More antibiotics and steroids or not ... - Lung Conditions C...

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More antibiotics and steroids or not yet.

Monawhite1 profile image
24 Replies

Hi everybody I love this site and have over the past couple of years got lots of good information. So I would like to ask some advice again as today my specialist was suppose to get back to me and I have not heard a thing? I have emphysema diagnosed 3 years ago and because these last 3 years I have had chest infection after chest infection I finally got put under a specialist who has this winter, from October started me on Azithromycin and I have had such a good run for my money as I have just become ill since Sunday. The usual tiredness and tight chest and feeling very unwell but although my phlegm production has increased it is not green? The question I ask is would anybody suffering like myself take my emergency meds of doxycycline and steroids now or wait til my phlegm is a different colour and carry on with my Azithromycin

Thanks everso for reading


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Monawhite1 profile image
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24 Replies
Sillysausage234 profile image

Hi think you should get your gp to see you, I usually wait for the green phlegm personally...good luck

friendly profile image

I would start taking your emergency antibiotics, I think its the lesser of two evils, but of course that is what I would do and what suits one does not suit us all. but hope one or the other works for you.

Monawhite1 profile image
Monawhite1 in reply to friendly

Thank you for your reply yes I think I will and the steroids starting tomorrow x

Harry13 profile image
Harry13 in reply to Monawhite1

Remember the old saying Monawhite1. Prevention is better than cure. Hope you're soon feeling somewhat better. H

Take both together, you need the steroids to clear the inflammation so the antibiotics can get in there and kill the bacteria.

Monawhite1 profile image
Monawhite1 in reply to

Thanks for your reply yes I have decided to start tomorrow. Hate those steroids tho xx

in reply to Monawhite1

Early in the morning with breakfast so you don’t get too many side effects xx

Monawhite1 profile image
Monawhite1 in reply to

Yes I am wired alll night if I do not take early thank you for your help xx

in reply to Monawhite1

Pantani profile image

Id put a sputum sample in to get a definitive answer as to whether or not start on your antibiotics and steroids.

Weeannie profile image

I’d wait, carry on with the azithromycin. If there’s a colour change I wouldn’t hesitate at this time of year. Perhaps you could phone your surgery and speak with a Doc or nurse x

Picasso10 profile image

I've had a chest infection(diagnosed by my GP) but not green phlegm.Just the usual white.I've got problems at times knowing whether or not I've got a chest infection.

Kerrieblue profile image

A really difficult question to answer as we are all so different. My sputum is always coloured so doesn’t indicate when to start on antibiotics. Maybe ask your GP but the best person to ask is probably yourself. Do you have a temperature? Do you monitor you oxygen levels? How bad do you feel? Sometimes these “iffy” feelings can just go on their own. Let us know how you our get on.

Sandy- profile image

My sputum is mostly a yellow colour, and my consultant said that's okay, but if it goes a dirty colour then I should send off a sample. Sometimes I have a low grade temperature, feeling cold etc, but after a good lung clearance it can go after a good "sweat". We are all different but as I'm already on Azithromycin I don't really want to take a course of antibiotics unless necessary. Steroids aren't necessary as I have bronchiectasis. Fingers crossed it passes. x

I hope you’ve started on them by now. My consultant at RBH, a bronchiectasis specialist, nags me to take them at the first sign, which could be any of: increased wheeze, increased sputum, darker colour, change in colour, nasty taste etc. I think your “feeling very unwell” says it all! Don’t wait for it to take a hold, nip it in the bud. Agree with you about prednisone but I always take them with an infection, the consultant says my airways are so inflamed from asthma, the doxy won’t work as well without them

Breester profile image
Breester in reply to

Hello Hanne62, I am interested in your reply. You have been advised to start Doxycycline as soon as symptoms start. Do you also use steroids as well & if so which one? I am clearing my throat constantly & coughing. Sputum can hardly expel but can taste I have infection. So am curious the function of steroids to help with clearing & cough. Hope you can help

Thnx B

in reply to Breester

Hi Breester. Taste is the first sign of infection for me, yeuuch. My main lung problem is bronchiectasis but I also have very difficult asthma, so my airways are constantly inflamed. The consultant's argument is that antibiotics cannot penetrate this inflammation & kill the bacteria unless I also take steroids. I hate them but unfortunately I've found he's right. It makes sense because any infection increases both inflammation & mucus production, so it's a vicious circle. I take 30mg prednisone a day for 7 days, then taper down over another 7 days. This is usually enough, though at the moment I've had an on/off chest infection for over 2 months, & had to increase the prednisone to 50mg. At least I'm no longer on daily prednisone (as I was for many years.) Sorry for the long reply but I wanted to include anything which might be relevant to you!

Breester profile image
Breester in reply to

Thank you for your reply. I too have bronchiectasis. I will discuss prednisone with my doctor as an option.


hallentine47 profile image

Hello and I think this is a really good question and its one I often ask myself. Lots of good advice already given to you on this site but yes I too have been taking Azythromycin and I have been infection free for the longest period in many far this winter. If in doubt take everything you have got but try to get a sample sputum test to make sure what you are up against.

undine profile image

my advice if you are debating whether to take them - take them - your body is giving you a message don't over think it - better to get it early than leave it too late - advice by the way I should heed myself as I too always have the should I, shouldn't I debate and in the end always take them - good luck whatever xxx

joyce74 profile image
joyce74 in reply to undine

I started steroids on Christmas Day, finished antibiotics yesterday, I too wait too long sometimes but within 48 hours I always know I did the right thing having more energy dispite the little devils robbing me of some sleep. At least my hacking cough has gone.

Ern007 profile image


A bit late in answering, but I have been a bit unwell.

Clear phlegm does not mean you should not be seen or treated. green phlegm is easy, you just know at once.

Take rescue med's and see Dr in particular if you feel unwell.

Monawhite1 profile image

Hi everyone again and thank you all so much for your advise. I did finally get through to my specialist and she said take my emergency meds which is what I have done. As much as I hate the steroids they have given me some energy. Went down to my health centre yesterday and saw one of the acute team as the doctors are so limited now with their appointments. My appointment would have been in the new year,,,,!! She has advised me to start my Azithromycin again when I finish the doxycycline and steroids which is tomorrow. She said my chest sounded absolutely fine and As I am not producing any nasty green stuff as I said before start my Azithromycin. I am still not feeling that great. Still tired and more breathless than usual so dressing gown on still and missing out on all the Christmas fun. Thanks again for all your helpful replies. Hope you all stay healthy for Christmas xx

Breester profile image
Breester in reply to Monawhite1

Hello following this thread. Also procrastinate when to start meds. Which steroid do you use?

Thnx B

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