As noted on another thread I mentioned that my Desert Island Book would be Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas, its so beautiful and lyrical. I reckon my time would be well spent learning it off by heart and creating voices for Polly Garter, Captain Cat etc. Remember you already have a copy of the Bible (or other appropriate religious text) and the Complete works of the Bard so what would your book choice be and why?
Desert Island Books - Off topic I sup... - Lung Conditions C...
Desert Island Books - Off topic I suppose

Top choice for my Desert Island book would be Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte because of it's depth and the passion with which it's wrote. One or two paragraphs/pages have stuck in my mind and I can recite a little of it by heart so I KNOW it's the choice for me

Wuthering Heights is one of those books I have tried and tried to read and just never got into. I think its because I couldn't find any empathy with the characters. Of the Bronte's books, Jane Eyre is the one for me. But absolutely each to their own. I read Pride and Prejudice every year!
Madame Bovary - what a corking book. I love hardy too. Its incredibly difficult to choose just the one book isn't it? I am 2 thirds of the way through a book called the Cornish Trilogy. Its blooming brilliant but at 1200 too heavy to hold in one hand when I am lying in bed! I did Emma at school and whilst I love the book, the critical look you take at that level really sort of spoiled it for me. I will let you exchange Billy for Anton
Well, love the classics as above but my choice would be a boxed set of Ian Rankin novels. He describes Edinburgh so well I can be back there in a trice. Been away now for over 20 years but Rankin takes me straight back to the streets, smells and sounds of happy days. I can walk in Rebus' footsteps! .
Can I take audio books?
Mine would have to be Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence. It's one of the few books I have read a few times over the years.
Are you thinking of John Hannah? I loved his voice, but Ken Stott suits Rebus - his gritty voice and his craggy face fits Rebus' personna. I can just see him in the Oxford Bar!
My reading age hasn't progressed much., so my favourite would be from Neville Shute. Either Whatever happend to the Corbetts most likely Requiem for a WREN.
Oh! Neville Schute! Now there's a name from the past! He was on my reading list, 1st year at secondary school. 'A Town Like Alice'. I really loved that book! Must track it down and read it again. Remember reading lists? Those were the days when you HAD to read books, all the book! Treasure Island, 39 Steps, Little Women, Jamacia Inn, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies (hate that), The Triffids.... plus Dickens/Shakespeare/Chaucer.....!
Sorry, I've veered off topic!
Hmmm, tricky ... l loved Heidi, Little women, The Lamplighter, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Brother Cadfael - so many to choose from.
Precious Bane!! My copy is so dog eared from reading it. Fabulous. Loved the adaptation the BBC did but its never been repeated or released on VHS or DVD. Prue Sarn is just wonderful, and Kester is up there with the most heroic of men.
I'm reading Haweswater at the moment by Sarah Hall. I tried to read it a few months ago and couldn't get past the prologue. But I am really enjoying it now.