prescription .I was hospitalised last August where they take your medication from you , I thought fine maybe I don't need it anymore .Wrong thought by day 3 I was in so much pain I was begging them for my medication. They at first gave me gaviscon , no good , then they gave me my tabs back at last relief.Goback to your GP and ask for it to be made permanent .It is not a pleasant symptom.I wish you luck .

Love Babs ❣️

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to Alfiebax2

Thanks very much for your help,I was hoping it wasn't a permanent thing but it looks like I might need them more often than i thought,it really is unpleasant as you know,I will be seeing my GP next week to hopefully sort things out.

MoyB profile image

You really need to badger your GP over this as there is no need to suffer when there are meds out there to sort you out. Perhaps he should be checking to see if you have oesophagitis and/or a hiatus hernia. I had both and was in a lot of discomfort with acid reflux. It's affected my lungs. All sorted with two Lansoprazol a day. I wouldn't be without them. xx Moy

Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to MoyB

Thanks Moy, I had a camera down just before Christmas and was given the all clear,that's when I first received lansaprozale,my GP said I should have been ok after the course, unfortunately he always seems on the cautious side when it comes to actually committing to anything,I will be going to see him next week.

Buzzytruk profile image

Hi..... I take Esomeprazole , either one tab per day or two tabs depending on the reflux. Have done for years. Have been fine for several weeks so was back to one evening tablet .. Which I take a minimum of 2 hours before bedtime Gaviscon.

Tea time yesterdays sweets ( diabetic visitors) were Hartleys orange jelly with manderin segments, squerty cream and cherry on top in suundae glasses, they looked nice and like a fool had one myself. This morning I can hardly swallow.

My throat is red raw from the acid reflux while asleep.

So have started salt water gargles. It eases the soreness for a short while.... Now back on two Esomeprazole a day ...

One day I may learn. !


Jollj profile image
Jollj in reply to Buzzytruk

Hi jo,thanks for the reply,I was recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic,I have cut out completely cakes,biscuits,chocolate etc which I used to pig out on and which I thought was the main reason for my reflux ( sugar fermenting etc,) but I still get the occasional flare up as of Sunday morning,it's hard to understand how after not eating for 10 hours i still get the occasional flare ups first thing in a morning. I am due back at my GP next week so hopefully he will prescribe more medication.

Puffer2much profile image

Perhaps try not eating or drinking 2 hours before bed time. A couple sips of water would be ok.

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