Deteriorating : Hi everyone, I seem to... - Lung Conditions C...

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Raptorabz profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone, I seem to be getting worse, terrible breathlessness even moving around in my kitchen to cook. I bought a pulse oximeter from medical supplies and noticed my spo2 is 89 - 90% when I am resting. When I walk upstairs, it drops to 88% but my pulse beat now shoots up to 138. My muscles are aching even more and I kave noticed dark blueish spots on my left leg which has been paining for a while. These marks are above knee cap and on inside of leg at ankle. I have got the chest clinic on 11/1/2016. I have another appointment with the nurse for blood sample on 15/12/2015 due to low blood count. Hope some one can tell me something as I am new to the site . I keep on reading all articles to look for similarities .

Thank you,


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Raptorabz profile image
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18 Replies

5, Hello Raptorabz.

All I can tell you is that the last time I had an exacerbation of Bronchiectasis, my oxygen went down to 84% and they put me on Oxygen for about 10 days. When I escaped, they gave me a wrist band which says that target SPo2 is 88-92. So you are just within the expected level. Your pulse rate might be because of the effort you need to put into everything you do, or it might be down to anxiety.

I can't give you any suggestions about the spots, perhaps you should make an appointment with your GP to check them out. They might not be related to your breathing difficulties. Perhaps you could ring the BLF free helpline to have a chat to one of the very experienced nurses on there. 03000 030 555

Take care

Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to

Thank you Poemsgalore1, we have great difficulty getting appointments at the sutgery I attend .I have noticed 88% spo2 as well in the last week.

Thank you,

Warmest Regards,


Jessy11 profile image

Hi Raptorabz, I think you should phone for an appointment to see your GP on Monday.

Sounds like your meds are not working for you & you may need a change or dosage increased. Your doctor will advise you.

Also mention your leg. I don't think you should leave it & hope it goes away. Have your GP or nurse to take a look at it.

Hope you feel better soon 🌻

Sheilab123 profile image

Hi Raptorabz and welcome to our forum, lots of knowledgeable helpful, friendly and humourous guys on here, who will always try to help. Your oxygen levels sound fine, like you my pulse rate goes off the scale with any exertion, all I would say is slowly does it, and pursed lip breathing helps. Re marks on legs etc it could well be because of your blood, I have a similar thing and it is now being treated. Not long now til your blood test so hopefully you won't be left worrying to long. Take care and any questions just fire away, always someone around. xx

Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to Sheilab123

Thanks Sheila123, I am a bit worried with my very tight chest and breathing difficulty as I have been getting worse with my spo2 and severe pains on my legs. I will make an appointment with the doc ,

Warmest Regards,


Raptorabz profile image

Thanks Jessie11, you might be correct as they took of seretide and put me on Onbrez and I noticed the progressive worsening of my condition, now my resting spo2 is 90% with a pulse beat of 98. I will have to make an appointment on Monday. If I don't feel well thru the weekend, I'll just go to ARI.

Warmest Regards,


rubyred777 profile image

Welcome to the site Raptorabz

Hope we can help you out. You don't mention anything about your history.

How long have you had copd? Are your

Sats always on the low side? What stage copd are you? Could be of more help, If

we knew more about you. You say you have a low blood count, which could have something to do with your symptoms. Is your leg hot compared to the other one?

Rubyxx 😊 😊

Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to rubyred777

Hi Rubyred777, I was diagnosed about 8 weeks ago, Fev1-53%, Fvc-57%' , Fev1/Fvc -71%, and my spo2 was 96-97% at that time. I was on Salbutamol, Spiriva. They were not helping me, so the nurse added seretide and still no help,. Took me off seretide and put me on Onbrez 150mgc. They did a blood test 3weeks ago and told me I am anemic. My next blood test is on the 15/12/15 and I have the chest pain clinic appointment on the 19/1/16.

Throughout this period, my breathlessness is getting worse and my spo2 is now (resting) 88-92%. My muscle pains in my legs are increasing. I am worried I'll be home bound. I have been exersising in the morning for 15mins and the same in the evening. It is very exhausting and my spo2 goes to 88% and the oximeter clocks out and restarts.This oximeter gives warnings at 94% and 88%. I am taking multivatimins and eating 3 healthy home cooked meals a day plus loads of fruits.

Well, that's all I can tell you , as I am new to the forum and am wondering what's going on, between those periods, I had two chests X-rays and all was clear, I also, had a echocardiogram and that was ok too.

Warmest Regards,


rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to Raptorabz

Since they already told you your anemic, I would figure they gave you something for it. Then another blood test to see if it's any better when you go back. Anemia can make you feel pretty bad. I wouldn't fool with it. I would go to e.r .

Don't seem you should feel that bad, with an fev 1 of 53.

Rubyxx 😊

Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to rubyred777

They never gave me anything after the blood test with them knowing I was anemic. At present, I am sitting quietly and jus waiting for Monday . I'll make an emergency appointment with the doctor at my surgery. Thanks Rubyred777 for you prompt reply.

Warmest Regards,


rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to Raptorabz

Good luck and please let us know how you make out.


Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to rubyred777

Hi rubyred777, I will let you all in the forum know my outcome. I am so glad to be in this community as I am getting better layman answers and that is helping me.

Warmest Regards,


Catnip profile image

Greetings -- my advice is much as everyone else's, plus "Don't consult Dr Google". Full of horror stories and mis-information!! Good luck.


Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to Catnip

Thanks Catnip, well noted.



Jjude profile image

I had a low iron count a couple of weeks ago. Didn't get anything prescribed just told to eat things with iron in. Because Im not a great eater anyway I bought some iron supplements and vit c. have to say I feel much better and my oxygen levels increased too. I think sometimes we can take too much iron (not really sure) so I take for 5 days and give myself 2 days rest. I would advise you consult your gp as soon as you can.

Jjude xx

Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to Jjude

Hi Jjude, I shall do what you have just said. My doctor and nurse never prescribed anything..

Warmest Regards,


Jjude profile image
Jjude in reply to Raptorabz

Take the Vit c with it, it helps to absorb the iron. We need iron to carry oxygen around the body. And we all know how important the oxygen is. If you don't feel any better after a short while please see your gp.

Ive been taking this just over a month now and do feel lots better. I do exercise for 30 mins a day 5 days a week, I practice pursed lip breathing daily and take my own made fresh ginger tea each day, and a 'tea' of honey and lemon.

Ive only known I have copd since June this year so Im still learning but have improved so much in 6 months apart from the sob you would think I was fine. I think Im moderate copd but feel mild. Im 60 and only gave the ciggies up 18 months ago. Stay positive, its the secret of long life.


Raptorabz profile image
Raptorabz in reply to Jjude

Many thanks Jjude, I shall do that as of today. I gave up smoking as New Years resolution and was diagnosed with copd 8-9 weeks ago due to shortness of breath. It is very frightening when you are breathless .

Warmest Regards,


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