my dad has got to go for a ct scan af... - Lung Conditions C...

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my dad has got to go for a ct scan after X-rays showing pneumonia thats not cleared after antibiotics Worried, advice needed

melissasim profile image
10 Replies

Hi, I'm after so insight on what the reason for my dads referral for a ct scan is? he's been having flu like symptoms since nov/dec.. in april he decided to take himself to a&e after not feeling great and was diagnosed with mild pneumonia on the lower left lobe..he was discharged the same day with a 2 week course of amoxicillin and claritymithiocin, they also did iv antibiotics that day too, he's also been on amoxicillin twice from the gp beforehand as they just said he has a chest infection. he's had 2 follow up 8 weeks on from the initial diagnosis they've requested for him to have a ct scan next wednesday as his last X-ray is still showing pneumonia shadow? we are all worried sick as they've not really explained very well as it was just the doctors secretary who's contacted us to book this.. they originally mentioned to do the camera down test aswell but now they are not doing this and just the ct scan? theres been some confusion with the booking of the appointment... my dad is 71 and was a smoker but hasn't smoked for 22 years since his heart attack at 49...could the shadow just be scarring from the infection? he also had rheumatic fever at age 11 so they will be some scarring i would imagine.

He feels ok at the moment, no cough, no breathlessness just a bit of fatigue

Is a ct scan just routine because of his age and risk factors.

we are going out of our minds with worry

thanks in advance

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melissasim profile image
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10 Replies
aberdeenman profile image

hi I wouldn't worry to much, they just be checking everything, a ct scan shows up a lot more than a normal xray, I had that few weeks ago.


melissasim profile image
melissasim in reply to aberdeenman

Thank you for your reply...did you get the results the same day? my dads appointment is at 9am and then he's got an appointment at the respiratory clinic at 10.10am and she said his results will be ready by then?

aberdeenman profile image
aberdeenman in reply to melissasim

you wont get results same day, they go back to who refered you. I don't no what like my scan was but that's good for me, because I got that for a diferent reason your dad.

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Melissasim, do not worry too much about your father these are routine tests for things like pneumonia these days. Xrays are used very little only for some things like broken bones and initial diagnosis of things like arthritis. Scans are more precise and if a consultant orders one you will get the electronic result the same day back to clinic. If it is your GP then it is normal to have to return to him or her for the results which takes much longer. You are correct too the scarring can be from previous infections or past smoking which can be mistaken for current illness until further investigation. On the other hand your father could have another illness due to his risk factors so better to be safe than sorry don't you think. Due to his age he is entitled to an up to date check of his current health status also. Or as many of us call it an age MOT just like a car. Hope all goes well for him and it puts your mind at rest, I speak from experience as I have COPD and old scaring of the lung. Trust the info is of help .

Hi Melissasim. Please try not to worry. It is a good thing that they are doing a ct scan to check if the pneumonia/infection has cleared up. If the appointment for clinic is at a good hospital you will find that by the time your Dad sees that doctor he will have the scan in front of him by the wonders of computer tecnology. It may be that he needs a different antibiotic to knock it on the head or a longer course of IV One day's IV is next to useless. I hope that they get it sorted for him.

melissasim profile image

Thank you for your replies... And they are great comfort to me... I think the panic set in as the hospital had us all confused (admin error) they've called everyday this week to arrange my dads appointment and it went from ct scan and camera down his throat. To just a ct scan. Then no ct scan. Then back to just a ct scan... Luckily when they called again on Friday I asked to speak to someone about this and a lung nurse came on the phone to apologise for the confusion... I asked her why the further tests and she just said my dads pneumonia has still not quite cleared as there was still a shadow on his lower left lobe on his last chest X-ray 2 weeks ago, and his gp should of sent him a letter? No letter ever arrived! I will be glad for Wednesday to come and go.😔

Offcut profile image

CT scan is a great way for them to see the lungs in more detail. They are being used more now as routine because they are so much better images. My wife is having one for her kidneys soon.

It can be hard to find the right AB sometimes but they will sort soon I am sure.

Be Well

cofdrop-UK profile image

Please try as hard as it is not to panic. Your Dad's medics are being very proactive in doing a ct scan to check out what is going on, especially as your Dad has been struggling since November, despite the antibiotics. Agee with Stillstanding the IVs for one day would just be to kick off the antibiotics and get them into the blood stream, followed up by oral abs.

I have had bronchiectasis practically all my life, but my last scan was given because I had 2 shadows on my lungs and my con said he had a duty of care to do a scan, although he thought the shadows were the remnants of infection - he was right.

At least once the scan has been done the medics and yourselves will know where you are and get the appropriate treatment.

Good luck and please let us know how your Dad gets on.


melissasim profile image

Just an update.... My dad went for his ct scan today and so pleased to say he got the all clear.... The shadow is just a bit of inflammation and scarring due to the pneumonia and also he had rheumatic fever when he was a child aswell as a heart attack in his late 40's which the Dr said it all can contribute to the scarring ... No follow up scan needed... He goes back for a general assessment in 4 months just to make sure no symptoms reappear .... A huge wait has been lifted off my shoulders... Thank you all to who replied...:-) xx

Jjude profile image

Pleased to hear alls as well as can be melissa xx

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