How the future NHS looks in your City... - Lung Conditions C...

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How the future NHS looks in your City/County:

Parvati profile image
18 Replies

Interesting article - if you enter your city/county it will give you details for your area of any changes being put forward:

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Parvati profile image
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18 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Thank you Parvati, very interesting. Lots of activity in Sussex it seems so will keep ears and eyes open. Hope you are well at the moment. Xxxxx

diesel12 profile image

Just had a look for Lincolnshire. Basically A&E changes, closing duplicate services etc. Grantham A & E has been closed at night for a while and while at the hospital with mum I spoke to a lady from Grantham whose husband was screaming with pain at home so she rang for an ambulance only to be told to take him from Grantham to Lincoln in her car as there would be no spare ambulance for 5-6 hours. She was so shaken up as he was screaming all the way and she was worried she was hurting him more by him being in the car, this drive took her an hour! I wonder whatever happened to that golden hour to treat someone? I never saw her again after that so don't know the outcome.

I have seen a lot of the problems in Lincoln hospital this last year with mum but have also seen some great care but by closing the "cottage" hospitals it is way over crowded and also no where for folks to go as a step toward being back at home.

Bring back convalescence homes!

Watfordgirl profile image
Watfordgirl in reply to diesel12

It's such an obvious way to reduce over-crowding in the acute hospitals. They're closing more 'cottage hospitals' in Devon, according to Parvati's link.

Lyd12 profile image
Lyd12 in reply to diesel12

I so agree, and have been saying this for ages. My husband had a hernia done at our now closed cottage hospital, also a vasectomy, Ihave had minor op there, Long time ago now, but then once appointment came round there was no waiting at all.

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to diesel12

Hi....You should try Boston. 😞 ! We have said if we need any treatment in an emergency or long term care & investigations we would prefer Peterborough hospital.

Boston has had a lot of its facilities taken away to Lincoln. But Lincoln can't cope.

Large centres need large sites, and Lincoln is very tight.

I am told Boston no longer do anti coagulation tests , Boston had a good path lab if the GP.won't take the blood , then it's at least a fifty mile trip each way from where we live.

Lincoln powers that be appear to forget Lincolnshire is a large county and that not every hospital can be a centre of excellence. .......Just a good district general.


diesel12 profile image
diesel12 in reply to Buzzytruk

and yet my sister was sent to Boston to have a line put in for chemo. It's a mad world! :)

Watfordgirl profile image

Thank you, Parvati. I replied to diesel, but it should have come to you.

Is there no one in charge of health provision with a shred of common sense. There are so many patients in acute hospitals who don't need or want to be there but if you remove all options of care between the acute care and home the whole system will explode. Isn't it obvious that patients who've been seriously ill are going to need a reduced level of care somewhere before they can be self-caring at home. 😡 x

onamission profile image

we are about to loose our A&E walking in gp clinic and mother and children service which cost 28m to build 2 years ago 😈

Toci profile image

I have put in the town and two cities nearest to me and it does not know any of them. :(

Magpuss profile image

The whole of the West Midlands isn't recognised? No wonder there are problems!!

Magpuss profile image

The West Midlands is our county - bits of it used to be Staffs back in the sixties, some bits probably came under Warks at some point in time but the Black Country, Dudley, Wolverhampton and many surrounding towns are now all just 'West Midlands'. Many locals would like their old county boundaries and names back.

The East Midlands (where I came from) retained its original county names ie Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire etc but the West Midlands - in effect, seems to have sliced bits off adjoining counties to create a new county least this is how it was explained to me by a thoroughly disgruntled acquaintance whose address in South Staffs changed overnight without him having moved an inch.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Magpuss

Hi Magpuss, the West Midlands is a vast area now, called the West Midlands Combined Authority. We used to be Warwickshire in days gone by now like Staffordshire areas have changed. Some of which is to do with cetralising finances for better government budgeting in simple terms. But it is more confusing for the public as it involves two sets of bugeting. Things changing including addresses.

Magpuss profile image
Magpuss in reply to katieoxo60

If what we have now is 'better budgeting' I dread to think what it was like before!🙄😄😄

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Magpuss

This is what we are told ,but from experience nothing has changed only our postal address, so I use the words "better budgeting" with reservations. I personally along with many others still struggle to keep our living standards and meet our care needs while being pushed out into the suburbs in isolation from our new purpose built student city. No thought has been given to the older population in my city center or urban facilities improved to meet a community need. Reason no finance , have to depend on the voluntary services and as I understand it this county merger will not particularly improve things, a lot of the money is targetted for intercity transport not basics for the residents of the said areas. Or have I got it all wrong???? Back to the waiting game :) :)

Buzzytruk profile image
Buzzytruk in reply to Magpuss

Hi.....I can understand your acquaintance s feelings , being a Black country girl. South Staffs is South Staffs nothing to do with Dudley Worcestershire or ,Birmingham Warwickshire


Magpuss profile image

It all changed just before we moved here and being an outsider I never really knew which places had been in which county - tho' I do know that our bit used to be in South Staffs.

I just cannot imagine why the West Midlands isn't recognised, as you say - it's vast, and Wolverhampton is a city now, how can it be 'unrecognised'?

Nanbn2 profile image

I tried both the town where I live and the county, neither was recognised.

katieoxo60 profile image

thank you for your link, helps find details easy. For myself I am involved with a group locally and we get most of the local NHS news on a regular basis, plus other government issues. We can be found on line at Coventry Older Voices, we deal with lots of issues that effect over fifties including national issues like changes to NHS services, care in later life.

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