Symptoms of pleurisy and pneumonia? - Lung Conditions C...

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Symptoms of pleurisy and pneumonia?

Lynne1955 profile image
13 Replies

I don't think I have either of these, by the way, but as I am pretty rubbish at deciding if I even have a chest infection at times, I wondered what the symptoms are.

If any of you have been unfortunate enough to get either, I would be really interested to know.

Lynne xx

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Lynne1955 profile image
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13 Replies
SusieQs profile image

Hello Lynne,

I hope your chest infection is on the mend. I can remember having pleurisy years ago. I had a sharp painful stabbing pain when I breathed in. My doctor diagnosed me wrongly at the time and gave me ABs because she thought I had an infection but eventually prescribed anti inflammatories which quickly cleared it up.

A few months ago I was feeling absolutely wiped out I thought I had an infection because I was coughing up horrible stuff and the dr. gave me a course of steriods. I have been diagnosed with copd for 8 years and this was the first time that I had to have anytime off work because of the condition. Thankfully my son and daughter were keeping an eye on me and after a week they found me in a delirous state and to cut a long story short I ended up in icu and was in hospital for 5 weeks. I was told at the hospital that I had caught a flu virus which had caused the pneumonia.

Sue x

Well Lynne,posted reply,but kept telling me I wasn't signed in,even though my pic,of Hudson was looking at me!!

Will try one more time!

When I had pleurisy years ago,I had shocking knife like pain,as Sue had,no mistake about what that was!

With the pneumonia,high temp & lots of sputum,& very tight chest.

One tip,which may be helpfull,I always have a sterile specimen container(from the surgery) if I am not well,I see the Doc.& it can be sent off straight away,he then rings me with the result,if abs,are needed,I just pick up script from his surgery,saves a bit of time.

Oh dear,I feel I'm rambling now,do hope this makes sense,lol!

Hope you are keeping well now.

Love Wendells xxx

Lynne1955 profile image
Lynne1955 in reply to

Not bad thanks. I am on ABs again (yawn) with a sinus infection which had started draining into my chest. I'm not short of breath though and don't feel ill, just coughing a bit and a hoarse voice.

I'm seeing the GP on Tuesday to see how I can prevent future sinus infections. But now I have to reschedule my planned spirometry as it won't be 6 weeks.

Lynne xx

peege profile image

Hi Lynne, how are you feeling? This was written 2 hours ago!

Pleurisy for me was very painful indeed. The 1st time I thought for a few days that'd pulled a muscle or broken ribs (had broken 3 years ago & pain was identical).

A sharp stabbing pain when you move, breath too deeply (mine was by front lower rt lung) or laugh.

I have a high pain threshold and it seemed akin to some form of torture. You try not to move and it catches you unawares when you do.

GP diagnosed it with his stethoscope. I believe there's a rasping, scraping kind of noise they hear when the pleural membranes rub against each other instead of glidiing nice & moistly as they should.

It took 2-3 weeks for the pain to finally clear but by then I had the 1st pneumonia.

For me the pneu. symptoms were of feeling absolutely dreadful, a bit like a bad flu. Brain very slow (probably the fever, low sats?) very weak.

The 1st time there was no cough, no mucous. I had no idea what was going on.

Other pneumonias also came out of the blue but by then I knew to get into GP asap.

As has been said, we're all different so maybe others will come up with other symptoms.

When chesty people here say they've severe pain in their chests I always suggest pleurisy as a possibility.

I've not had full blown pneumonia since having the jab nearly 3 years ago however, have had pleurisy twice in the same place.

Hope this makes sense. If you've the slightest pain in the rib/lung area, have a check at the GP - please?

best wishes xxx P ps I was given a sinus rinse at PR to use daily. It's light saline, I've only done 2 days so dont know yet if it works. I'd like to stop using the steroid nasal day & night so am crossing fingers, toes, legs!

