Has anyone tried the above med. for OAB? If so would you kindly tell me how it was? Thanks
Tolterodine: Has anyone tried the above... - Bladder Health UK

Hello foxglove, Ive just been prescribed Tolterodine. Only on day two. How you getting on? x
It's still to early to say! apparently got to take for 3 weeks and up to 4 weeks and if no adverse effects to continue for 3 months! - another waiting game but I'm trying to be optimistic. At first I thought solifenacin was the answer but proved not to be. Have you tried any other meds?
Hello 👋, many thanks for the message back ☺️. Urgh tell me about it, always playing the waiting game! 😤. I have IC which feels like I've got a permanent UTI but there's no actual infection and a bladder that doesn't fully empty. So I've been self catherisising every day before bed, I've had 6 bladder instillations and followed a diet to cut out anything too acidic. These are the first actual tablets I've been given after a year of treatment. I'm definitely getting the dry mouth and headaches but definitely not improving bladder yet but as you say, got to give it 3-4 weeks 😏. I am finding I'm peeing slower with slight resistance. Are you noticing similar?
Thanks for detailed reply, I am noticing that I wee out more strongly and something I find helps is to sit on toilet for a few seconds longer then try to wee again even a little bit helps! An odd thing that someone told me about was to eat some raisins before bed and even that helps...or am I clutching at straws? Anyway I am coming up for the 3 weeks on prescribed med. so fingers crossed.
Good luck to us both x
Hello, yes I'm finding that too when I wee! You think that is it but then more comes. Things we have to do hey! Wow raisins before bed is a new one to me, please keep me updated. I keep having flare ups that feel like a UTI with the burning. 1/4 TSP of baking soda helps to settle it (but that could be another case of straw clutching!), just wish I could stop them and work out the triggers. Please keep in touch re the Tolterodine, it's handy for me that you're a few weeks ahead of me ☺️. Good luck and take care x
Hi I did a check on where I was with the med and found I have only taken it for 12 days - seemed longer! so too soon to tell how it's doing. I am not the most patient of folks but i will just have to try! If you decide to give the drug a go let me know how you go (we are not too far apart) I'm on 20 mg but here is a 40 mg dose How about you? Look after yourself x
Lol I'm not very patient either! My Tolterodine is only 4mg so your dose is much stronger. I've been taking them for 4 days now. Keep in touch, let me know how you get on and I will do the same ☺️. Look after yourself too X
Morning Foxglove, how are you doing? Isn't it interesting that no one else has answered your post to say they have tried Tolterodine?! Wonder why? I've decided to stop taking them as I've been getting such a burning feeling in my pelvic area, it feels like my vagina is on fire! It burns to pee and hurts to sit, back is aching without having to contend with the other side affects of a dry mouth, eyes, constipation and headaches 😏. Next urologist appointment is Wednesday 🤞🤞. Hope you're doing better? X
Hi I'm till taking the tolterodine but I think it's making me depressed and tired - quite worn out! and wonder if it's worth while continuing , I do seem not to need to go as much in the night and I suppose it's early days yet...if only I had a patient nature! Have you had your urology appt yet? sorry I put neurology on last reply. Do hope you're improving any way. Please be kind and keep in touch
Sorry you're suffering, I'm ok other than I don't think pills are doing anything! On looking up Patient Experience they don't get good reviews...perhaps I should have stuck with the soliphenacin feel I'm in a lose-lose place Will have to continue for a bit longer before I try doc. again she was not too sympathetic last phone appt! Hope your neurology visit is helpful Good luck x
Hello Foxglove, apologies I didn't see your first reply to my message 7 days ago, I only saw it as you messaged again. It's so hard knowing what to do for the best isn't it. We are made to feel when we reach out to doctors that we are bothering them with our suffering! There are so many medications out there that seem to affect everyone differently that it's hard to know which is best for us. My Urologist agreed that while my bladder feels settled it's best to leave things alone for now. I'm still experiencing discomfort and urgency but I think I need to accept this and learn to live with it. When I get the flares that feel like a UTI I can manage these with baking soda, hot water bottle, rest and pain killers. I'm also keeping the food and drinks to a minimum that irritate the bladder but it's a bit of a knife edge! Anyway, don't struggle for too long, don't feel guilty for asking doctor for help (it's the job they are paid to do after all!) and please stay in touch re your progress ☺️. XXX 🤗