Pepsicoley profile image

Hello Lynne

I've had pneumonia three times - first time was in December 1981 (the same time as the Penlee Lifeboat Disaster). I was misdiagnosed initially and by the time I was diagnosed I was unable to stand upright and each time I breathed in I felt a really sharp pain. I was so weak by the time I was diagnosed that I couldn't cough up the stuff in my lung.

A friend, Margaret, who was a pharmacist wasn't too impressed with my GP and suggested that I go immediately to the surgery and ask to see another GP. After my visit to the surgery I was taken to hospital, give an x-ray and the diagnosis of pneumonia. I was absolutely 'wiped out' for about six weeks - I felt so ill.

The other two bouts of pneumonia were within a few weeks of each other and the upshot was that I ended up having x-rays and scans and was diagnosed with pneumonia and probable lung cancer (that was in 2009).

Pneumonia is very debilitating and painful so I hope that you have not got it.

I hope that you are feeling better lovely lady and that things are going well.

Love and hugs



rick1 profile image

One of the signs for pleurisy is a chronic pain in your side.

lilliput profile image

Think I may have been misdiagnosed with pleurisy in the past, but my symptoms twice were feeling fine, physically fit. I was young and a bad stabbing pain, tried to stop chest from moving. Hurt to breath. My GP thought the same . I've had no verdict but think it was a mild collapsed lung which righted itself.

Very different to a chest infection followed by pain on breathing. Should add I've never been in hospital overnight for anything.My chest infections have not been especially painful. Get the feeling that pleurisy is.

sadie1951 profile image

With me ,pleurisy was like a knife under my shoulder blade which was very painful even on moving slightly, never mind coughing and I did feel pretty bad too. Also, I did apparently have what is called "walking pneumonia" some years ago - I didn't feel too good but just off colour really, after about 5 days I very suddenly got worse and I was rushed to hospital with pneumonia and you'd know if you had it, was so ill for about 10 days. So if you feel your symptoms are getting worse, don't take any chances. Sadie x

kimmy59 profile image

Hello Lynne

When I had Pneumonia the first time it came on really quick, I went to work within two hours I felt really ill pains all down my back and a temperature. Being new to Emphysema I ignored it and dragged myself around, ended up with double Pneumonia. Recovering now from it and the symptoms were completely different, just woke up with stabbing pains bottom of right rib, then they subsided and came back. The hospital took x-rays bloods etc. and sent me home 4 days later I was admitted. My GP has told me now I know when something's wrong and next time I'm to take myself there and demand they check, because of my conditions.

Sorry to waffle.


Lcpc profile image
Lcpc in reply to kimmy59

Hi Kim

I can really resonate with your descriptions..... I understand this post is 4 years old but it would be good to hear how you are now.

mariessparkles profile image

The symptoms for pneumonia are really bad I couldn't get out of bed was that poorly. Temerature that high your hallucinations, really bad pain and struggle to breathe, even some attacks also damages to your lungs to can be extremely bad. Also can also result in death too.

Pluricey are simular symptoms but not as bad still not good. High temperatures,tight chest pains when breathing, struggling to breathe. My heart goes out to anyone that gets any of these illnesses.

hopetorun profile image

Hello sorry to hear you are feeling unwell. Hope you feelbettet soon.

I have had phnumonia several time. With me i feel extemely tired and unwell. I get pain/ache in my back. I feel cold and i am sick. The doctor could not detect any air movement in the bottom of my right lung. Xray showed black line across the lung comfimed phneumonia.

Maureenclayton profile image
Maureenclayton in reply to hopetorun

I had x Ray a few days ago, it showed a band round the bottom of right lung. A few years ago I had CT scan apparently both lungs bronchiectasis, I have to go for another CT scan very soon to see what's happening now as over the past few months I have had a lot of chest infections, been on lots antibiotics and steroids. Just got a low dose of sleeping tablets from doctor yesterday took one last night, yep here I am at 3.33 in the morning after having very little sleep, wondering how I'm going to cope with another day. The pain I get is more across my chest and I'm also getting pins and needles plus numbness down my arms mainly left side plus feet. The pains i have in legs and arms are from fibro if it's not one thing it's another.

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